G-AAAA Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 805 | G-AAAA X5038 | Capt G de Havilland >IH McClure >Air Hire Ltd/Heston >FJ Bush /Hatfield >Brooklands FC >Yorkshire AC | 30.07.28 | Impressed 6.2.40 Used as decoy |
G-AAAB | Supermarine Solent | 1244 | 99 Danish Navy G-AAAB | Hon. AE Guiness/Southampton (OS Baker) | 07.08.28 | Wfu 17.7.31 scrapped .34 |
G-AAAC | DH.60X Moth | 694 | G-AAAC DG587 | JH Thompson >CL Ward /Reading>Phillips & Powis >Norfolk & Norwich AC >Air Travel Ltd/Penshurst >Airports Ltd /Gatwick >Redhill FC | 10.08.28 | Crashed Mousehold Aerodrome 18.8.32 Impressed 25.1.41 |
G-AAAD | DH.60X Moth | 695 | G-AAAD | GA Worth /Fleet>RKLS Mainwaring/Brooklands >GL Young >Herts & Essex AC | 15.08.28 | Wfu 2.34 |
G-AAAE | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 826 | G-AAAE NC9707 | RF Scarlett/Stag Lane | 31.08.28 | Wfu 9.29 sold USA |
G-AAAF | Avro 504K | G-AAAF | Cornwall Aviation Co /St Austell >Surrey Flying Services Ltd /Croydon >HVK Atkinson/ Chilworth >Flying Hire Ltd/Chilworth | 00.08.28 | Wfu 1.36 Burnt Gatwick .39 | |
G-AAAG | DH.60X Moth | 697 | G-AAAG | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd > JR King /Brooklands >Inland Flying Services Ltd /Shanklin | 22.08.28 | Crashed off Spithead 7.11.34 |
G-AAAH | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 804 | G-AAAH | Air Taxis Ltd >Amy Johnson 'Jason' | 30.08.28 | Wfu 12.30 to Science Museum |
G-AAAI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 817 | G-AAAI SU-ABK | GAR Malcolm /Stag Lane | 30.08.28 | Sold Egypt 8.33 |
G-AAAJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 803 | G-AAAJ ZS-ABN | Lt Cdr G Kidston >Capt M Campbell 'Blue Bird' | 31.08.28 | Sold South Africa .29 Crashed Steynsburg 6.10.31 |
G-AAAK | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 807 | G-AAAK | Capt E Hayes >unknown >de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 31.08.28 | Sold abroad 1.30 |
G-AAAL Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 809 | G-AAAL | Miss WE Spooner >Malcolm Campbell Ltd >HW Noble /Heston>BF Hall/Heston >Wiltshire School of Flying >Isle of Wight FC | 31.08.28 | Crashed on takeoff Lea 21.8.39 (c/n 309 in ICAN) |
G-AAAM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 814 | G-AAAM NC9704 | Maj GC Maxwell/Stag Lane | 31.08.28 | Sold Moth Aircraft Corp USA 10.28 Crashed Florida .29 |
G-AAAN | DH.61 Giant Moth | 331 | G-AAAN VH-UQJ | (Daily Mail) Associated Newspapers Ltd /Edgeware >National FS/Hanworth | 31.08.28 | Sold Australia 1.32 Scrapped 19.9.36 |
G-AAAO | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 808 | G-AAAO X5019 | Capt JMS Wardell >The Duchess of Bedford >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Herts & Essex AC | 31.08.28 | Impressed 1.11.39 Used as decoy |
G-AAAP | Avro 594 Avian IIIA | R3/CN/169 | G-AAAP NX6663 | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Hamble | 23.08.28 | Sold USA 9.28 |
G-AAAR | DH.60M Moth | 339 | G-AAAR G-CAVX | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 30.08.28 | Sold Canada 11.28 Crashed landing Wolfe Island 4.4.37 |
G-AAAS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 810 | G-AAAS | Hon AE Guiness (OS Baker) /Rochester>Hon Brian Lewis >DIN Kennard/Heston >H Peake /Bewtry Hall>JJ Archer (Earl Amherst) /Shoreham >Airwork Ltd/Heston | 31.08.28 | Sold abroad 2.37 |
G-AAAT Kings Cup 1929 |
Avro 594 Avian IV | 172 | G-AAAT | ADC Aircraft Ltd>Lt G Rodd /Hanworth >Henlys (1928) Ltd/Heston >WP Cubitt /Norwich>Malcolm & Farquharson/Heston | 30.08.28 | Scrapped Heston 9.36 |
G-AAAU | Avro 594 Avian IIIA | 177 | (G-AAAU) | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 29.08.28 | Ntu - Canc 19.12.28 |
G-AAAV | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 815 | G-AAAV BK826 | RP Cooper /Edgeware>VH Doree /Stag Lane >R Morris /Brooklands >Eastbourne FC >British Aircraft Manufacturing Co Ltd/Hanworth >Strathtay AC | 30.08.28 | Impressed 31.8.40 Scrapped St. Athan .41 SOC 1.4.42 |
G-AAAW | Blackburn Velos | 1440/1 | G-AAAW | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough >IR Parker/ Hooton >Sqdn Ldr AH Wheeler/Old Warden | 30.08.28 | Broken up Old Warden .35 |
G-AAAX | Blackburn Velos | 1440/2 | G-AAAX | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 30.08.28 | Wfu 10.5.33 scrapped Leeds |
G-AAAY | Blackburn Velos | 1440/3 | G-AAAY | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 30.08.28 | Scrapped Bentley Yorks .33 |
G-AAAZ | Blackburn Velos | 1440/4 | G-AAAZ | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 30.08.28 | Scrapped .32 |
G-AABA | DH.60X Moth | 700 | G-AABA | Nottingham Aero Club Ltd | 06.09.28 | Crashed into North Sea 8.3.29 |
G-AABB | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III | 1450/1 | G-AABB ZK-AAQ | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd/Brough | 00.09.28 | Sold New Zealand 14.8.29 |
G-AABC | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III | 1450/2 | G-AABC | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd/Brough | 00.09.28 | Sold Spain 14.8.29 |
G-AABD | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III | 1450/3 | G-AABD | Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd >Yorkshire AC/Sherburn >T Martin /Hull>CE Dooks/Bridlington | 00.09.28 | Written off 26.10.30 |
G-AABE | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III | 1450/4 | G-AABE | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Suffolk & Eastern Counties AC >H Nevard /Ipswich >N Wiltshire /Rochford >LC Evans /Rochford >Southend on Sea Flying Services Ltd >Aircraft and Autos Ltd/Gravesend >GH Charlton/ Chilworth | 00.09.28 | Written off Lichfield 22.3.36 |
G-AABF | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III | 1450/5 | G-AABF | Suffolk & Eastern Counties AC >HR Law /Croydon>Mrs G Gallien & Miss S O'Brien/ Hanworth | 00.09.28 | Crashed Hatfield 18.6.31 |
G-AABG | Blackburn L.1B Bluebird III Seaplane | 1450/6 | G-AABG | Suffolk & Eastern Counties AC | 00.09.28 | Not completed |
G-AABH | DH.60X Moth | 699 | G-AABH V4738 | Cap GF Boyle/Edgeware >Lt Col GLP Henderson /Croydon >Midland AC >The Wiltshire School of Flying Ltd/High Post >Cotswold Aero Club | 11.09.28 | Impressed 16.2.40 SOC 1.1.41 scrapped Hullavington |
G-AABI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 845 | G-AABI DG658 2548M | unknown >GH Ambler /Bradford >MD Scott /Skegness >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >V Jillard /Brooklands >EF Walter /Brooklands>unknown >Leamington Warwick & District AC | 00.09.28 | Impressed 26.2.41 SOC 28.6.45 scrapped Speke |
G-AABJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 827 | G-AABJ X5034 | Sir PGJ Mostyn /Edgeware>Flt Lt RH Barlow /Brooklands >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Wiltshire School of Flying >Isle of Wight FC | 14.09.28 | Impressed 11.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped Witney .43 |
G-AABK | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 811 | G-AABK X5031 | Sqdn Ldr The Hon FE Guest >R Farquar /Heston>Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd/ Heston >unknown >BF Hall/Heston >Airwork Ltd/ Barton >Cinema Press Ltd /Croydon>Norfolk & Norwich AC | 14.09.28 | Impressed 3.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped Shepperton .41 |
G-AABL | DH.60X Moth | 702 | G-AABL | London Aeroplane Club/Stag Lane | 14.09.28 | Crashed Kingsbury 15.10.30 |
G-AABM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 816 | G-AABM | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 17.09.28 | Sold Shanghai 19.12.28 |
G-AABN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 802 | G-AABN | Hon Lady M Bailey/Stag Lane >London Aeroplane Club | 14.09.28 | Crashed Stanmore 3.6.31 |
G-AABO Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 865 | G-AABO | Hon G Cunliffe /Edgeware>TH & QA Naylor /Hooton >TH Naylor /Hooton>FR Walker/Hooton Park | 14.09.28 | Wfu .36 |
G-AABP | Cierva C.17 I | G-AABP | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 14.09.28 |
Broken up Hamble 12.31 |
G-AABR | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 178 | G-AABR K-1 | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 14.09.28 | Canc 9.30 |
G-AABS Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 616 Avian IVM | 179 | K-2 G-AABS K-2 | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 14.09.28 | Canc 5.31 |
G-AABT | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 180 | K-3 G-AABT K-3 | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 14.09.28 | Canc 10.30 |
G-AABU | Avro 594 Avian IIIA | 181 | (G-AABU) | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 14.09.28 | ntu |
G-AABV Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | 1430/1 | G-AABV | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd>Sdn Ldr LH Slatter /Brough>Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Dr CS Glass/Brough >TE Richardson/Hedon | 14.09.28 | Crashed Hedon Hull 6.3.34 |
G-AABW | Avro 548 | G516 | G-AABW | Surrey Flying Services Ltd/Croydon | 17.09.28 | Crashed Welling Kent 19.9.29 |
G-AABX | Avro 594 Avian IV | 183 | G-AABX 2080M | PT Eckersley /Woodford>Light Planes (Lancashire)Ltd/Woodford >HV Armstrong/Hooton | 25.09.28 | Impressed 17.2.40 scrapped Morecambe 5.44 |
G-AABY MacRobertson Air Race 1934 (Davies and Hill) |
Fairey IIIF | F1129 | G-AABY VH-UTT | The Fairey Aviation Co Ltd >Arnhold & Co Ltd/North Weald | 25.09.28 |
Sold Australia 4.35 |
G-AABZ | Avro 594 Avian IIIA | 173 | G-AABZ VR-TAG | Director of Surveys/Dar-es-Salaam Tanganyika | 25.09.28 | Sold Tanganyika 6.32 |
G-AACA | Avro 504K | G-AACA | LJ May /Brooklands>Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>FJV Holmes/ Brooklands | 28.09.28 | Wfu 26.6.33 | |
G-AACB | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | 1730/1 | G-AACB (N-40) | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd/Brough | 11.10.28 | Sold Norway 10.29 ntu |
G-AACC Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 Kings Cup 1932 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | 1730/2 | G-AACC | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd >Auto Auctions Ltd>R McAlpine >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd >G Kenning >York County Aviation Club >RJ Pattison /Yeadon >F Evans/ Sherburn >RAG Kent & PH Ford /Hooton | 11.10.28 | Dbf Hooton 8.7.40 |
G-AACD | DH.60M Moth | 340 | G-AACD | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Ms IAB Sewell /Gatwick >Gravesend Aviation Ltd >Airsales & Service Ltd/Bekesbourne >Cambridge Aero Club Ltd | 16.10.28 | Crashed Cambridge 24.6.37 |
G-AACE | Avro 594 Avian IV | 236 | G-AACE 2082M | AV Roe & Co Ltd >Royal Aircraft Establishment Aero Club/ Farnborough | 22.10.28 | Impressed 4.1.40 |
G-AACF | Avro 594 Avian IV | 237 | G-AACF | AV Roe & Co Ltd >Northern AL (Mcr) Ltd/Barton >National FS/Hanworth >Guernsey AC>HJ le Parmentier /Guernsey | 22.10.28 | Seized by Germans in Guernsey 3.41 |
G-AACG | Avro 504K | F8811 | F8811 G-AACG | LJ Anderson/Epping | 19.10.28 | Wfu 1.32 |
G-AACH | Armstrong Whitworth Argosy II | AW362 | G-AACH | Imperial AW 'City of Edinburgh' | 24.10.28 |
Crashed Croydon 22.4.31 |
G-AACI | Armstrong Whitworth Argosy II | AW363 | G-AACI | Imperial AW 'City of Liverpool' | 24.10.28 |
Crashed Dixmunde Belgium 28.3.33 |
G-AACJ | AW Argosy II | AW364 | G-AACJ | Imperial AW 'City of Manchester'>United AW Ltd /Blackpool >British AW Ltd/Southampton | 24.10.28 | Canc 12.36 |
G-AACK | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 831 | G-AACK M-CDAA EC-DAA | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 27.10.28 | Sold Spain 12.12.28 |
G-AACL Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 887 | G-AACL | AS Butler/Stag Lane >GD Mallinson/Sherburn | 00.10.28 | Lost over English Channel 1.3.31 |
G-AACM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 991 | G-AACM SP-ACT G-AACM | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd> Surencha Chandulal Mehta/Stag Lane | 00.10.28 | Sold Poland 1.29 restored 12.7.32 Crashed South Farnborough 7.3.33 (or nr Maidstone 3.5.33) |
G-AACN | Handley Page HP.39 Gugnunc | 1 | G-AACN K1908 | Handley Page Ltd | 02.11.28 | To RAF 11.30 Preserved |
G-AACO Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 874 | G-AACO | JWP Chalmers/Stag Lane>Surrey Flying Services? >WF Rickard /Reading >Scarborough AC | 02.11.28 | Crashed nr Malton 24.6.34 |
G-AACP | Airco DH.9 | H9248 | H9248 G-AACP | ADC Aircraft Ltd>Capt AAH Charles /Waltham Abbey>British Air Transport Ltd> British Dominion Film Corporation Ltd /Hanworth>Sir A J Cobham -National Aviation Day Ltd>CB Field /Kingswood Knoll>Aerial Sites Ltd/Hanworth | 00.11.28 | Broken up Hanworth .38 |
G-AACR | Airco DH.9 | H9324 | H9324 G-AACR | ADC Aircraft Ltd>Sir AJ Cobham - National Aviation Day Ltd/Stag Lane | 00.11.28 | Wfu 21.6.33 Canc 9.33 |
G-AACS | Airco DH.9 | H9327 | H9327 G-AACS G-AADU | ADC Aircraft Ltd | 07.11.28 | rebuilt as G-AADU |
G-AACT | Avro 504R Gosport | R3/CN/238 | G-AACT | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Newton Heath | 09.11.28 | Written off 1.30 |
G-AACU | DH.60M Moth | 342 | G-AACU AV995 | de Havilland Aircraft Ltd (de Havilland School of Flying) >Marshalls Automobile Engineers/Cambridge >Cambridge AC Ltd>University AC Ltd>Cambridge AC Ltd | 14.11.28 | Impressed 9.6.40 Scrapped St.Athan 30.10.40 |
G-AACV Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 616 Avian IVM | 239 | G-AACV J9783 G-AACV | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford >Airwork Ltd/Heston >JK Mathew /Heston>P Randolph /Farnborough >Treasury Recovery Ltd/Hamble | 14.11.28 | Restored .30 Sold abroad 12.34 |
G-AACW | Avro 504K | G-AACW | Dominion Aircraft Ltd >Southern Aircraft Ltd /Shoreham>Home Counties Aircraft Service Ltd/Gatwick | 19.11.28 | Spun and crashed Gatwick 25.01.31 | |
G-AACX | Avro 504K | G-AACX | Dominion Aircraft Ltd /Shoreham | 19.11.28 | Written off 4.29 | |
G-AACY | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 841 | G-AACY AV991 | Airwork Ltd >The Hampshire Aeroplane Club Ltd/Eastleigh >F Wallis/Southampton | 21.11.28 |
