Dornier Do 18, Michel Leonardi, 1/72 Injection Kit


Lufthansa Dornier asked to provide a new long-range aircraft of action for its postal network. When the postal service was intérompu by war, had made 18 Do 66 crossings on the South Atlantic. On July 31, 1937 the "Aeolus" was lost as a result of a amerissage forced by a sea of force 4, while on a route Bathurst-Natal. The courier and crew were saved. Documentation: "Le fanatique de L' AVIATION" No. 151 DORNIER Do-18, by Jean-Louis BLENEAU No. Do A 155 civilian by Jean-Luc FOUQUET under "Fana Model" Paintings Humbrol, 71 mixed with 50% H 24, H 96 blue, metal H 191. Making decals from blank sheets "Experts-Choice Decal" Excuse me for my bad English Cordialement.

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