Impressed 27.5.40 SOC 9.5.43 scrapped Stormy Down 5.43 |
G-AACZ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1021 | G-AACZ | RN Thompson /Cramlington>L Cuthbert /Hatfield >RW Reeve /Hatfield >DA Rea/Hatfield >Malling Aviation Ltd | 28.11.28 | Wfu 12.7.39 |
G-AADA Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1019 | G-AADA | JD Irving /Cramlington>WD Caldwell /Cramlington >The Scottish Motor Traction Co Ltd >Hon L Russell /Heston>Brooklands Aviation Ltd | 28.11.28 | Crashed Walberton 17.2.36 |
G-AADB | DH.60X Moth | 372 | BuA7564 G-AADB | Midland AC >Yapton AC /Ford | 30.11.28 | Crashed nr Eastleigh 29.6.37 |
G-AADC Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 917 | G-AADC | Capt WR Bailey /Edgeware >HCGH Stisted/Woodley | 29.11.28 | Written off 14.4.30 |
G-AADD | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1017 | G-AADD CF-ANY | RWR Trafford 'Topsy II' /Abergavenny> RC Quilter/Stag Lane | 06.11.28 | Sold Canada 7.30 Overturned Blue Sea Lake nr Maniwaki 5.8.37 |
G-AADE Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
Westland Widgeon III | WA1778 | G-AADE | CS Napier/Yeovil | 03.12.28 | Written off 7.9.32 |
G-AADF | Avro 594 Avian IV | 204 | G-AADF 2074M | The Southern Aero Club /Shoreham >SG Stevens /Shoreham >HLA Powell/Pitsea >FW Green/Cambridge | 14.12.28 | Impressed 28.2.40 |
G-AADG | Monocoupe 70 | 154 | C6751 G-AADG | HE Hamer >RWH Knight >IO'B MacGregor /Old Sarum >AO Humble-Smith/ Romford | 06.12.28 | Stored during WWII scrapped Gatwick .47 |
G-AADH | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 889 | G-AADH X5028 | Capt CS Burt /Edgeware>Norfolk & Norwich AC | 17.12.28 | Impressed 3.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped Shepperton .41 |
G-AADI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 970 | G-AADI | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd (de Havilland School of Flying) >Yorkshire Air Services Ltd/Newton House Aerodrome | 00.12.28 | Crashed Middlesborough 10.2.35 |
G-AADJ | DH.60X Moth Seaplane | 920 | G-AADJ VR-SAH rebuilt as VR-SAQ VH-ADD A7-111 | Singapore Flying Club/Singapore | 19.12.28 | Seaplane. Sold Singapore 9.34 Crashed Singapore Harbour 25.10.38 |
G-AADK | DH.60X Moth Seaplane | 921 | G-AADK VR-SAG Malayan VAF | Singapore Flying Club/Singapore | 19.12.28 | Seaplane. Sold Singapore 9.34 Destroyed 2.42 |
G-AADL | Avro 594 Avian IV | 182 | G-AADL | JD Siddeley /Coventry >Northern AL (Mcr) Ltd /Wythenshawe >National FS/Hanworth >London Air Park FC >WL Lewis /Hanworth >Aylesbury Airport Ltd/ Chilworth >WL Lewis /Hanworth >Premier Aircraft Constructions Ltd/Maylands | 20.12.28 | Wfu 10.8.38 |
G-AADM | Avro 618 Ten | 241 | G-AADM VH-UMF | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 17.12.28 | Sold Australia 7.8.29 |
G-AADN | Short S.8 Calcutta | S.748 | G-AADN | Imperial AW 'City of Rome' /Southampton | 17.12.28 | Force landed in sea off Spezia 26.10.29 |
G-AADO | Gloster AS.31 Survey | 1 | G-AADO SAAF250 | The Aircraft Operating Co Ltd/Edgware | 31.12.28 |
Sold South Africa 3.33 |
G-AADP | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1022 | G-AADP | BE Lewis /Edgeware>Household Brigade FC /Heston >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >The Commercial Airways Ltd/Abridge >East Anglian Aero Club (1934) Ltd/Abridge | 21.01.29 |
Crashed nr Abridge Essex 9.9.34 |
G-AADR | Not allotted | |||||
G-AADS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1028 | G-AADS ZS-ABF VP-YAJ ZS-AFE SAAF1436 | Malcolm Campbell Ltd/Stag Lane | 21.01.29 | Sold South Africa 4.29 |
G-AADT | Avro 548 | F8767 | F8767 G-AADT | Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>E Willox/ Brooklands | 00.01.29 | Canc 12.31 |
G-AADU | Airco DH.9 | H9327 | H9327 (G-AACS) G-AADU | Surrey Flying Services >CEB Winch/Halton >CB Field/Kingswood Knoll >Aerial Sites Ltd /Hanworth | 00.01.29 | Scrapped during war |
G-AADV | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 998 | G-AADV | J Scott-Taggart/Stag Lane | 21.01.29 | Ditched off Felixstowe 24.12.29 |
G-AADW | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 988 | G-AADW | WG Robson /Edgeware>JH Ford/ Stag Lane | 21.01.29 | Sold China 3.31 |
G-AADX Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1002 | G-AADX | ACM Jackaman/Slough | 21.01.29 |
Crashed Dagenham Marshes 2.2.31 |
G-AADY | Avro 504K | R3/61370 | J8373 G-AADY | Lt Col GLP Henderson >W Cornell /Brooklands>unknown >EN Watt/ Ford | 00.01.29 | Wfu 12.31 |
G-AADZ | Fokker F.VIIb-3m | 5105 | PH-ADP G-AADZ | VLB Ltd 'Maryland Free State' | 01.02.29 | Written off Dum Dum India 10.6.29 |
G-AADZ | Fokker F.VIIb-3m | 5195 | PH-AGP G-AADZ(2) CH-165 HB-LAN I-UEBI | VLB Ltd 'Maryland Free State' | 00.01.30 | Sold Switzerland 2.31 |
G-AAEA | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1030 | G-AAEA EI-AAR | Mrs AS Cleaver /Edgeware>Hon Mrs E Montague /Hendon>AK Fitton/Sherburn-in-Elmet >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley | 04.02.29 | Sold Ireland 5.3 Crashed nr Saintfield 21.12.34 |
G-AAEB | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1003 | G-AAEB | Airwork Ltd /Cranford >Marquis of Douglas & Clydesdale >K Templeton/Crookfur | 00.02.29 | Sold abroad 10.32 |
G-AAEC | Avro 594 Avian IV | 223 | G-AAEC 2076M | Light Planes (Lancs) Ltd >W Greenhalgh & WC Dickinson/Speke | 00.02.29 | Impressed 20.12.39 |
G-AAED | Avro 504K | G-AAED | J Sale & A Barnett/Shoreham | 28.01.29 | Crashed Stag Lane 4.7.29 | |
G-AAEE Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 981 | G-AAEE | Hon Lady M Bailey/Stag Lane >AC Lovesay - Rolls Royce/ Tollerton >AR Senior/ Netherthorpe | 00.02.29 |
Wfu 25.1.41 to Sheffield ATC scrapped .45 Lady Bailey |
G-AAEF Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1059 | G-AAEF | AB Ferguson /Edgeware>TW Shipside /Nottingham >Lord MA Douglas-Hamilton - Air Service Training Ltd/Hamble | 04.02.29 | Sold abroad 2.37 |
G-AAEG | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1027 | G-AAEG D-1599 D-EUPI G-AAEG | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 04.02.29 | Sold Germany 4.4.29 restored 18.10.94 |
G-AAEH | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1083 | G-AAEH X5025 2997M | AGG Marshall/Fen Ditton >The Cambridge Aero Club Ltd | 04.02.29 | Impressed 3.11.39 to 1372Sqdn ATC Elstree |
G-AAEI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 993 | G-AAEI | DH Corsilles/Stag Lane | 04.02.29 | Crashed nr Stag Lane 1.11.30 |
G-AAEJ | Armstrong Whitworth Argosy II | AW400 | G-AAEJ | Sir WG Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft Ltd >Imperial AW 'City of Coventry' | 00.02.29 | Broken up Croydon .35 |
G-AAEK | Ryan B-1 Brougham | 167 | USA7719 G-AAEK | unknown >W Adamson/Letchworth | 00.02.29 | Broken up 10.33 |
G-AAEL Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 994 | G-AAEL | Flt Lt FO Soden /Wittering>Rt Hon FE Guest /Hanworth>Flt Lt DV Carnegie /Wittering >Doncaster Aviation Co Ltd/ Armthorpe >R Lemon/Armthorpe | 00.02.29 | Crashed Doncaster 1.8.32 |
G-AAEM | Avro 504K | G-AAEM | Brooklands School of Flying Ltd >Popular Flights Ltd/Cowes | 00.02.29 | Wfu 12.31 | |
G-AAEN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 990 | G-AAEN | Rev FA Simpson/Fen Ditton | 27.02.29 | Crashed Blandford 16.11.31 |
G-AAEO | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1079 | G-AAEO VP-RAF? | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd (de Havilland School of Flying)/Stag Lane | 26.02.29 | Sold 7.36 [reported as VT-AJP but this was Leopard Moth] |
G-AAEP | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1096 | G-AAEP P-PABM PP-TAM | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >L Ingrams/Stag Lane | 00.02.29 | Sold Brasil 2.30 |
G-AAER | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1097 | G-AAER D-1612 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 26.02.29 | Sold Germany 25.4.29 [possibly to D-EKIV but see c/n 1380] |
G-AAES | Avro 504K | G-AAES | TJ Carslake/Hooton Park | 21.02.29 | Dbf Hooton .35 | |
G-AAET | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1080 | G-AAET AW126 | Malcolm Campbell (London) 1927 Ltd >LF & CE Horne /Heston>GRD Shaw/ Sywell >WM Grossley/Old Warden >ME King/Norwich >London Air Park FC/Hanworth >Bournemouth FC | 21.02.29 | Impressed 18.6.40 SOC 11.11.40 scrapped St.Athan .41 |
G-AAEU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 916 | G-AAEU | Miss OM Treymayne-Miles /Badminton>JL Masheter/ Blackpool >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >RC Ramsay/Canterbury | 21.02.29 | Crashed Adisham 2.9.34 |
G-AAEV | DH.61 Giant Moth | 335 | G-AAEV | Alan Cobham Aviation Co 'Youth of Britain' >Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon | 00.02.29 | Crashed Broken Hill N.Rhodesia 19.1.30 |
G-AAEW Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1043 | G-AAEW | DS Schreiber /Aldershot >CD Blackett/Lympne >Henlys Ltd/Heston >The Hampshire AC >Hampshire School of Flying | 26.02.29 | Impressed 2.6.40 Crashed nr Netheravon 11.41 |
G-AAEX | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 997 | G-AAEX X5021 | London Aeroplane Club/Stag Lane >Herts & Essex AC/Broxbourne | 00.03.29 | Impressed 1.11.39 Used as decoy |
G-AAEY | Henderson-Glenny HSF.II Gadfly I | 1 | G-AAEY | Lt Col GLP Henderson & AP Glenny >O Greig /Okehampton >CF Parker - Pirson & Evans Ltd/Wolverhampton >E Bradley /Wednesbury | 00.03.29 | Scrapped 6.34 |
G-AAEZ | Avro 504K | G-AAEZ | Aeroplane Services Ltd/Croydon >HC Howard /Monkmoor>Northern Air Transport Ltd/Barton >LJ Rimmer & W Mackay/ Hooton Park | 00.03.29 | Wfu 12.34 | |
G-AAFA Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2038 | G-AAFA SE-AFH | Flt Lt MH Findlay /Hanworth>JCW Fitzroy -Duke of Grafton/Euston Hall Thetford | 00.03.29 | Sold Sweden 10.36 Stored nr Stockholm |
G-AAFB | DH.60M Moth | 1336 | G-AAFB D-1600 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 12.03.29 | Sold Germany 4.4.29 |
G-AAFC | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1037 | G-AAFC F-ALHI | Hon R Westenra /Haldon | 25.03.29 | Sold France 3.31 |
G-AAFD | Westland Widgeon IIIa | WA1782 | G-AAFD | Anglo American Oil Co Ltd/Heston >R Ince/Heston | 00.03.29 | Ditched into English Channel 6.6.33 |
G-AAFE | Avro 504K | G-AAFE | unknown >Inland Flying Services Ltd/Maylands | 00.03.29 | Built from spares. Wfu and canc 11.12.30 | |
G-AAFF | DH.60M Moth | 1338 | G-AAFF YU-PDH | TG Mapplebeck/Belgrade | 15.03.29 | Sold Yugoslavia 4.29 |
G-AAFG | Bristol 110A | 7348 | G-AAFG R-4 | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 12.03.29 | Dbr Filton 2.31 |
G-AAFH Kings Cup 1930 |
Parnall Elf I | 1 | G-AAFH | George Parnall & Co/Yate >AA Bathurst - Lord Apsley | 00.03.29 | Dbr nr Rickmansworth 20.3.34 |
G-AAFI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1095 | G-AAFI DG579 4033M | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >FEN St.Barbe /Stag Lane>SP Jackson/Castle Bromwich >JE Bonniksen/Castle Bromwich >Leamington Warwick & District AC Ltd | 00.03.29 | Impressed 13.1.41 |
G-AAFJ | Avro 504K | J8375 | J8375 G-AAFJ | Lt Col GLP Henderson/Croydon >DW Aircraft Co /Brooklands >Mrs EN Watt/ Ford | 00.03.29 | Wfu 12.31 (ex J8875 in ICAN: not a 504K) |
G-AAFK Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1040 | G-AAFK VT-AEZ | Malcolm Campbell (London) 1927 Ltd >G Linnell /Wellingborough>JR Micklethwait/Yeadon | 00.03.29 | Sold India 2.33 |
G-AAFL | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1005 | G-AAFL | Malcolm Campbell (London) 1927 Ltd >TO Hill (or Mills)/Bournemouth | 00.03.29 | Ditched off Bournemouth 24.4.30 [11.39 ?] |
G-AAFM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1006 | G-AAFM | Malcolm Campbell (London) 1927 Ltd >Hon AE Guiness/Stag Lane | 00.03.29 | Destroyed in bombing Gatwick .40 |
G-AAFN | Westland Widgeon IIIa | WA1779 | G-AAFN | Westland Aircraft Works /Yeovil | 20.03.29 | Written off 1.30 |
G-AAFO | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 989 | G-AAFO X5053 | WCG Black /Kingskettle>Flt Lt GRM Clifford/Manston >CEC Mercer/West Malling >Malling Aviation Ltd | 21.03.29 | Impressed 17.11.39 Used as decoy ans scrapped |
G-AAFP Kings Cup 1929 |
Simmonds Spartan | 11 | G-AAFP | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd/Weston | 20.03.29 | Dbr 3.30 |
G-AAFR | Simmonds Spartan | 12 | G-AAFR | unknown >Hampshire AC/Hamble | 00.03.29 | Crashed Bursledon 27.3.30 |
G-AAFS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1012 | G-AAFS (DG589) 2569M | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne >Eastbourne FC | 00.03.29 | Impressed 18.2.41 to 53Sqn ATC Hackney |
G-AAFT | Avro 504K | J8379 | J8379 G-AAFT | AB Forsyth /Romford>Inland Flying Services Ltd/Maylands | 00.03.29 | Crashed and Wfu 3.31 |
G-AAFU | Klemm L25 I | 129 | G-AAFU | Col AJ Richardson/Mousehold >R Brown/ Southend >Cunningham Car Trust Ltd/Maylands | 23.03.29 | Destroyed in hangar fire Maylands 6.2.40 Canc in census 1.12.46 (c/n 145 in ICAN) |
G-AAFV | Klemm L25 I | 136 | G-AAFV | Maj EF Stephen/Croydon | 26.03.29 | Scrapped .31 |
G-AAFW | DH.75A Hawk Moth | 343 | G-AAFW CF-CCA G-CYVD | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 11.04.29 | Sold Canada 11.29 SOC 8.10.35 |
G-AAFX | DH.75A Hawk Moth | 348 | G-AAFX VH-UNW | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 11.04.29 | Sold Australia 12.30 Scrapped Alice Springs 30.5.51 |
G-AAFY | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 999 | G-AAFY ZS-AKV SAAF1491 | TO Mills/ Edgeware >Scottish FC /Moorpark>The Hon Brian Lewis/Heston >Old Etonian FC/Heston | 05.04.29 | Sold South Africa 12.10.37 |
G-AAFZ | Short S.7 Mussel | S.750 | M-1 G-AAFZ M-1 | Short Brothers/Rochester | 06.04.29 | Scrapped 1.34 |
G-AAGA Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1058 | G-AAGA BK834 | Lt Col AH Gaunt /Stag Lane>Aberdeen Flying School Ltd/Dyce >North British AC Ltd/Dyce | 08.04.29 | Impressed 3.9.40 Scrapped St.Athan .41 SOC 1.4.42 |
G-AAGB | Avro 504K | G-AAGB | Surrey Flying Services >Universal Airways/Telscombe Cliffs Sussex | 17.04.29 | Written off Telscombe 12.7.34 | |
G-AAGC | Koolhoven FK.41 | 4102 | G-AAGC ZS-ADX SAAF1598 | Desoutter Aircraft Co Ltd/Croydon | 16.04.29 | Sold South Africa .30 |
G-AAGD | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1008 | G-AAGD D-1628 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 11.04.29 | Sold Germany 5.29 Crashed nr Chemnitz 11.11.29 |
G-AAGE | DH.60M Moth | 1332 | G-AAGE | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >J Scott-Taggart/Lympne >Lt Col TBG Gubbins /Brooklands>Phillips & Powis (Reading) Ltd/Woodley | 00.04.29 | Sold abroad 20.7.34 |
G-AAGF | Bristol 89A Jupiter | 7350 | G-AAGF | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 11.04.29 | Written off 8.35 |
G-AAGG | Avro 504K | G-AAGG | Phillips & Powis (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Rollason Aviation Co/Croydon >Scottish Eastern Aircraft Services Ltd /Earlston | 00.04.29 | Canc 12.35 | |
G-AAGH | Westland Widgeon IIIa | WA1866 | G-AAGH | Westland Aircraft Works (Branch of Petters Ltd)/Yeovil | 15.04.29 | Crashed Merryfield 27.07.48 |
G-AAGI | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1010 | G-AAGI ZS-ADW? SAAF1492? | JRD Tata /Edgeware>Miss FM Wood /Heston>Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd/Heston >RF Roger/Heston >Brian Lewis /Heston >CW Bradney/Shoreham | 16.04.29 | Sold abroad 11.32 |
G-AAGJ | Cierva C.17 II | 5129 | G-AAGJ G-ADEO 2075M | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 19.04.29 | Converted to Avian II G-ADEO .35 |
G-AAGK | Cierva C.19 I | 5130 | G-AAGK | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 19.04.29 | Sold abroad 1.30 |
G-AAGL | Cierva C.19 I | 5131 | G-AAGL | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 19.04.29 | Dbr Haldon 21.9.29 |
G-AAGM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1009 | G-AAGM A-63 CH-346 HB-OLA G-AAGM | SB Cave/Vienna >Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 22.04.29 | Sold Austria 12.31 restored 7.1.39 Sold as parts 19.12.40 |
G-AAGN Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
Simmonds Spartan | 14 | G-AAGN | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd/Southampton | 22.04.29 | Crashed Leicester 6.9.30 |
G-AAGO Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
Simmonds Spartan | 29 | G-AAGO | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd /Southampton>Flt Lt G Stainforth/Cowes >Miss P Gower/Penhurst >Babar Mirza/Reading | 22.04.29 | Wfu 4.8.33 |
G-AAGP | Avro 594 Avian IV | 304 | G-AAGP M-CFAF EC-FAF | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 23.04.29 | Sold Spain 1.30 |
G-AAGR | Avro 594 Avian IV | 232 | G-AAGR 2071M | E Cohen/Woodford >Air Travel Ltd/Gatwick >Airports Ltd /Gatwick>CSC Brudenell-Bruce (Earl of Cardigan) /Marlborough | 23.04.29 | Impressed 18.1.40 |
G-AAGS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1042 | G-AAGS | Malcolm Campbell (London) 1927 Ltd >SP Tyzack/Sywell | 00.04.29 | Hit man on beach and crashed Barmouth 30.8.33 |
G-AAGT | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1052 | G-AAGT | Bentley Motors Ltd /Stag Lane (Marquis du Casa Maury) >AC Pollock /Sherburn>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >RC Ramsay /Bekesbourne>East Anglian Aero Club (1934) Ltd >WJ Lewington /Abridge >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >PPS Spratt/Brooklands | 00.04.29 | Wfu 27.3.37 |
G-AAGU | Junkers F13 ge | 2047 | G-AAGU ZS-AEN | Trost Bros Ltd/Croydon >Walcot Air Line Ltd /Croydon | 00.04.29 | Sold South Africa 12.32 |
G-AAGV | Simmonds Spartan | 27 | G-AAGV G-ABXO | Pleasure Flying Services Ltd/Cramlington >Cramlington Aircraft Ltd | 00.04.29 | Damaged 9.30 rebuilt as G-ABXO |
G-AAGW | Westland Wessex | WA1867 | G-AAGW | unknown >Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon >Air Pilots Training Ltd/Hamble >Air Service Training Ltd | 00.04.29 | Wfu Watchfield 16.8.40 |
G-AAGX | Handley Page HP.42E Eastern | 42/1 | G-AAGX | Imperial AW Ltd/Cairo 'Hannibal' | 30.04.29 |
Lost over Gulf of Oman 1.3.40 Karachi 5 Dec 1934 |
G-AAGY Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1931 |
Simmonds Spartan | 15 | G-AAGY | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd >BS Thynne /Muntham Court >Spartan Aircraft Ltd >Fl Off J McKenna/Kenley >unknown >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>REL Beere /Redhill >Southern Motor & Aircraft Co >Eastern FC/Brentwood >RO Lindesay/Redhill | 00.05.29 | Scrapped Nutfield 8.47 |
G-AAGZ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1007 | G-AAGZ ZS-ABW VP-YAL ZS-AOL SAAF1497 | RJ Boyd /Paris>GS Bouwer/Stag Lane | 00.05.29 | Sold South Africa 9.30 |
G-AAHA Kings Cup 1931 |
Simmonds Spartan | 23 | G-AAHA ZS-ADC | C Coombes/Shanklin >Spartan Aircraft Co >Flt Lt F Gibbons/Heston >FG Miles/Shoreham | 06.05.29 | Sold South Africa 3.32 |
G-AAHB Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60M Moth | 1352 | G-AAHB | EM Tiarks/Stag Lane | 10.05.29 | Crashed Hambrook 23.9.29 Rebuilt as G-AASR c/n 1441 |
G-AAHC | Armstrong Whitworth AW14 Starling | AW277 | J8027 G-AAHC | Sir WG Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft Ltd | 10.05.29 | Canc 12.30 |
G-AAHD | Avro 594 Avian IV | 318 | G-AAHD SE-ADT | AV Roe & Co Ltd >NA Brett /Mousehold >Henlys Ltd >HB Chantrey/Heston | 17.05.29 | Sold Sweden 8.33 |
G-AAHE Kings Cup 1931 |
Avro 594 Avian IV | 319 | G-AAHE | AV Roe & Co Ltd >WP Cubitt /Norwich>ACP Johnstone/ Croydon >DIM Kennard /Hanworth>JL Bebb /Ford >LE Clark/Ford >Horton Kirby FC Ltd | 00.05.29 | Wfu 1.9.39 scrapped during WWII |
G-AAHF | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1051 | G-AAHF | Hon HCH Bathurst/Filton | 21.05.29 | Crashed 11.1.30 |
G-AAHG Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1085 | G-AAHG DG580 2547M | AF Wallace /Stag Lane>The East Midlands Aviation Co Ltd/Sywell >Leamington Warwick & District AC | 21.05.29 | Impressed 13.1.41 |
G-AAHH | Bristol 105 Bulldog 2 | 7331 | G-AAHH | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 15.05.29 | Wfu 14.6.30 Scrapped Filton .35 |
G-AAHI Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1082 | G-AAHI | NS Norman/Heston >National Flying Services Ltd>JAF Dalgety/ Hamble >JVC Pearson/Bournemouth | 28.05.29 | Canc 8.1.47 pts used on G-AAWO restored 9.6.93 |
G-AAHJ Kings Cup 1929 Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 594 Avian IV | 316 | G-AAHJ | AV Roe & Co Ltd >ADC Aircraft Ltd | 00.05.29 | Crashed Fen Ditton 13.6.31 |
G-AAHK Kings Cup 1931 |
Avro 594 Avian IV | 317 | G-AAHK | Pinchin Johnson & Co Ltd /Woodford >Cellon Ltd /Heston >A Collinge/ Woodford >A Franklyn /Woodford>EW Hart /Woodford >EA Powrie /Perth>The Strathtay AC Ltd/Perth >Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 00.05.29 | Crashed .39 and scrapped Canc 1.12.46 |
G-AAHL | Klemm L25 I | 144 | D-1589 G-AAHL | Maj EF Stephen/Croydon>RGJ Nash/ Hanworth >AA Bathurst - Lord Apsley /Heston | 00.05.29 | Crashed Bristol 27.2.32 |
G-AAHM | Cierva C.19 I | 5132 | G-AAHM | Senor Don Juan de la Cierva/Hamble >ER Bussetti /Hanworth >The Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hanworth | 00.05.29 | Crashed White City 29.9.32 (c/n in register as 5130- see AAGK) |
G-AAHN | Avro 594 Avian IV | 320 | G-AAHN 2079M | AP Turner /Paris >Aircraft & Autos Ltd/Croydon >GH Charlton /Chilworth>JE Coxon - ta Chilworth FC >Aylesbury Airport Ltd >RH Henderson /Gravesend >Horton Kirby FC >Moss Bros Aircraft Ltd>HV Armstrong & RH Ridley /Squires Gate | 22.05.29 | Impressed 20.12.39 scrapped Blackpool .45 |
G-AAHO Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1056 | G-AAHO VT-AGZ | L Ingram /Heston>JV Carden /Hanworth>CH Miskin/ Hatfield >British Aviation Insurance Co Ltd | 24.05.29 | Sold India 1.35 |
G-AAHP Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 Kings Cup 1932 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1067 | G-AAHP | WL Hope (Air Taxis Ltd) /Stag Lane >Sqdn Ldr J McKelvie /Turnhouse>Hon Brian Lewis >PAR Bremridge /Portsmouth>Henlys Ltd/Heston >DHGT Bentley /Fen Ditton>WJ Alington/Ford | 00.05.29 | Written off 6.36 |
G-AAHR Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1068 | G-AAHR | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >TC Sanders/ Reading >GE Archdale/Hanworth | 00.05.29 | Crashed Sunbury 1.10.33 |
G-AAHS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1011 | G-AAHS R-155 LV-OAA | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 31.05.29 | Sold Argentina 2.30 Dbf San Fernando 24.11.37 |
G-AAHT | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1089 | G-AAHT VT-ABN | JE Carberry /Stag Lane>British Aviation Insurance Co Ltd | 00.05.29 | Sold India 12.29 |
G-AAHU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1099 | G-AAHU BK827 | JL Shand /Hamble>RPG Denman /Heston>JL Shand /East Knoyle >Alfred Gay & Son/Derby >GW Hall/Tollerton >EH Chambers/Heston >Edinburgh FC Ltd | 27.05.29 | Impressed 26.8.40 scrapped St.Athan .41 SOC 1.4.42 |
G-AAHV | Simmonds Spartan | 44 | G-AAHV | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd >Pleasure Flying Services Ltd >Cramlington Aircraft Ltd >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >London & Provincial Aviation Co /Seaford>CDC Boulton/ Portsmouth | 28.05.29 | Wfu 16.7.38 Canc 1.12.46 |
G-AAHW | Klemm L25 Ia | 152 | G-AAHW D-ELFK G-AAHW D- | CWG Wood/Croydon >J Scott-Taggart/ Lympne >DR Robertson/ Brooklands >FW Green /Cambridge>W Brown/Lympne >GR Lush | 07.06.29 | Sold Germany 13.5.83 restored 20.1.97 Sold Germany 2.6.98 |
G-AAHX | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1062 | G-AAHX | Sir Piers Mostyn /Stag Lane>Col HSJ Streatfield/Stag Lane | 00.05.29 | Crashed nr Croydon 29.6.30 |
G-AAHY | DH.60M Moth | 1362 | G-AAHY (CH-480) HB-AFI G-AAHY | Gloster Aircraft Co Ltd >AF Hill/Brooklands | 00.05.29 |
Sold Switzerland 7.37 restored 7.3.84 Old Warden July 2016 |
G-AAHZ | DH.80 Puss Moth | 396 | E-1 G-AAHZ | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd/Stag Lane | 30.05.29 | Prototype. Wfu .31 |
G-AAIA | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1090 | G-AAIA X5037 | WP Taylor /Hooton>Merseyside Aero & Sports Co Ltd >Air Travel Ltd/Gatwick >Airports Ltd /Gatwick>Aircraft Facilities Ltd /Hooton >Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd | 01.06.29 | Impressed 12.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AAIB | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1110 | G-AAIB | Lord Ossulston /Newcastle>Miss NT Trevelyan/Cramlington | 00.06.29 | Crashed Renfrew 15.5.30 |
G-AAIC | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1100 | G-AAIC PH-AJM PH-CEG | Northamptonshire AC >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >Brooklands FC Ltd | 00.06.29 | Sold Netherlands 4.34 |
G-AAID Kings Cup 1930 |
ABC Robin | 1 | G-AAID | ABC Motors Ltd | 06.06.29 | Scrapped Brooklands .32 |
G-AAIE | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1094 | G-AAIE AW160 | Northamptonshire AC >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >RP Opie /Brooklands>Lady A Rodger /Brooklands>Portsmouth AC | 04.06.29 | Impressed 28.6.40 Undercarriage collapsed landing West Freugh 19.10.42 |
G-AAIF | DH.60M Moth | 1363 | G-AAIF VT-ADH | Leicestershire AC >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd | 00.06.29 | Sold India 1.32 |
G-AAIG Kings Cup 1934 |
Hendy 281 Hobo | 1 | G-AAIG | The Hendy Aircraft Co/Shoreham >Lord P Crichton-Stuart /Feltham | 07.06.29 | Destroyed by enemy action Lympne 30.8.40 |
G-AAIH | Cierva C.18 | 18 | G-AAIH | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 05.06.29 | Sold USA .29 |
G-AAII | Southern Martlet | 200 | G-AAII EI-ABG | Southern Aircraft Ltd > Miss NB Birkett/Shoreham >AR Frogley/Broxbourne >RB Nuthall /Hanworth>AH Tweddle/Hanworth | 00.06.29 | Sold Ireland 12.35 [c/n originally 2.SH] |
G-AAIJ | Avro 594 Avian IV | 325 | G-AAIJ M-CIAA EC-IAA | AV Roe & Co Ltd | 11.06.29 | Sold Spain 6.29 |
G-AAIK | Avro 594 Avian IV | 326 | G-AAIK M-CAIA EC-AIA | AV Roe & Co Ltd | 11.06.29 | Sold Spain 6.29 |
G-AAIL | Civilian Coupe I | 1 | G-AAIL EI-AAV | Civilian Aircraft Co >TE Richardson/Hedon >MDL Scott - East Lincolnshire Aero Club/Skegness | 00.06.29 | Sold Ireland 8.33 |
G-AAIM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1153 | G-AAIM | Shell Mex Ltd /Croydon>Rollason Aviation Co/Croydon >R Boyd ta Barnstaple & North Devon FC>Lundy & Atlantic Coast Air Lines Ltd | 00.06.29 | Canc 1.12.46 |
G-AAIN | Parnall Elf II | 2 & J.6 | G-AAIN | George Parnall & Co/Yate >KE Lloyd/Bristol >AA Bathurst (Lord Apsley)/ Yate | 11.06.29 | Wfu 12.5.50 restored 4.8.80 |
G-AAIO | Parnall Elf II | 3 & J.5 | G-AAIO | George Parnall & Co/Yate >FR Hall/Downhatherby | 00.06.29 | Crashed and burned Sapperton Glos 13.1.34 |
G-AAIP | Saunders-Roe A.17 Cutty Sark | A17/1 | G-AAIP | SE Saunders Ltd >N Holden /Chichester>SS Kirston & RB Mace /Jersey >Saunders-Roe Ltd (British Amphibious Air Lines Ltd)>Clyde Flying Boats Ltd/Loch Lomond | 00.06.29 |
Scrapped .35 Norman and Mrs Holden, pilot E Hordern 15 Apr 1930 |
G-AAIR Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.202 | (G-AAJD) G-AAIR | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Auto Auctions Ltd /Heston>WR Jones/Heston >JW Gillan/Cranwell >Lord MA Douglas Hamilton /Turnhouse>CE Berens/High Post >RWH Knight/ Lamerton | 00.06.29 | Crashed Agades Nigeria 17.4.35 |
G-AAIS | Hinkler Ibis | 1 | G-AAIS | Sqdn Ldr HJ Hinkler | 11.06.29 | Wfu .30 Canc 12.33 Scrapped Lee-on-Solent .59 |
G-AAIT | Boulton Paul P.41 Phoenix II | P41/1 | G-AAIT | Boulton & Paul Ltd | 11.06.29 | Canc 11.35 |
G-AAIU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1055 | G-AAIU | Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>unknown >Scottish FC /Moorpark>EE Marsh/ Castle Bromwich >WPO Evans /Hooton >Lt Col AH Ronan /Croydon>Miss B Day /Hanworth>Brooklands FC >Cotswold AC Ltd | 00.06.29 | Wfu 2.39 scrapped |
G-AAIV Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1104 | G-AAIV AW127 | EE Marsh? >Malcolm Campbell Ltd>The London Stock Exchange FC>MW Allenby /Wilmington>Eastbourne Flying Club Ltd/Wilmington | 00.06.29 | Impressed 23.6.40 SOC 30.10.40 scrapped St.Athan .41 |
G-AAIW | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1081 | G-AAIW X5030 | Malcolm Campbell Ltd>TO Mills /Heston>Miss EI Slade /Heston>AE Jolivet /Heston >Norfolk & Norwich Aero Club Ltd/Norwich | 00.06.29 | Impressed 15.12.39 Used as decoy and scrapped St.Athan .41 |
G-AAIX | Avro 594 Avian IV | 330 | G-AAIX | AV Roe & Co Ltd>GF Surtees /Norwich >WM Wood & RS Smith & AW Deavin /Hawkwell>FE Buckland/Hawkwell | 00.06.29 | Scrapped Southend .40 |
G-AAIY | Armstrong Whitworth Wolf | AW428 | G-AAIY | Sir WG Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft Ltd | 14.06.29 | Scrapped .31 |
G-AAIZ | Supermarine Seagull III | 9605 | N9605 G-AAIZ | Tour & Travel Association Ltd /Woolston>GW Higgs (Air Transit)/Brooklands | 00.06.29 | Wfu and burned Brooklands Canc 12.33 |
G-AAJA | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1106 | G-AAJA | HS Eaton /Peaslake>Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd /Heston >JED Holder /Hanworth>R Branton /Cambridge >OR Guard /Portmouth >Portsmouth Aero Club | 00.06.29 | Crashed Gosport 2.5.36 |
G-AAJB | Simmonds Spartan | 19 | G-AAJB | Simmonds Aircraft Ltd | 19.06.29 | Sold abroad 11.29 |
G-AAJC | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.207 | G-AAJC VP-YAI | Blackburn eroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Cobham-Blackburn AL/Bulawayo | 18.06.29 | Sold Rhodesia 6.32 |
G-AAJD | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.202 | (G-AAJD) G-AAIR | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd | 18.06.29 | Ntu reg in error for G-AAIR |
G-AAJE | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.203 | G-AAJE G-AAOB | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd | 18.06.29 | Reregd 10.10.29 |
G-AAJF | Westland Widgeon IIIa | WA1776 | G-AAJF | Westland Aircraft Works >Miss CR Leathart/ Cramlington | 00.06.29 | Crashed Bad Reichenhall Germany 17.5.31 |
G-AAJG | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1130 | G-AAJG | The Agra Engineering Co Ltd >Plymouth & District AC Ltd | 00.06.29 | Wfu 12.37 |
G-AAJH | DH.66 Hercules | 393 | G-AAJH SAAF260 | Imperial AW 'City of Basra' /Cairo | 19.06.29 | Sold South Africa 4.34 Scrapped .43 |
G-AAJI | Westland Wessex IV | WA1897 | (VP-KAD) (G-AAJI) G-ABAJ P-1 OO-AGC G-ABAJ | Wilson AW Ltd/Nairobi Kenya | 19.06.29 | ntu |
G-AAJJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1105 | G-AAJJ EI-ABA G-AAJJ BD164 | Maj GWG Allen/Woodley >The London Aeroplane Club Ltd/Stag Lane >AS Ferguson/Brooklands >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >Brooklands FC Ltd | 00.06.29 | Impressed 8.8.40 SOC .44 scrapped Kemble .44 |
G-AAJK | Clarke Cheetah | CC1 | G-AAJK | Fl Off J Clarke >Lord MA Douglas Hamilton /Upavon>AC Thomas/Hendon >RA Hopkinson/Abingdon | 00.06.29 | Scrapped .37 rebuilt as G-AEYY |
G-AAJL | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1054 | G-AAJL DG657 4077M | GD Shellabear /Brooklands>Scottish FC /Moorpark>Hon Brian Lewis >RE Beanlands/Yeadon >GAM Smith /Heston >Airwork Ltd >The Insurance FC Ltd/Hanworth | 28.06.29 | Impressed 18.2.41 Scrapped .45 |
G-AAJM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1091 | G-AAJM VT-AFH | FS Lee /Haldon>Ethel Doreen Tyzack/ Sywell >GR Whitelaw/Hanworth | 00.06.29 | Sold India 6.34 (c/n 1001 in ICAN) |
G-AAJN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1049 | G-AAJN | LF Horne /Stag Lane>Scarborough FC >The Insurance Flying Club Ltd/Hanworth | 00.06.29 | Crashed nr Brooklands 3.10.36 |
G-AAJO Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1101 | G-AAJO ZK-ADT | Hon Loel Guiness /Stag Lane>GP Fairbairn /Cambridge >Mrs Venetia Montagu/Heston >SG White/Heston | 00.07.29 | Sold New Zealand 3.35 |
G-AAJP Kings Cup 1931 Kings Cup 1932 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1123 | G-AAJP W7947 2819M | GT Scaramanga /Stag Lane>E Watkins /Stag Lane >Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd >Lt Cmdr G Kidston /Heston >PO J Grierson /Farnborough>Elizabeth Malcolm/Brooklands >JCW Fitzroy Duke of Grafton /Cambridge>LJ Blow/Christchurch >Horton Kirby FC Ltd | 04.07.29 | Impressed 3.2.40 SOC 20.11.41 scrapped Ternhill |
G-AAJR | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1050 | G-AAJR | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Hampshire AC | 04.07.29 | Lost over Bristol Channel 20.9.31 |
G-AAJS Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1139 | G-AAJS X5055 2605M | The Evening World Northern Newspaper Ltd >Capt IC Maxwell /Heston >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Newcastle upon Tyne AC Ltd | 00.07.29 | Impressed 12.1.40 |
G-AAJT | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1084 | G-AAJT NC947M G-AAJT | Warwick Wright Ltd/Stag Lane | 04.07.29 |
Sold USA 1.40 |
G-AAJU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1103 | G-AAJU | Cap GF Boyle/Heston | 05.07.29 | Destroyed in collision with G-AAKL over Stag Lane 29.7.29 |
G-AAJV | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1108 | G-AAJV VP-KAL | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Lt Cdr G Kidston | 00.07.29 | Sold Kenya 7.31 Reduced to spares 11.32 |
G-AAJW | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1135 | G-AAJW X5040 | EVS Lacey /Kenley>Babar Nirza /Reading>HG Travers & CH Tutt/Stag Lane >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>LAM Dundas Earl of Ronalshay/ Sherburn >unknown >Yorkshire AC | 00.07.29 | Impressed 12.11.39 SOC 18.12.40 scrapped Aston Down |
G-AAJX | DH.60M Moth | 1374 | G-AAJX | National FS/Hanworth | 16.07.29 | Accident Hyde 14.5.31 Canc 12.31 |
G-AAJY | Short S.11 Valetta | S.747 | N242 G-AAJY | Short Brothers >The Air Council/Rochester | 00.07.29 | Wfu Martlesham Heath 12.33 |
G-AAJZ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1134 | G-AAJZ DG586 2594M | Hon Mrs AF Westenra /Haldon>The London Aeroplane Club Ltd/Stag Lane > Redhill FC Ltd | 00.07.29 | Impressed 25.1.41 Scrapped 6.45 |
G-AAKA | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 324 | G-AAKA | Malayan Motors Ltd >FB Taylor & GW Salt/Kuala Lumpur (based Heston) | 29.06.29 | Canc 12.32 |
G-AAKB | DH.60M Moth | 1365 | G-AAKB F-AJOA | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 00.07.29 | Sold France 1.30 |
G-AAKC Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1149 | G-AAKC ZS-AKJ SAAF1435 | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Miss F Crossley/Heston >Sir KI Crossley /Gombermere Abbey | 00.07.29 |
Sold South Africa 3.37 G-AACY and G-AAKC Fidelia Crossley |
G-AAKD | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1150 | G-AAKD | Malcolm Campbell Ltd? >A Methely /Castle Bromwich>CWR Gleason /Castle Bromwich>JB Hall & HH Mould /Castle Bromwich>HH Mould/ Castle Bromwich >E Parry/ Bishops Tachbrook | 00.07.29 | Sold abroad 11.8.34 |
G-AAKE | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1151 | G-AAKE | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Sqdn Ldr RFS Leslie /Hendon>PE Noble /Heston>LS Levitt/Hooton >Brian Lewis/Heston >F Francis/Gland Vaud Switzerland >Air Travel Ltd /Gatwick >Thanet AC Ltd >The Plymouth & District AC Ltd >Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 00.07.29 | Wfu 7.39 |
G-AAKF | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1127 | G-AAKF ZK-ABM | Malcolm Campbell Ltd | 25.07.29 | Sold New Zealand 11.29 Force landed in snow nr Wakarara 21.7.35 pilot never found |
G-AAKG | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1126 | G-AAKG | LJP Fowler /Stag Lane>Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd/Heston >The Thames Valley Aviation Co Ltd/Woodley | 00.07.29 | Sold abroad 12.34 |
G-AAKH Kings Cup 1929 |
Hawker Hawfinch | J8776 | J8776 G-AAKH | HG Hawker Engineering Co Ltd/Brooklands | 24.07.29 | Canc 10.29 Scrapped .31 |
G-AAKI Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1152 | G-AAKI AX789 2482M | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >R Ince /Heston>HCGH Stisted/ Reading >RL Bowes/Hanworth >Leamington Warwick & District AC Ltd | 00.07.29 | Impressed 13.7.40 |
G-AAKJ | DH.60X Moth | 1162 | G-AAKJ | Anglo American Oil Co Ltd /Edgeware>National FS >London Air Park Flying Club/Hanworth | 00.07.29 | Crashed Southall 18.10.35 |
G-AAKK | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1093 | G-AAKK (ZK-ACK) ZK-AKK | Brooklands School of Flying Ltd (lsd Francis Chichester) | 23.07.29 | Sold New Zealand 12.30 Hit wires across river Katsuura Japan 14.8.31 |
G-AAKL | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1129 | G-AAKL | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 23.07.29 | Destroyed in collision with G-AAJU on test flight Stag Lane 29.7.29 two killed |
G-AAKM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1142 | G-AAKM EI-ABB G-AAKM VT-APU MA953 VT-APU? | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne >Eastern Air Transport Ltd>London Air Park FC Ltd >Sir CA Wrench/Hanworth | 00.07.29 | Sold Ireland 11.34 restored 14.7.37 Sold India 4.41 |
G-AAKN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1136 | G-AAKN | Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd>FE Clifford /Reading> Brian Lewis /Heston >CH Rose/ Portsmouth >Airwork Ltd >Portsmouth AC Ltd | 27.07.29 | Crashed Langstone Harbour 15.10.36 |
G-AAKO | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1045 | G-AAKO X5035 2915M | GA Stedall /Croydon>G Morgan Harris /Stag Lane >Flt Lt C Clarkson /Heston >Kent Aircraft Services Ltd >RC Ramsay /Bekesbourne >EW Walford/Coventry >Witney & Oxford AC Ltd | 26.07.29 | Impressed 4.11.39 to 297Sqn ATC Castleford |
G-AAKP | DH.60M Moth | 1394 | G-AAKP AW148 3759M | National FS/Hanworth >HO Wrigley /Heston>Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne | 30.07.29 | Impressed 24.6.40 to ATC |
G-AAKR | DH.60M Moth | 1395 | G-AAKR | National FS/Hanworth >Capt the Hon D Finch-Hatton /Stag Lane >NB Cohen/Lympne | 30.07.29 | Crashed after wing lost in dive Lympne 18.9.31 |
G-AAKS | DH.60M Moth | 1396 | G-AAKS | National FS/Hanworth | 30.07.29 | Crashed Hessenthal-am-Main Germany 24.3.30 |
G-AAKT | Avro 621 Tutor | 321 | G-AAKT K2893? | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 26.07.29 | Sold RAF .30 |
G-AAKU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1092 | G-AAKU X5047 | Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>FA White /Hanworth >The Hon Ivor Guest/ Hatfield> University AC Ltd/Cambridge>Horton Kirby FC Ltd | 00.07.29 | Impressed 15.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped .41 |
G-AAKV | DH.60M Moth | 1369 | G-AAKV VT-AEX | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd>N Holder /Hanworth>JG Kirby/ Bristol >N Edgar/Bristol | 00.08.29 | Sold India 1.34 |
G-AAKW | DH.60M Moth | 1380 | G-AAKW D-EKIV? G-AAKW (CH-478) HB-AFU | W Adamson /Letchworth >Airwork Ltd/Heston | 00.08.29 | Sold Germany 3.35 restored 14.2.36 Sold Switzerland 4.37 Crashed Biel 1.8.38 |
G-AAKX | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1154 | G-AAKX | Grp Capt JEA Baldwin /Wittering>H Gooding /Gravesend >Gravesend Aviation Ltd | 00.08.29 | Lost over Thames Estuary 1.6.33 |
G-AAKY | Cierva C.19 II (Avro 620) | 5133 | G-AAKY NC311V | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.08.29 | Sold USA 12.29 |
G-AAKZ | Cierva C.19 II (Avro 620) | 5134 | G-AAKZ | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.08.29 | Written off Sherburn 31.5.31 |
G-AALA | Cierva C.19 II (Avro 620) >C.19 III | 5135 | G-AALA | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.08.29 |
Written off 5.32 |
G-AALB | Westland Widgeon IIIa | WA1783 | G-AALB CF-AIQ | WJ McDonaugh /New York USA | 09.08.29 | Sold Canada 5.30 (c/n WA.1765 in ICAN) |
G-AALC | Fokker-Grulich F.III | 1558 | D-526 T-DOFF OY-DUC G-AALC | British Air Lines Ltd/Croydon | 17.08.29 | Crashed into house Croydon 10.9.29 |
G-AALD | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1137 | G-AALD VP-KAG Kenya AAU as K23 | Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd | 16.08.29 | Sold Kenya 1.30 Crashed 24.6.42 |
G-AALE Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1140 | G-AALE | FG Francis /Heston>GN Wilson /Heston >Brian Lewis/Heston >HMT Tod/Renfrew | 00.08.29 | Sold abroad 7.35 restored 9.35 Canc 12.46 |
G-AALF | DH.60M Moth | 1402 | G-AALF OY-DEG | AH Youngman /Heston>unknown >JD Turner/Heston | 00.08.29 | Sold Denmark 11.31 Crashed Sondeborg 2.10.32 |
G-AALG | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1411 | G-AALG HA-AAB? G-AALG X5104 2607M | Sqdn Ldr DS Don (for HRH The Prince of Wales) /Northolt> Flt Lt EH Fielden /Hendon >Jean Gardner Batten & Victor Hugo Doree/Stag Lane >Newcastle upon Tyne AC | 00.08.29 | Jean Batten UK to New Zealand flight 4.33 Sold abroad 12.33 restored 1.35 Impressed 10.1.40 Scrapped Belfast 25.8.42 |
G-AALH | Blackburn Lincock II | 2050/1 | G-AALH | Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Sir Alan J Cobham/ Ford >National Aviation Day Displays Ltd | 22.08.29 |
Wfu 3.35 scrapped Ford 'Cobham's Flying Circus' Ferry and caravan in background |
G-AALI | Koolhoven FK.41 | 4103 | G-AALI VH-ULX | Desoutter Aircraft Co Ltd/Croydon | 28.08.29 | Sold Australia 10.30 |
G-AALJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1087 | G-AALJ | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Maj AA Nathan /Stag Lane>JH Pickup/Hamble >CSC Brudenell-Bruce (Earl of Cardigan)/Reading >GSD Aberfoyle /Castle Bromwich >Malling Aviation Ltd | 00.08.29 | Seaplane. Crashed nr West Malling 8.12.34 |
G-AALK Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1174 | G-AALK | Rt Hon FE Guest /Hanworth>Household Brigade FC Ltd /Heston >Wrightson Air Hire Ltd /Heston>AE Dobell/ Brooklands | 00.08.29 | Crashed Shackend Railway Stn nr Hawick 3.4.37 |
G-AALL Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1932 |
Hawker Tomtit | 2000/9 | G-AALL | HG Hawker Engineering Co Ltd>Rt Hon FE Guest /Hanworth>Miss D Guest /Hanworth >Sqdn Ldr Rt Hon FE Guest /London Air Park>Major CLY Parker/Brooklands >Malling Aviation Ltd | 00.08.29 | Scrapped .37 [c/n also 41/H/26478] |
G-AALM | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1160 | G-AALM | Malcolm Campbell Ltd>CP Parkerson/Auckland NZ | 00.08.29 | Crashed en route Australia nr Poix France 21.4.30 |
G-AALN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1047 | G-AALN F-AJJV G-AALN X5041 | C Hammersley /Heston>de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd>MR Alderson /Hanworth>Alexander Henshaw/ Skegness >Scarborough AC Ltd >Yorkshire Airways Ltd /Yeadon>The Yorkshire AC Ltd | 00.08.29 | Impressed 12.11.39 used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AALO | Bristol 89A Jupiter | 7351 | G-AALO | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 29.08.29 | Written off 8.35 |
G-AALP | Surrey Flying Services AL1 | AL1 | G-AALP | FJ Grant >Surrey Flying Services Ltd >B Arden /Exeter | 29.08.29 | Canc 1.12.46 Stored Exeter .73 |
G-AALR | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1159 | G-AALR PP-TAD | Hon FDH Lea-Smith /Brooklands>Aircraft Operating Co Ltd /Rio de Janeiro | 00.09.29 | Sold Brasil 12.31 |
G-AALS | DH.60M Moth | 1409 | G-AALS VP-NAA | JT Briggs /Brooklands>GM Christian/Brooklands >FRG Spikens /Hanworth >MW Bartlett/Brooklands | 00.09.29 | Sold abroad 10.34 |
G-AALT | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1184 | G-AALT | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >TH Dastur/Brooklands >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>L Weston - Cotswold Aero Club/Gloucester | 06.09.29 | Wfu .36 Canc 31.12.38 |
G-AALU | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1178 | G-AALU | Rt Hon FE Guest/Hanworth | 06.09.29 | Crashed Witley 10.3.30 Canc 9.32 |
G-AALV | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1179 | G-AALV X5032 | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >AH Downes-Shaw /Bristol>Sub Lt AWN Dayroll /Portsmouth>Bournemouth Airport Ltd/Christchurch | 00.09.29 | Impressed 11.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AALW | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1180 | G-AALW X5027 4029M | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>Hamar Bagnall /Heston >GB Horne /Sevenoaks>RC Presland /Stag Lane >HR Presland >University AC Ltd/Cambridge | 00.09.29 | Impressed 3.11.39 |
G-AALX | DH.60M Moth | 1410 | G-AALX | Airwork Ltd/Heston >PH Meadway /West Malling >JL Burgess/Maidstone >Maidstone Airport Ltd >Count Johnston Road /Maidstone >Brooklands FC | 00.09.29 | Crashed off Shoreham harbour 24.9.37 |
G-AALY | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1175 | G-AALY F-AJKM G-AALY | Thorn Motors Ltd/Stag Lane | 09.09.29 | Sold France 30.11.29 |
G-AALZ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1177 | G-AALZ | TG Mapplebeck/Belgrade | 06.09.29 | Written off 12.31 |
G-AAMA | Simmonds Spartan | 17 | G-AAMA | National FS/Hanworth | 29.05.29 | Wfu 12.32 |
G-AAMB | Simmonds Spartan | 21 | G-AAMB | National FS/Hanworth >Alexander Duckham & Co Ltd/Hanworth >J Parker /Castle Bromwich >Capt EME Coghlan /High Post >The Wiltshire School of Flying & Country Club Ltd >RF Parkinson /Broxbourne>FS Davies & SA Kew/Maylands | 29.05.29 | Ditched off Southend 26.2.39 (but file notes accident 13.9.44) |
G-AAMC Kings Cup 1929 |
Simmonds Spartan | 20 | G-AAMC | National FS/Hanworth | 29.05.29 | Crashed Hanworth 28.7.29 |
G-AAMD | Simmonds Spartan | 24 | (G-AAMD) G-ABHH SE-ADB | National FS/Hanworth | 19.07.29 | Ntu - registered as G-ABHH |
G-AAME | Simmonds Spartan | 26 | G-AAME G-AAML | National FS/Hanworth | 19.07.29 | Crashed 6.30 rebuilt as G-AAML |
G-AAMF | Simmonds Spartan | 33 | G-AAMF | National FS/Hanworth | 19.07.29 | Crashed into trees Weston 28.7.29 |
G-AAMG Kings Cup 1930 |
Simmonds Spartan | 34 | G-AAMG | National FS/Hanworth >Simmonds Aircraft Ltd | 19.07.29 | Crashed nr Ratcliffe 19.6.30 |
G-AAMH | Simmonds Spartan | 22 | G-AAMH | National FS/Hanworth >TP Gleave/Tangmere | 19.07.29 | Crashed 12m from Kutabya Turkey 19.10.33 |
G-AAMI | Simmonds Spartan | 35 | G-AAMI N-43 LN-ABG | National FS/Hanworth | 02.08.29 | Sold Norway 4.30 |
G-AAMJ | Simmonds Spartan | 36 | G-AAMJ | National FS/Hanworth | 02.08.29 | Not delivered - Canc 12.30 |
G-AAMK | Simmonds Spartan | 37 | G-AAMK | National FS/Hanworth | 02.08.29 | Not delivered - Canc 12.30 |
G-AAML Kings Cup 1931 |
Simmonds Spartan | 38 | G-AAML | National FS/Southampton >Lt CRV Pugh/Hanworth | 02.08.29 | Collided with hangar Hanworth 6.31 |
G-AAMM | DH.60X Moth | 1228 | G-AAMM | National FS/Hanworth >General Aircraft Ltd/Hanworth >HBD Wooley/Witney | 00.03.30 | Crashed Woodley 4.7.32 rebuilt. Destroyed by arson Witney 27.10.36 |
G-AAMN | DH.60X Moth | 1229 | G-AAMN | National FS/Hanworth | 26.03.30 | Wfu 23.4.32 Canc 12.33 |
G-AAMO | DH.60X Moth | 1281 | G-AAMO | National FS/Hanworth | 02.07.30 | Crashed Port Meadow 4.9.32 |
G-AAMP | DH.60X Moth | 1279 | G-AAMP | National FS/Hanworth >WS Stephenson/Hanworth >WH Moss/Chorley | 00.07.30 | Scrapped nr Brough .52 |
G-AAMR | DH.60X Moth | 1280 | G-AAMR | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd >Romford FC Ltd/Maylands | 00.07.30 | Dbf Maylands 6.2.40 |
G-AAMS | DH.60X Moth | 1285 | G-AAMS X5018 | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >Hull Aero Club (1934) Ltd >Airwork Flying Club Ltd/Heston | 00.07.30 | Impressed 11.11.39 Destroyed |
G-AAMT | DH.60X Moth | 1809 | G-AAMT | National FS/Hanworth (op by Nottingham AC) | 16.09.30 | Crashed Cotgrove 9.11.30 |
G-AAMU | DH.60X Moth | 1826 | G-AAMU | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >Brooklands Aviation Ltd>Cinque Ports FC Ltd>Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 00.09.30 | Wfu 19.3.48 scrapped |
G-AAMV | DH.60X Moth | 1828 | G-AAMV BK844 | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >KF Mayer/Brooklands >Ganton FC Ltd/East Heslerton | 00.09.30 | Impressed 10.9.40 Reduced to spares Witney 8.3.43 |
G-AAMW | DH.60X Moth | 1831 | G-AAMW | National FS/Hanworth >Hull AC Ltd>British Aircraft Manufacturing Co Ltd/Hanworth >FRG Spikins /Hanworth>JD Randall /London Air Park >Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 00.09.30 | Wfu 2.40 |
G-AAMX | DH.60X Moth | (G-AAMX) | National FS/Hanworth | Reservation only -ntu | ||
G-AAMY | DH.60X Moth | (G-AAMY) | National FS/Hanworth | Reservation only -ntu | ||
G-AAMZ | DH.60X Moth | (G-AAMZ) | National FS/Hanworth | Reservation only -ntu |
G-AANA | Desoutter I | D.14 | G-AANA | National FS/Hanworth >Aircraft Exchange & Mart Ltd/Hanworth | 00.01.30 | Crashed Stansted 9.4.35 |
G-AANB | Desoutter I | D.15 | G-AANB HM508 | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >EP Fairbairn/Castle Bromwich | 00.01.30 | Impressed 9.12.41 scrapped Kemble 4.44 |
G-AANC | Desoutter I | D.16 | G-AANC | National FS/Hanworth | 29.01.30 | Crashed Leith Hill 12.9.31 |
G-AAND | Desoutter I | D.20 | G-AAND | National FS/Hanworth | 04.03.30 | Wfu 7.33 Canc 12.33 |
G-AANE | Desoutter I | D.24 | G-AANE | National FS/Hanworth >Desoutter Aircraft Co Ltd/Croydon >WF Rickard /Croydon >JE Willson | 04.03.30 | Crashed 4.7.30 Rebuilt with pts from G-AANF Written off 12.35 |
G-AANF | Desoutter I | D.26 | G-AANF | National FS/Hanworth | Not built - parts used on G-AANE | |
G-AANG | G-AANG | National FS/Hanworth | Ntu | |||
G-AANH | G-AANH | National FS/Hanworth | Ntu | |||
G-AANI | G-AANI | National FS/Hanworth | Ntu | |||
G-AANJ | G-AANJ | National FS/Hanworth | Ntu | |||
G-AANK | Desoutter I | G-AANK | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANL | De Havilland DH-60M Moth |
1446 |
S-357/S-107 G-AANL |
Royal Danish Air Force | 0.0.1929 |
Not built Old Warden July 2016 |
G-AANM | Desoutter I | G-AANM | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANN | Desoutter I | G-AANN | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANO | Desoutter I | G-AANO | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANP | Desoutter I | G-AANP | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANR | Desoutter I | G-AANR | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANS | Desoutter I | G-AANS | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANT | Desoutter I | G-AANT | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANU | Desoutter I | G-AANU | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANV | De Havilland DH-60M Moth |
Old Warden 2016 |
G-AANW | Desoutter I | G-AANW | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANX | Desoutter I | G-AANX | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANY | Desoutter I | G-AANY | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AANZ | Desoutter I | G-AANZ | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOA | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.200 | G-AAOA | National FS/Hanworth | 10.10.29 | Crashed Waltham 6.4.30 |
G-AAOB | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.203 | G-AAJE G-AAOB | National FS/Hanworth | 10.10.29 | Wfu 4.30 Broken up Hanworth 12.30 |
G-AAOC Kings Cup 1931 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.204 | G-AAOC EC-UUU | National FS/Hanworth >AVM AM Longmore/RAF Cranwell >LW Learmount /Brooklands>Mrs E Scott/Madrid | 10.10.29 | Sold Spain 12.33 |
G-AAOD | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.205 | G-AAOD | National FS/Hanworth | 10.10.29 | Wfu 4.30 Broken up Hanworth 12.30 |
G-AAOE | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.206 | G-AAOE R-278 (LV-HCA) | National FS/Hanworth >REH Allen - Engineering Branch New Scotland Yard/London Air Park | 10.10.29 | Sold abroad 12.34 |
G-AAOF | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.209 | G-AAOF TF-ISL (TF-LOA) | National FS/Hanworth >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd >HR Fields/ Hedon | 09.12.29 | Sold Iceland .37 ntu scrapped .39 |
G-AAOG | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.213 | G-AAOG | National FS/Hanworth | 09.12.29 | Dbr Oulton Leeds 13.4.30 |
G-AAOH | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.214 | G-AAOH | National FS/Hanworth >S Hargreaves/ Hanworth | 09.12.29 | Crashed Bushey Park 27.1.31 |
G-AAOI Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.221 | G-AAOI | National FS/Hanworth >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd >HR Fields/Hedon >York County Aviation Club | 04.02.30 | Crashed Sherburn 20.1.34 |
G-AAOJ | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.222 | G-AAOJ | National FS/Hanworth >The Stobcross Motor Co Ltd /Renfrew >Ms WC Slack/Moorpark | 04.02.30 | Broken up Gatwick 3.37 |
G-AAOK | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOK | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOL | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOL | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOM | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOM | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAON | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAON | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOO | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOO | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOP | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOP | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOR | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOR | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOS | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOS | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOT | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOT | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOU | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOU | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOV | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOV | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOW | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOW | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOX | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOX | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOY | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOY | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAOZ | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | G-AAOZ | National FS/Hanworth | Not built | ||
G-AAPA | DH.60X Moth | 1164 | G-AAPA | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >Hull Aero Club (1934) Ltd | 15.08.29 | Crashed Hedon Hill 17.7.35 |
G-AAPB | DH.60X Moth | 1165 | G-AAPB | National FS/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Crashed nr Sheffield 28.3.30 |
G-AAPC | DH.60X Moth | 1166 | G-AAPC | National FS/Hanworth >The Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd/Yeadon | 15.08.29 | Hit wires on landing Yeadon 22.3.36 |
G-AAPD | DH.60X Moth | 1167 | G-AAPD | National FS/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Wfu 8.30 Canc 12.32 |
G-AAPE | DH.60X Moth | 1168 | G-AAPE | National FS/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Crashed. Canc 12.30 |
G-AAPF | DH.60X Moth | 1169 | G-AAPF | National FS/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Wfu 9.32 Canc 12.33 |
G-AAPG | DH.60X Moth | 1170 | G-AAPG AV996 | National FS/Hanworth >London Air Park FC Ltd>RH Henderson /Hanworth>F Sewell/St Albans >OH Gutekunst/Romford >LJ Blow >University AC/Cambridge | 15.08.29 | Impressed 3.6.40 SOC 14.11.40 Scrapped St.Athan .41 |
G-AAPH Kings Cup 1929 |
DH.60X Moth | 1171 | G-AAPH X5020 | National FS/Hanworth >General Aircraft Ltd >Aero Engines Ltd/ Whitchurch >Herts & Essex AC Ltd/Broxbourne | 15.08.29 | Impressed 1.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AAPI | DH.60X Moth | 1172 | G-AAPI | National FS/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Wfu 8.30 Canc 12.30 |
G-AAPJ | DH.60X Moth | 1173 | G-AAPJ | National FS/Hanworth >London Air Park Flying Club Ltd/Hanworth >RH Henderson/Hanworth | 15.08.29 | Crashed on takeoff Chilworth 16.8.36 |
G-AAPK | Desoutter I | D.1 | G-AAPK | National FS/Hanworth >Hon WF Forbes-Sempill (The Master of Sempill)/Hanworth >FP Smith >Miss BM Nicklin /Heston >JE Coxon ta Chilworth FC>Aylesbury Airport Ltd>RH Henderson >CT Balme /Southend >H Arnold >PP Bradley >DE Bianchi >EM Palmer /Feltham | 00.08.29 | Wfu 25.10.40 |
G-AAPL | DH.60X Moth | 1198 | G-AAPL | National FS/Hanworth | 26.09.29 | Crashed Waltham 18.5.32 |
G-AAPM | DH.60X Moth | 1199 | G-AAPM | National FS/Hanworth | 26.09.29 | Crashed Tollerton 23.2.32 |
G-AAPN | DH.60X Moth | 1200 | G-AAPN | National FS/Hanworth | 26.09.29 | Crashed Hampton 6.5.30 |
G-AAPO | DH.60X Moth | 1201 | G-AAPO | National FS/Hanworth | 26.09.29 | Crashed Hanworth 20.2.32 |
G-AAPP | Desoutter I | D.2 | G-AAPP | National FS/Hanworth >JR King/Hanworth | 11.11.29 | Dbr Cape Town South Africa 21.11.31 |
G-AAPR | Desoutter I | D.3 | G-AAPR OO-ALF | National FS/Hanworth | 11.11.29 | Sold Belgium 6.30 |
G-AAPS | Desoutter I | D.4 | G-AAPS ES946 | National FS/Hanworth >unknown >RO Shuttleworth/Old Warden | 00.11.29 | Impressed 14.7.41 Scrapped Cambridge 9.43 |
G-AAPT | Desoutter I | D.5 | G-AAPT | National FS/Hanworth >WS Stephenson >SH Holland/Gatwick >Rollason Aircraft Services Ltd /Croydon >RD Gerrans/ Maylands | 00.11.29 | Wfu 24.6.38 scrapped |
G-AAPU | Desoutter I | D.6 | G-AAPU | National FS/Hanworth >Gravesend Aviation Ltd >The Westgate Motor House Co (Gloucester) Ltd >NA de Bruyne & HBA de Bruyne/Duxford | 00.11.29 | Wfu Cambridge 8.39 scrapped during WWII |
G-AAPV | DH.60X Moth | 1215 | G-AAPV | National FS/Hanworth >London Air Park Flying Club Ltd/Hanworth | 03.11.29 | Crashed Truro 21.4.35 |
G-AAPW | DH.60X Moth | 1216 | G-AAPW W7945 | National FS/Hanworth >Tollerton AC Ltd>SEC Pearson/ Heston >GH Marsh & AE Chambers /Westwood Heath >Horton Kirby FC Ltd | 00.11.29 | Impressed 3.2.40 Used as decoy and scrapped Aston Down .41 |
G-AAPX | Desoutter I | D.8 | G-AAPX | National FS/Hanworth | 20.12.29 | Written off 29.7.30 |
G-AAPY Kings Cup 1930 |
Desoutter I | D.9 | G-AAPY | National FS/Hanworth >Cap B Wilson/Croydon >National FS/Hanworth >MDL Scott/Skegness | 20.12.29 | Written off 30.11.34 |
G-AAPZ Kings Cup 1933 Kings Cup 1934 |
Desoutter I | D.25 | G-AAPZ | National FS/London Air Park >unknown >RO Shuttleworth /Old Warden | 00.12.29 |
In 1951 Canc 1.12.46 restored 27.1.87 The Shuttleworth Collection In 2011 |
G-AARA | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1186 | G-AARA X5046 | Malcolm Campbell Ltd>Merlyn Motors Ltd >Surrey Flying Services Ltd/Croydon >Horton Kirby FC | 00.09.29 | Impressed 12.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AARB | DH.60M Moth | 1412 | G-AARB | Sqdn Ldr FO Soden /Brooklands >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >Jean Batten >M Sassoon/West Malling >Mrs GRM Patterson & R Gordon & Miss BK Lyall /Maylands | 00.09.29 |
Jean Batten UK to Australia flight 5.34. Sold abroad 7.33 restored 11.33 Dbf Maylands 6.2.40 |
G-AARC | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1187 | G-AARC DG584 2590M | TH Worth /Spilsby >London General Omnibus Co Sports Assn FC >Air Travel Ltd/Penshurst >Airports Ltd /Gatwick >Redhill FC Ltd | 00.09.29 | Impressed 25.1.41 to 1059Sqn ATC Maidstone |
G-AARD | DH.60M Moth | 1414 | G-AARD EC-AFI | Sir PAGD Sassoon /Stag Lane >George Pretyman Ltd/Heston >RL Nimmo/Hatfield >Mrs JMD Lawrence/Penshurst | 00.09.29 | Rebuilt using fuselage c/n 1833 Sold abroad 1.36 |
G-AARE | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1176 | G-AARE | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Maj HG Travers /Stag Lane>London Aeroplane Club >JK Lawrence/Wilmington | 18.09.29 | Crashed Cross Fell 21.4.36 |
G-AARF | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2059 | G-AARF VP-KAT (VP-KBM) VP-KBO SU-ACN G-AARF HK866 | SN Turner/Stag Lane >Flt Lt RB Murdoch/Habbaniya Iraq | 00.09.29 | Impressed Habbaniya 8.2.41 SOC 27.7.44 scrapped |
G-AARG | Fokker F.III | 1561 | D-545 T-DOFC T-DODC (OY-DOC) G-AARG | British Air Lines Ltd >GG Stead/ Worthy Down | 00.09.29 | Wfu 12.31 |
G-AARH | DH.60M Moth | 1417 | G-AARH AV997 | FGT Dawson /Heston >Fairey Aviation Co Ltd >University Aero Club Ltd/Cambridge | 00.09.29 | Impressed 4.6.40 Dbr in gale Prestwick 6.12.40 |
G-AARI Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60M Moth | 1413 | G-AARI | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Hon LO Russell/Heston | 00.09.29 | Sold abroad 1.33 |
G-AARJ | Henderson-Glenny HSF.II Gadfly II | 2 | G-AARJ CF-AMG | Glenny & Henderson Ltd /Brooklands | 17.09.29 | Sold Canada 4.30 |
G-AARK | Henderson-Glenny HSF.II Gadfly III | 1 | G-AARK | Glenny & Henderson Ltd /Brooklands | 17.09.29 | Wfu 7.30 scrapped Brooklands 6.33 |
G-AARL | DH.60M Moth | 1416 | G-AARL ZS-ADG | JE Carberry/Stag Lane >SN Turner/Heston | 00.09.29 | Sold South Africa 9.31 |
G-AARM | DH.60X Moth | 477 | C-PAAA CS-AAA G-AARM | Lt Col GLP Henderson/Brooklands | 26.09.29 | Crashed Port Meadow 4.11.29 |
G-AARN | Airco DH.6 | 3868 | B2868 G-AARN | WC Dickinson /Ormskirk | 24.09.29 | Scrapped .33 |
G-AARO | Klemm L25 I | G-AARO | Ntu - not imported | |||
G-AARP | GAL ST.3 Monospar (Gloster SS.1) | SS1 | G-AARP | CW Hayward/ Brockworth | 26.09.29 | Scrapped Hanworth .32 |
G-AARR | Airco DH.9J | 397 | G-AARR | Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd >Air Service Training Ltd/Hamble | 00.10.29 | Wfu 25.12.32 Scrapped .36 |
G-AARS | Airco DH.9J | 398 | G-AARS | Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd >Air Service Training Ltd/Hamble | 00.10.29 | Crashed nr Hamble 9.9.34 |
G-AART | Airco DH.9J | 399 | G-AART | Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd >Air Service Training Ltd/Hamble | 00.10.29 | Wfu 8.5.33 Scrapped .36 |
G-AARU Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.60M Moth | 1424 | G-AARU X5119 4030M | FS Symondson/ Stag Lane | 12.10.29 | Impressed 29.11.39 |
G-AARV | Avro 504K | R/R3/SP/312 | G-AARV | SA Payne jnr/ Lympne | 08.10.29 | Crashed Berksbourne 2.1.31 (c/n also 'SP/1312') |
G-AARW London-South Africa in 1929 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1209 | G-AARW | FR Tuckett/Woodley | 16.10.29 |
Crashed Tororo Uganda 16.1.30 (also reported as to ZS-ABX 8.7.30) |
G-AARX | Comper CLA.7 Swift | S29/1 | G-AARX | Comper Aircraft Co Ltd /Hooton | 12.10.29 | Scrapped 12.31 |
G-AARY | DH.66 Hercules | 703 | G-AARY | Imperial AW 'City of Karachi' /Cairo | 14.10.29 | Written off 18.12.35 |
G-AARZ | Avro 621 Tutor | 322 | K-4 G-AARZ | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 29.10.29 | Written off 10.6.34 |
G-AASA | DH.60M Moth | 1438 | G-AASA ZK-ACK NZ510 Inst.37 | AH Youngman >O Garden/Brooklands | 00.10.29 | Sold New Zealand 12.30 |
G-AASB | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1053 | G-AASB SE-AFP | SJP Eloff/Le Bourget >VNC Garland /Brooklands >Brooklands Aviation Ltd>Sir CA Wrench/Hanworth | 00.11.29 | Sold Sweden 12.36 Crashed Karlsund 17.3.37 |
G-AASC | Airco DH.9J | 704 | G-AASC | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 01.11.29 | Crashed Hendon 9.8.31 Scrapped 12.31 |
G-AASD | DH.60M Moth | 1440 | G-AASD YI-ASD | Lt Col GLP Henderson/Brooklands | 06.11.29 | Sold Iraq .30 Canc 3.32 |
G-AASE | Supermarine Air Yacht | 1285 | G-AASE | Supermarine Aviation Works Ltd (Hon AE Guiness) >Mrs JJ James/Southampton | 00.11.29 | Crashed Gulf of Salerno 25.1.33 Scrapped Woolsington |
G-AASF | DH.60M Moth | 1439 | G-AASF VT-ADE | Malcolm Campbell Ltd >Man Mohan Singh /Heston | 00.11.29 | Sold India 12.31 Canc 31.8.39 |
G-AASG Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1203 | G-AASG | Miss M Shillington/Woodley >OF Maclaren/Heston | 00.11.29 | Destroyed. Canc 13.3.39 |
G-AASH | Supermarine Southampton II | 1235 | S1235 G-AASH S1235 | Imperial AW Ltd/Southampton | 08.11.29 | Returned to RAF 3.30 |
G-AASI Kings Cup 1933 Kings Cup 1934 |
Hawker Tomtit | 12 | G-AASI | HG Hawker Engineering Co Ltd >Reid & Sigrist Ltd >Sir WR Morris /Brooklands>J Hopcraft/Hatfield >W Humble/Firbeck | 00.11.29 | Scrapped during WWII |
G-AASJ | Short S.8 Calcutta | S.752 | G-AASJ | Imperial AW Ltd/Alexandria 'City of Khartoum' | 11.11.29 | Crashed into sea off Alexandria Egypt 31.12.35 |
G-AASK | Fairey IIIF | F1272 | G-AASK | Air Survey Co Ltd /Croydon | 12.11.29 | Wfu 5.31 Canc 12.34 |
G-AASL Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60M Moth | 1430 | G-AASL X5127 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >London Transport (Central Omnibus) Sports Association FC/ Broxbourne | 18.11.29 | Impressed 6.12.39 SOC .44 scrapped Kemble |
G-AASM | DH.60M Moth | 1433 | G-AASM | Henlys (1928) Ltd >Leicestershire AC (gift Tyler North & Sawday) >Brooklands FC Ltd | 00.11.29 | Crashed Cheam 22.4.34 |
G-AASN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth Seaplane | 839 | G-AASN VR-RAA VR-SAO? Malayan VAF | WH Phillips/Malaya | 14.11.29 | Seaplane. Sold Malaya 5.10.34 Destroyed 2.42 |
G-AASO Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 619 Five | 383 | G-AASO | AV Roe & Co Ltd >Wilson AW Ltd/Nairobi Kenya | 00.11.29 | Dbr Broken Hill Kenya 18.1.32 |
G-AASP | Avro 618 Ten | 384 | G-AASP | AV Roe & Co Ltd >Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Achilles'>Iraq Petroleum Transport Co Ltd/Haifa >Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon | 00.11.29 | Destroyed 3.4.40 |
G-AASR | DH.60M Moth | 1441 | G-AASR AW110 | Bristol & Essex Aero Club Ltd >The Cambridge Aero Club Ltd | 00.11.29 | Impressed 3.6.40 SOC 10.11.40 scrapped St.Athan .41 |
G-AASS | Avro 504K | F2540 | F2540 G-AASS | LG Anderson /Brroklands>RH Thomas/Bridgend | 00.11.29 | Crashed and submerged by tide Swansea 1.8.31 |
G-AAST | Avro 504K | F9819 | F9819 G-AAST | E Brown/Burnley | 26.11.29 | Wfu 12.30 Canc 12.32 |
G-AASU | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.208 | G-AASU | Auto Auctions Ltd (lsd Airwork School of Flying/Heston) | 09.12.29 |
Crashed Hendon 7.6.30 |
G-AASV | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.211 | G-AASV | EL Gander-Dower/Hanworth | 14.12.29 | Wfu 21.1.36 |
G-AASW Kings Cup 1930 |
Vickers 172 Vellore III | 1 | G-AASW O-4 | Vickers (Aviation) Ltd/Brooklands | 05.12.29 |
Scrapped .34 |
G-AASX | Avro 504K | G-AASX | Alliston Aviation Co Ltd /Brooklands>RM Stobie/Cramlington | 00.12.29 | Built from spares. Wfu 11.30 Canc 12.32 | |
G-AASY | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1048 | G-AASY EI-ABE G-AASY AW128 4490M | WRD Perkins /Heston>Lady Heath >London Air Park FC Ltd>Bournemouth FC Ltd | 00.12.29 | Sold Ireland 2.35 restored 12.37 Impressed 18.6.40 |
G-AASZ | DH.60M Moth | 1434 | G-AASZ X5043 | Sir H Clifford /Brooklands >GS Burney /Brooklands >Brooklands Aero Club >RCT Speir/Lympne >Yorkshire Aviation Services & Country Club Ltd/York | 00.12.29 | Impressed 12.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AATA | DH.60M Moth | 1460 | G-AATA SU-AAF | unknown >W Bruce Dick/Croydon >Surrey Flying Services Ltd/Croydon | 00.12.29 | Sold Egypt 9.32 |
G-AATB | DH.60M Moth | 1467 | G-AATB VT-ABY | WW Straight/ Totnes >LK Elmhirst/ Heston | 00.12.29 | Sold India 8.31 |
G-AATC | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2001 | G-AATC VH-UON ZK-ADU | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 23.12.29 | Sold Australia 12.30 under restoration |
G-AATD | Klemm L25 Ia | 163 | G-AATD | CP Hunter >Mrs SM Green /Maidstone>GF Hopkinson /Brooklands>ADS Barr/Lympne >Fl Off FM Smith/Eastchurch | 00.12.29 | Sold abroad .39 |
G-AATE Kings Cup 1931 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.210 | G-AATE | J Ellis /Sherburn >Alderman CV Walker/Sherburn >Ellis (Leeds) Ltd >JM Ferrier and GH Daniels >PH Ford/Hooton Park >RK Dundas Ltd >S Bicham /Orkney | 31.12.29 | Scrapped Hamsey Green 1.47 |
G-AATF | Desoutter I | D.19 | G-AATF | Capt Hope -Air Taxis Ltd /Edgeware >Southern Aircraft Ltd >LER Bellairs /Shoreham >Rollason Aviation Co Ltd/Ford >LAM Dundas (Earl of Ronaldshay)/ Portsmouth | 00.01.30 | Dbr Hanworth 9.5.34 |
G-AATG | Fokker F.VIIa-3m | 5206 | PH-AGW G-AATG I-AAIG | WZ Ltd (W Zietz)/Geneva 'Extra Dry' | 04.01.30 | Sold Italy 6.35 |
G-AATH | Junkers A50 Junior | 3512 | G-AATH D-2155 | HR Trost/Croydon | 24.03.30 | Sold Germany 2.31 |
G-AATI | Desoutter I | D.10 | G-AATI ZK-ACJ | HL Piper/Catterick 'Oarangi' | 14.01.30 | Sold New Zealand 12.30 |
G-AATJ | Desoutter I | D.11 | G-AATJ | National FS/Hanworth | 17.01.30 | Crashed Shoreham 2.9.34 |
G-AATK Kings Cup 1930 |
Desoutter I | D.12 | G-AATK HH980 | National FS/Hanworth >Aircraft Exchange & Mart Ltd/Hanworth >Aero Engines Ltd /London Air Park >Sqdn Ldr AH Wheeler/Old Warden | 00.01.30 | Impressed 31.8.41 Scrapped East Cowes 6.42 |
G-AATL Kings Cup 1932 |
Avro 616 Avian IVM | 415 | G-AATL | Henlys (1928) Ltd >Lt Col TW Hay /Heston >GW Higgs /Heston >Aviation Transport Sales & Service Ltd/Chelmsford >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>TG Hubley/Wilmington | 00.01.30 | Written off 6.37 |
G-AATM | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.217 | G-AATM | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 04.02.30 | Crashed Coal Aston 27.8.32 |
G-AATN Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.218 | G-AATN VT-ACR | Auto Auctions Ltd >Sir R McAlpine/Heston | 25.02.30 |
Sold India 9.32 |
G-AATO Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.219 | G-AATO | Auto Auctions Ltd >N Holden/Norton Priory >Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd | 00.01.30 | Crashed nr Brough 4.8.32 |
G-AATP | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.220 | G-AATP | P Dujardin/Sherburn >Capt N Blackburn /Brough >Olympia Cattle Food Ltd /Sherburn >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough >York County Aviation Club | 00.01.30 | Crashed East Heslerton 24.6.34 |
G-AATR | Bristol 105 Bulldog 2 | 7397 | J9591 G-AATR J9591 | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 13.01.30 | Returned to RAF 9.31 |
G-AATS | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.215 | G-AATS | HJ Andrews /Brough>Major HPL Higman/ Liverpool | 00.01.30 | Canc 12.36 |
G-AATT | Fairey IIIF | F1315 | G-AATT | Air Survey Co Ltd /Northolt | 16.01.30 | Crashed and dbf nr Foggia Italy 22.10.34 |
G-AATU | Avro 621 Tutor | 437 | G-AATU | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 20.01.30 | Wfu 10.31 |
G-AATV | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 435 | G-AATV SU-AAG G-AATV ZK-ADQ | Shell Mex Co of Egypt Ltd /Cairo>Fl Off GT Jarman 47 Sqdn/RAF Khartoum | 00.01.30 | Sold Egypt 3.33 restored 12.34 Sold New Zealand 3.55 |
G-AATW | Desoutter I | D.13 | G-AATW OO-ALG | National FS/Hanworth | 29.01.30 | Sold Belgium 6.30 |
G-AATX | Desoutter I | D.18 | G-AATX | National FS/Hanworth >PH Meadway /West Malling>JL Burgess/Maidstone >Maidstone Airport Ltd | 00.01.30 | Crashed Edenbridge Kent 1.10.32 |
G-AATY | Avro 504K | G-AATY | Wolverhampton Aircraft Co Ltd /Brooklands | 22.01.30 | Built from spares. Wfu 5.34 Scrapped Driffield .37 | |
G-AATZ | Short S.8 Calcutta | S.754 | G-AATZ | Imperial AW 'City of Salonika' later 'City of Swanage'>Air Pilots Training Ltd/Hamble | 00.01.30 | Scrapped Hamble .39 |
G-AAUA | Cierva C.19 IIA | 5136 | G-AAUA | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 25.01.30 | Sold abroad 3.31 |
G-AAUB | Vickers 160 Viastra I >199 Viastra III >220 Viastra VIII | 1 | G-AAUB | Vickers (Aviation) Ltd/Brooklands | 29.01.30 | Broken up Brooklands .33 |
G-AAUC | Handley Page HP.42E Eastern | 42/4 | G-AAUC AS981 | Imperial AW Ltd/Cairo 'Horsa' | 30.01.30 | Impressed 29.5.40 Dbf Moresby 7.8.40 |
G-AAUD | Handley Page HP.42W Western | 42/3 | G-AAUD | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Hanno' | 30.01.30 | Destroyed in gale Whitchurch 19.3.40 |
G-AAUE | Handley Page HP.42E Eastern | 42/2 | G-AAUE AS982 | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Hadrian' | 30.01.30 |
Impressed 29.5.40 Wrecked in gale Doncaster 6.12.40 and G-AAZF Comper Swift, at Croydon |
G-AAUF | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.223 | G-AAUF | Auto Auctions Ltd >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 00.01.30 | Dbr Brough 16.7.32 |
G-AAUG | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.224 | G-AAUG | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough >J Stark/Allhallows-on-Sea >RF Giddings/High Post | 00.01.30 | Crashed High Post 20.3.38 |
G-AAUH | DH.60M Moth | 1462 | G-AAUH | WL Everard /Desford>Gravesend Aviation Ltd >Airworthiness Ltd/Gravesend | 00.02.30 | Dbf Gravesend 3.8.37 |
G-AAUI | DH.60M Moth | 1495 | G-AAUI VT-ADQ | JR Reynolds /Hanworth>L Beardmore/Hanworth >B Piper (or Pyser)/Hanworth | 00.02.30 | Sold India 10.32 |
G-AAUJ | Avro 504K | KAS.1 | G-AAUJ | Kent Aircraft Services Ltd /Bekesbourne>P Phillips/St Austell | 00.02.30 | Crashed Harrogate 5.10.32 |
G-AAUK | Avro 504K | KAS.2 | G-AAUK | Kent Aircraft Services Ltd /Bekesbourne | 07.02.30 | Struck telephone wires Epson Downs 4.6.31 |
G-AAUL | Avro 504K | KAS.3 | G-AAUL | Kent Aircraft Services Ltd /Bekesbourne | 07.02.30 | Wing hit ground during stunt Dovercourt 2.8.31 |
G-AAUM | Blackburn Velos | 9762/1 | G-AAUM | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 07.02.30 | Wfu 12.33 Scrapped .34 |
G-AAUN | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 438 | G-AAUN VR-TAA | Director of Surveys/Dar-es-Salaam Tanganyika | 11.02.30 | Sold Tanganyika 9.31 |
G-AAUO Kings Cup 1930 |
Robinson Redwing 1 | RA1 | G-AAUO | Robinson Aircraft Co Ltd/Waddon | 11.02.30 | Crashed Shoreham 11.3.33 |
G-AAUP | Klemm L25 Ia | 145 | G-AAUP |
1930-02 Maj JC Hargreaves/Heston > unknown >1933-02 Miss N Bagge/Mousehold >1935-06Edward V Beaumont/Suffolk >1944-05Robert Grant/Dumfries > 1969-05Robert Russell/Troon >1983-12 Janice Cooper/Berkshire > 2020 Richard Menage/York |
19.02.30 |
At Old Warden in 2013 |
G-AAUR | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1245 | G-AAUR G-ACCY | The Royal Geographical Society/Rochester | 05.03.30 |
Seaplane. Wrecked in Greenland Rebuilt and rereg 2.33 Crashed Redhill 20.6.38 British Arctic Air Route Expedition 1930-1 |
G-AAUS | DH.60M Moth | 1477 | G-AAUS VH-UQT A7-119 Inst.9 | Cap R Wyndham >GC Bateman/Laragh nr Bandon Co.Cork >R Allen/Heston | 00.03.30 | Sold Australia 5.33 Rts 11.9.45 |
G-AAUT | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.225 | G-AAUT | North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 08.05.30 | Sank off Felixstowe 12.1.31 |
G-AAUU Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1931 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.226 | G-AAUU | H Peake /Sherburn >Henlys (1928) Ltd | 00.05.30 | Sold abroad 6.35 |
G-AAUV | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.227 | G-AAUV | Hon L Guiness /Hendon>D Ripley/Heston >ACS Irwin/Heston >Brooklands Aviation Ltd | 05.05.30 | Canc 12.32 |
G-AAUW Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.228 | G-AAUW | Auto Auctions Ltd >Blackburn Aircraft Ltd?>Andrew Holt & Co/Heston >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough | 21.05.30 | Wfu 7.32 Canc 12.32 |
G-AAUX | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.229 | G-AAUX | Auto Auctions Ltd >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd/Brough >Blackburn Aircraft Ltd/ Waltham (loan Grimsby AC) | 27.05.30 | Crashed nr Grimsby 29.4.37 |
G-AAUY | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.230 | G-AAUY | Auto Auctions Ltd | 18.06.30 | Sold abroad 7.30 |
G-AAUZ Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.75A Hawk Moth | 705 | G-AAUZ | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Air Taxis Ltd/Stag Lane | 00.06.30 | Wfu 6.34 Sold abroad 12.38 |
G-AAVA Kings Cup 1932 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2002 | G-AAVA PH-ATI | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>KC Gandar Dower/Heston >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >KG Nalson/Croydon >TW Brooke-Smith/Brooklands >HL Harrison/Croydon | 05.06.30 | Sold Netherlands 31.5.38 Destroyed during German invasion 5.40 |
G-AAVB | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2003 | G-AAVB SU-ABB G-AAVB (DR755) | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >FAI Muntz -Airwork Ltd/Heston>Brig Gen AC Lewin/ Heston >Maj HA Petre/Heston | 00.06.30 | Sold Egypt 5.31 restored 7.33 Impressed 12.5.41 Crashed landing Kenley 4.9.41 |
G-AAVC | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1238 | G-AAVC | Hon AE Guiness /Dublin | 00.06.30 | Written off 12.30 [Assembled by Shorts 5.30 with c/n S.761] |
G-AAVD Kings Cup 1930 |
Southern Martlet | 201 | G-AAVD | Southern Aircraft Ltd >WR Westhead /Shoreham>JF ALexander /High Post>AR Ramsay/Bekesbourne >HM Goodwin /Walsall>Fl Off LW Saben/RAF Eastchurch >H Whitaker /Redhill | 00.06.30 | Wfu .39 derelict Turnhouse .44 |
G-AAVE | DH.60M Moth | 1493 | G-AAVE VT-ANS | Cap WJ Stopford /Hanworth>Hon Mrs E Greenall /Tollerton>Rollason Aircraft Services Ltd/Croydon >R Jakeman /Netherthorpe >Sheffield AC Ltd | 00.06.30 | Sold India 1.41 Canc 23.3.42 |
G-AAVF Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.231 | G-AAVF | FAI Muntz /Heston >Capt The Earl Amherst/Heston >H Robinson (jnr) /Cambridge >North Sea Aerial & General Transport Co Ltd | 00.06.30 | Written off 9.36 |
G-AAVG Kings Cup 1930 |
Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.232 | G-AAVG VH-UQZ | Auto Auctions Ltd >Sqdn Ldr CA Ridley/Heston >Lt Cdr GA Hall | 00.06.30 | Sold Australia 7.33 |
G-AAVH | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.233 | G-AAVH | Kennings Ltd (loan Sheffield AC) >S Lawrence/Alfreton | 05.08.30 | Wfu 10.33 Canc 12.34 |
G-AAVI | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.234 | G-AAVI VT-ADI | AF Horsman/Ipswich | 29.08.30 | Sold India 4.32 |
G-AAVJ | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.235 | G-AAVJ | 00.03.30 | Ntu - sold Japan | |
G-AAVK | Blackburn L.1C Bluebird IV | SB.236 | G-AAVK | 00.03.30 | Ntu - sold Japan | |
G-AAVL | Breda 15 | 1419 | G-AAVL | HE Burgess >W Wakefield /Heston >Flt Lt G Rose/Bekesbourne >Pan-Aero Pictures Ltd /Brooklands | 00.04.30 | Broken up .37 |
G-AAVM | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 416 | G-AAVM | Henlys (1928) Ltd >unknown >Air Travel Ltd/Penshurst >South Staffs Aero Co Ltd >Bedford School of Flying Ltd | 00.04.30 | Dbr in gale .40 Canc 12.46 |
G-AAVN | Breda 15 | 1414 | G-AAVN | HE Burgess >HL Wilson/Seaton Carew >J Proctor/Blackpool | 00.04.30 | Broken up .32 |
G-AAVO | Desoutter I | D.22 | G-AAVO | National FS/Hanworth >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley | 00.04.30 | Wfu 10.34 Canc 12.36 |
G-AAVP | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 417 | G-AAVP | NH Player/Reading >Airwork Ltd/Heston >Henlys Ltd >PH Johnson/Hedon >Henlys Ltd >LV Farrington /Evesham | 00.03.30 |
Canc 8.45 |
G-AAVR | DH.60M Moth | 1482 | G-AAVR | KA Whittome /Brooklands>Miss Consuelo M de Reyes/ Bristol >Redhill FC Ltd | 00.03.30 | Mid-air collision with Hart K5800 over Horne Surrey 8.5.39 |
G-AAVS | Klemm L26 aII | 197 | G-AAVS D-1804 | RPG Denman/Heston >LE Jones & GW Eaton/Hanworth >Hon B Lewis/Heston | 00.03.30 |
Sold Germany 12.34 |
G-AAVT Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1933 Kings Cup 1934 Kings Cup 1937 |
Hendy 302A | 1 | G-AAVT | EW Percival /Yate>WS Cottingham/Croydon >CS Napier/Croydon | 00.06.30 | Wfu Gravesend .38 |
G-AAVU | DH.60M Moth | 1485 | G-AAVU PK-SAI? | Miss E Williams /Hanworth >Brooklands Aviation Ltd | 00.04.30 | Crashed in windsock landing Hendon 8.11.31 but rebuilt? |
G-AAVV | DH.60M Moth | 1486 | G-AAVV DG581 2593M | unknown >LHT Cliff /Brooklands >Redhill Flying Club Ltd | 00.04.30 | Impressed 24.1.41 to 339Sqn ATC Paignton |
G-AAVW | Avro 504K | F9720 | F9720 G-AAVW | LG Anderson /Stow Maries>LD Trappitt/ Hainault >Mrs FM Pershouse /Littlestone>RO Shuttleworth /Old Warden | 00.04.30 | Wfu 6.35 Canc 12.35 |
G-AAVX | Saunders-Roe A.17 Cutty Sark | A17/4 | G-AAVX VR-SAA | Hon AE Guiness /Cowes>Saunders-Roe Ltd/East Cowes >The Singapore Flying Club Ltd | 00.04.30 | Sold Singapore 10.34 |
G-AAVY | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1230 | G-AAVY X5023 | Mrs AS Cleaver /Heston >Brian Lewis /Heston >Lady H de Walden /Heston>Brooklands Aviation Ltd >JMH Hely-Hutchinson Rt Hon Viscount Suirdale >Brooklands FC >Cambridge AC Ltd | 00.04.30 | Impressed 3.11.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AAVZ | DH.60M Moth | 1480 | G-AAVZ PH-ARS | London Aeroplane Club >GET Eyston /Brooklands >Rollason Aircraft Services Ltd/Croydon | 00.04.30 | Sold Netherlands 8.37 |
G-AAWA | Westland Wapiti V >PV.6 >Wallace | WA1822 | G-AAWA P-6 G-ACBR K3488 | Westland Aircraft Works (Branch of Petters Ltd)/Yeovil | 04.04.30 | Rebuilt as Wallace G-ACBR .33 |
G-AAWB | Avro 504K | G-AAWB | Southern Aircraft Ltd | 04.04.30 | Not converted | |
G-AAWC | Avro 504K | KAS.5 | G-AAWC | Kent Aircraft Services Ltd >PH Meadway /Sevenoaks>A Raven/Kingsdown | 00.04.30 | Built from spares. Wfu 5.31 Canc 12.32 |
G-AAWD | Avro 504K | KAS.4 | G-AAWD | Kent Aircraft Services Ltd >unknown >North Eastern Airways | 00.04.30 | Built from spares.Broken up Canc 10.36 |
G-AAWE | Klemm L25 Ia | 181 | G-AAWE | Cap DIM Kennard >JG de Forest /Heston >CEHJ Phillips/ Heston | 00.04.30 | Wfu Broxbourne 12.33 |
G-AAWF | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 354 | G-AAWF | Ferrand & Rayson Ltd/Buenes Aires (based Croydon)>Brian Lewis/Heston >Ward & Co (Putney) Ltd /Hanworth>HC Paul/Hanworth | 00.04.30 | Canc 2.36 |
G-AAWG | Vickers 196 Jockey III | 1 | G-AAWG | Vickers (Aviation) Ltd/Brooklands | 08.04.30 | Not built |
G-AAWH | Avro 616 Avian IVM | 418 | G-AAWH 2083M | Henlys (1928) Ltd> Home Counties Aircraft Services Ltd /Gatwick >EF Ness/ Gatwick>Kenlyn Ltd /Eastbourne >Southern Aero Club Ltd /Shoreham >GH Miles/Shoreham >RH Henderson/Hanworth >IOW Flying Club | 00.04.30 | Impressed 13.2.40 Scrapped Blackpool .45 |
G-AAWI Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 616 Sports Avian | 454 | G-AAWI ZS-ANP SAAF2028 | Light Planes (Lancs) Ltd>Airwork Ltd/Heston >Capt HR Starkey-Howe & AJAL Veber/Heston | 00.04.30 | Sold South Africa 2.37 |
G-AAWJ | Bristol 89A Jupiter | 7352 | G-AAWJ | Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd/Filton | 09.04.30 | Destroyed in collision with G-EBOC over Filton 7.7.31 |
G-AAWK | Dudley Watt DW2 | 1 | G-AAWK | DAN Watt/Brooklands >unknown >FCH Allen/Selsey | 00.04.30 | Broken up Kinswood Knoll 12.34 |
G-AAWL | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1231 | G-AAWL CS-AAG | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 14.04.30 | Sold Portugal 12.30 Crashed Serra de Monsanto 23.6.59 |
G-AAWM | Simmonds Spartan | 10 | G-AAWM | Brooklands School of Flying Ltd | 11.04.30 | Written off 12.30 |
G-AAWN | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1234 | G-AAWN ZK-ACY | NA de Bruyne/Cambridge | 02.05.30 | Sold New Zealand 2.33 Spun in after takeoff Hastings 24.12.33 |
G-AAWO | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1235 | G-AAWO | Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd >GE Prior-Palmer /Heston>LJ Marr/Stanley Park >Miss HM Pauer/Hooton >Highland AW >TH Marshall & EH Gould >JFW Reid >Scottish AW Ltd /Inverness | 02.05.30 |
rebuilt using G-AAHI Old Warden 2016 |
G-AAWP | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1236 | G-AAWP SU-AAM? | Maj JND Keenan /Stag Lane >unknown>Hon Brian Lewis | 00.05.30 | Sold Egypt 6.32 |
G-AAWR Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1237 | G-AAWR BD166 | Maj CM Pickthorn /Brooklands >Midland Air Services /Castle Bromwich >E Batchelor/Leicester >Yorkshire Aviation Services Country Club Ltd /York | 00.05.30 | Accident North Rigton 1.1.35 Impressed 6.8.40 Damaged 29.4.41 rtp Witney 5.41 |
G-AAWS | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1239 | G-AAWS | H Deterding/Sywell >WE Cotton/Croydon >The Hampshire Aeroplane Club Ltd/Southampton | 00.05.30 | Crashed Nursling 31.3.36 |
G-AAWT | Desoutter I | D.23 | G-AAWT PK-SAN | Cirrus Aero Engines Ltd /Croydon>Southern Aircraft Ltd >Herts & Essex Aero Club Ltd/Broxbourne >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd | 09.05.30 | Sold Indonesia 10.33 |
G-AAWU Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60M Moth | 1474 | E-2 G-AAWU VT-AEW | AS Priest /Stag Lane >Northamptonshire Aero Club >Flower and Sons Ltd /Sywell >Fordham Flower/ Heston >Henlys Ltd | 00.04.30 | Sold India 1.34 Canc 11.10.38 |
G-AAWV | DH.60M Moth | 1476 | G-AAWV | EL Hook/Heston | 17.04.30 | Crashed Tomas Burma 3.7.30 (c/n 1475 in ICAN) |
G-AAWW | Klemm L27 a III | 196 | G-AAWW | Maj EF Stephens >WL Runciman /Cramlington >British Railway Traffic & Electric Co/Croydon | 00.04.30 | Crashed Croydon 27.8.31 |
G-AAWX | DH.60M Moth | 1241 | G-AAWX | Sir Piers GJ Mostyn /Stag Lane>Miss GE Aitken /Gatwick >RC Ramsay/Bekesbourne | 00.05.30 | Crashed Charing 3.5.33 |
G-AAWY Kings Cup 1930 |
Spartan Arrow | 51 | G-AAWY | Spartan Aircraft Ltd >C Coombes/Shanklin IoW >EH Byrne /Shanklin >Sandown & Shanklin Flying Services Ltd >Isle of Wight Flying Club Ltd | 00.06.30 | Broken up .40 |
G-AAWZ Kings Cup 1930 |
Spartan Arrow | 52 | G-AAWZ | Spartan Aircraft Ltd>JV Holman/Croydon >JC Sword/Renfrew >Hon Brian Lewis/Heston >WC Mycroft/Aldenham >Yapton AC Ltd | 00.06.30 | Scrapped during WWII |
G-AAXA | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1246 | G-AAXA G-AAZE BK843 4032M | KG Murray/Brooklands | 08.05.30 | Reregistered 28.1.32 |
G-AAXB | Junkers A50 Junior | 3523 | G-AAXB | JJ Parkes/Heston | 22.05.30 | Written off 6.31 |
G-AAXC | Handley Page HP.42W Western | 42/5 | G-AAXC | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Heracles' | 23.04.30 |
Wrecked in gale Whitchurch 19.3.40 scrapped 7.42 Croydon, 20 Mar 1935 |
G-AAXD | Handley Page HP.42W Western | 42/6 | G-AAXD | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Horatius' | 23.04.30 | Destroyed in forced landing Tiverton 7.11.39 |
G-AAXE | Handley Page HP.42W Western | 42/7 | G-AAXE | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Hengist' | 23.04.30 | Dbf Karachi 31.5.37 |
G-AAXF | Handley Page HP.42W Western | 42/8 | G-AAXF AS983 | Imperial AW Ltd/Croydon 'Helena' | 23.04.30 | Impressed 29.5.40 Scrapped Donibristle 8.41 |
G-AAXG Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60M Moth | 1542 | G-AAXG F-AJZB G-AAXG F-AJZB G-AAXG (ZK-ADF) ZK-AEJ | AS Butler /Stag Lane >Hon Brian Lewis /Heston>Lt HRA Kidston/New Zealand | 00.06.30 | Sold France 1.31 restored 2.33 sold France 1.34 restored 8.34 sold New Zealand 12.35 |
G-AAXH | Avro 616 Sports Avian | 456 | G-AAXH | Henlys (1928) Ltd>J Leigh /Heston>AGN Wynne-Eyton/Heston >British Landing Gears Ltd /Hanworth | 20.06.30 | Scrapped 1.49 |
G-AAXI | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2024 | G-AAXI | Sqdn Ldr CS Wynne-Eyton/Hanworth | 26.05.30 | Crashed St Johns Newfoundland 6.7.30 dbf |
G-AAXJ | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2006 | G-AAXJ VT-ACZ | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >N Vintcent/Stag Lane | 00.05.30 | Sold India 7.31 Written off 7.35 |
G-AAXK | Klemm L25 Ia | 182 | G-AAXK | Maj EJ Stephen /Heston>GU Yule /Fen Ditton >H Hamilton & D Garnett /Cambridge>Flt Lt LC Bennett/8 FTS RAF Montrose >RE Grant/Leamington >J Wynn /Leamington | 00.05.30 | Dbr White Waltham 3.62 stored Canc 18.3.91 |
G-AAXL | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2010 | G-AAXL | AS Butler/Stag Lane >MDL Scott & OF MacLaren/Heston | 00.05.30 | Dbf after forced landing Hunstanton 5.6.32 |
G-AAXM | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2011 | G-AAXM OO-ANH | WL Everard/Desford | 16.05.30 | Sold Belgium 1.9.33 Pres destroyed during WWII |
G-AAXN | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2012 | G-AAXN | Sq Ldr HR Murray-Philipson/Stobo Castle | 16.05.30 | Crashed into sea off Goodwin Sands 22.6.30 |
G-AAXO | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2041 | G-AAXO X9404 2305M | Cap G de Havilland >GD Mallinson/ Sherburn >EL Burgin MP /Stag Lane >Brian Lewis & Co/Heston >G Cohen /Renfrew>Hon BE Lewis /Aldenham >CStJ Collier/Doncaster | 00.05.30 | Impressed 10.5.40 to inst/af |
G-AAXP Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1932 |
Saunders-Roe Segrave Meteor | 1SE | G-AAXP | Sir H Segrave >Aircraft Investment Corporation Ltd /Brough>G de Lengerke/ Heston | 01.05.30 | Wfu 9.32 |
G-AAXR | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2007 | G-AAXR DG661 2618M | Capt AW Filmer/Brooklands >L Guinness /Brooklands > N Edgar /Whitchurch >JH Hancock /Brockworth >RRWR Trafford/ Heston >Cap DIM Kennard /Heston | 00.05.30 | Impressed 18.2.41 Crashed Biggin Hill 5.5.41 to 525Sqn ATC Marlborough College |
G-AAXS | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2009 | G-AAXS | LS Ingrams/Heston >Airwork Ltd/Heston >Lt GL Prendergast/ Khartoum >Mayday Motors/Croydon >WW Lyle/Hatfield | 00.05.30 | Probably dbf Hatfield 9.7.35 Canc 7.35 |
G-AAXT Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2013 | G-AAXT F-APZX | NE Holden/Chichester >Yorkshire Airways Ltd/Yeadon >Hon B Lewis/Aldenham | 00.05.30 | Sold France 10.6.37 Canc 11.53 |
G-AAXU | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2014 | G-AAXU SU-ABE | FG Williams /Heston >R Ince/ Heston | 14.06.30 | Sold Egypt 3.32 |
G-AAXV | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2026 | G-AAXV ZS-AIB | LC Desoutter/Croydon >unknown >Parker Pen Co Ltd/Heston >CMC Turner/ Lympne | 00.06.30 | Sold South Africa 3.37 Crashed 20.2.40 |
G-AAXW Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2027 | G-AAXW | Arens Control Ltd /Heston >Flt Lt LK Hamilton/Hanworth >HC Moorhouse/ Hanworth | 00.06.30 | Dbr Apulia Italy 19.2.32 |
G-AAXX | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2028 | G-AAXX R-290 LV-RCA | E Watkins/Heston >Lord Grimthorpe/Malton >British Aviation Insurance Co Ltd/Stag Lane >British Air Navigation Co Ltd /Heston>FAI Muntz/Heston | 00.06.30 | Sold Argentina 12.34 |
G-AAXY | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2029 | G-AAXY DJ711 | Shell-Mex Ltd/Croydon >Shell-Mex & BP Ltd/Heston >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >IH List & BWB Orton /Brooklands>Count T Zichy/Brooklands >TW Gracey/Brooklands | 00.06.30 | Impressed 25.3.41 Rts Witney 1.8.42 |
G-AAXZ Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2030 | G-AAXZ | Lt Cdr GPG Kidston/Stag Lane >Mrs JM Fairlie/Heston >British Air Navigation Co Ltd/Heston >Henlys Ltd>JL Shand /Heston >Wrightson Aircraft Sales Ltd /Heston>GW Valentine/ Umtali S.Rhodesia | 00.06.30 | Canc 5.37 |
G-AAYA Kings Cup 1931 Kings Cup 1933 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2031 | G-AAYA | Lady M Bailey/Stag Lane >RAF Flying Club/Hatfield >AO Humble-Smith/ Bournemouth >JE Coxon ta Southern Motor/Gatwick >RAC Sumner/Sywell | 00.06.30 | Hangar collapsed during enemy raid Brooklands 4.9.40 |
G-AAYB Kings Cup 1932 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2033 | G-AAYB | Hon DF Tennant/Stag Lane >Lt Cdr PGT Rodd/Brooklands | 00.06.30 | Crashed St Moritz Switzerland 31.1.33 |
G-AAYC | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2035 | G-AAYC | Maj AA Nathan/Stag Lane | 27.05.30 | Crashed .39 Canc 1.12.46 |
G-AAYD | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2036 | G-AAYD | unknown >Cap WL Hope (Air Taxis)/Stag Lane | 00.05.30 | Crashed nr Bolton 15.11.35 |
G-AAYE Kings Cup 1931 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2037 | G-AAYE | ACM Jackaman/Heston | 26.05.30 | Sold abroad 11.32 |
G-AAYF | DH.60M Moth | 1535 | G-AAYF N-50 (Norway) | CR Robinson /Penshurst>Home Counties Aircraft Services Ltd /Penshurst | 00.05.30 | Crashed at night nr Eltham 4.7.31 Sold Norway 12.32 |
G-AAYG Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60M Moth | 1546 | G-AAYG X5126 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Sqdn Ldr AH Whistler >The Herts & Essex Aero Club Ltd/Broxbourne | 00.05.30 | Impressed 6.12.39 Used as decoy and scrapped |
G-AAYH | Avro 504K | H9833 | H9833 G-AAYH EI-AAM | Northern Air Transport Ltd/Barton | 05.05.30 | Sold Ireland 3.32 |
G-AAYI | Avro 504K | H9861 | H9861 G-AAYI | Cornwall Aviation Co Ltd | 05.05.30 | Wfu 5.31 Canc 12.31 |
G-AAYJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1248 | G-AAYJ | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >National Flying Services Ltd/Hanworth >AFBD Sale-Barker/ Hanworth | 00.05.30 | Crashed nr Nairobi 14.1.33 |
G-AAYK | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2034 | G-AAYK | Cpt AAH Charles/Waltham Abbey >British Air Transport Ltd/Croydon | 00.05.30 |
Crashed landing Heston 1.4.32 Actress Ursula Jeans boarding |
G-AAYL Kings Cup 1932 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1252 | G-AAYL BK835 | unknown >Miss WE Spooner /Reading>Miss E Battye >Hartley & Cooper >Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd>North British Aero Club Ltd/Dyce | 00.06.30 |
Impressed 3.8.40 Scrapped St.Athan .41 SOC 1.4.42 Kings Cup 1932, Winifred Spooner |
G-AAYM | Avro 504K | J8370 | J8370 G-AAYM | Surrey Flying Services Ltd >Devonshire Aviation Tours> A Tapp/Kingsdown >E Townell & HF Pawley /Kingsdown>EAC Kirk/Broxbourne | 19.06.30 | Wfu 12.34 |
G-AAYN | Cierva C.19 III | 5137 | G-AAYN | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.05.30 | Sold abroad 10.30 |
G-AAYO | Cierva C.19 III | 5138 | G-AAYO K1696 | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.05.30 | Sold to RAF 11.30 SOC 21.2.31 |
G- | Cierva C.19 III > IV | 5139 | G-AAYP | Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd/Hamble | 09.05.30 |
Scrapped .32 |
G-AAYR | Avro 624 Six >Five | 457 | K-5 G-AAYR VR-HAQ | AV Roe & Co Ltd/Woodford | 10.05.30 |
Sold Hong Kong 12.31 |
G-AAYS | DH.60X Moth | 1232 | G-AAYS | Hampshire Aeroplane Club/Hamble | 19.05.30 | Crashed Southampton Water 4.12.32 |
G-AAYT | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1233 | G-AAYT DR606 | Hampshire Aeroplane Club >RKLS Mainwaring /Brooklands>Brooklands Aviation Ltd >Brooklands FC Ltd>JK Lawrence /West Malling >Eastbourne FC Ltd | 00.05.30 | Impressed 27.3.41 SOC 18.8.41 |
G-AAYU Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 616 Sports Avian | 419 | G-AAYU | AV Roe & Co Ltd>S Gleave/ Woodford | 00.05.30 | Crashed Cheltenham 21.9.36 |
G-AAYV Kings Cup 1930 |
Avro 625 Avian Monoplane | 459 | G-AAYV | AV Roe & Co Ltd>SH Beech /Meir >JS Taylor /Woodford >London Transport Central Omnibus (Sports Association) Flying Club>JR Ford/ Broxbourne | 00.06.30 | Written off .39 |
G-AAYW Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1932 |
Avro 625 Avian Monoplane | 460 | G-AAYW | AV Roe & Co Ltd>Flt Lt RLR Atcherley - No.14 Sqdn /RAF Amman Transjordan >Cap WL Handley /Elmdon | 00.06.30 |
Scrapped during WWII behind G-AARB DH Moth FO Soden |
G-AAYX | Southern Martlet | 202 | G-AAYX | Southern Aircraft Ltd >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>GK Lawrence/Maidstone >WK Vinson/Maidstone >MN Mabrogordato /Witney | 00.06.30 |
Wfu 11.12.59 preserved Shuttleworth Collection |
G-AAYY Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1251 | G-AAYY VP-CAC MA939 | JWP Chalmers /Stag Lane >United Airways Ltd /Blackpool>British Airways Ltd/ Stapleford | 00.06.30 | Sold Ceylon 12.36 Impressed 25.7.42 SOC 3.44 |
G-AAYZ Kings Cup 1930 Kings Cup 1932 Kings Cup 1934 |
Southern Martlet | 203 | G-AAYZ | Southern Aircraft Ltd >Sqdn Ldr Rt Hon FE Guest >Fl Off ECT Edward /Hendon >M Maxwell/ Hanworth | 00.06.30 |
Scrapped .37 Kings Cup 1934 |
G-AAZA | Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/2 | (G-AAZA) | Comper Aircraft Co Ltd | 00.06.30 | Marks not to be used |
G-AAZB | Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/3 | G-AAZB | Comper Aircraft Co Ltd | 04.06.30 | Scrapped 2.31 |
G-AAZC Kings Cup 1932 |
Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/4 | G-AAZC | WT Taylor /Upper Heyford>Capt FR Walker /Hooton>GE Gree/ Turnhouse >LH Riddell /Doncaster>Airwork Ltd | 04.06.30 | Wfu 4.43 |
G-AAZD Kings Cup 1932 |
Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/5 | G-AAZD SU-AAJ G-AAZD | Comper Aircraft Co Ltd >AH Youngman /Hooton>LER Bellairs /Shoreham >PdeW Avery /Reading>MJO Parish >M Hasek >Henlys Ltd>PO FB Chapman /Gosport>AI Sladen/ Cambridge >MN Mabrogordato /Witney | 04.06.30 | Sold Egypt 11.33 restored 8.8.35 Crashed Witney 31.7.38 |
G-AAZE Kings Cup 1934 |
Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/6 | G-AAZE R-232 LV-YEA LV-FCE | Comper Aircraft Co Ltd | 04.06.30 | Ntu - Sold Argentina 5.30 [CoR 2598 cancelled and reissued] |
G-AAZE | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1246 | G-AAXA G-AAZE BK843 4032M | ACM Jackaman >OL Prior-Palmer/Tidworth Hants >Wiltshire School of Flying>JR Mickelthwait >Ganton FC Ltd | 28.01.32 | Impressed 10.9.40 |
G-AAZF Kings Cup 1931 Kings Cup 1932 |
Comper CLA.7 Swift | S30/7 | G-AAZF | G Fane/Heston | 04.06.30 |
Scrapped Hounslow .37 at Croydon with HP42 G-AAUE 'Hadrian' |
G-AAZG | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1253 | G-AAZG M-W133 M-CMMA EC-MMA Spanish AF as 30-94 EC-AAE G-AAZG | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd | 23.05.30 | Sold Spain 6.30 Crashed Sabadell 8.2.53 restored 27.7.01 |
G-AAZH | Klemm L25 Ia | 180 | D-1776 G-AAZH X5009 | Maj EF Stephen >Earl Amherst >Maj EF Stephen /Heston >Sir R Powell/Feltham >FC Gordon-Lennox (Duke of Richmond & Gordon) /Heston >The Birmingham Garages Ltd >LA Willard/ Whitley | 00.06.30 | Impressed 9.4.40 Scrapped .43 |
G-AAZI Kings Cup 1930 |
Desoutter II | D.27 | G-AAZI HM507 | Desoutter Aircraft Co Ltd >WF Rickard /Croydon>Scarborough Aero Club Co Ltd >RO Shuttleworth/Old Warden | 00.06.30 | Impressed 9.11.41 Scrapped Twinwood Farm 7.44 |
G-AAZJ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1538 | G-AAZJ VT-AED | RD King /Brooklands>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley | 00.05.30 | Sold India 4.33 |
G-AAZK | Junkers F13 ge | 2052 | G-AAZK | The Walcot Air Line Ltd /Croydon | 26.05.30 | Dbr Meopham 21.7.30 |
G-AAZL | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1254 | G-AAZL UN-PAH | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >TG Mapplebeck/Belgrade | 23.05.30 | Sold Yugoslavia 8.30 |
G-AAZM | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2042 | G-AAZM R-258 LV-RBA | Lt HM King/Leuchars >HNSt.V Norman/Heston >S Davenport /Heston >HS Whiteside/Heston | 00.05.30 | Sold Argentina 25.7.33 |
G-AAZN | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2043 | G-AAZN | Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd/ Heston >S Davenport /Heston>HNStV Norman >GH Turner/Barton | 00.06.30 | Crashed in fog Leek 23.11.34 |
G-AAZO | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2045 | G-AAZO AX870 | Lt JR Bryans/Gosport >Scottish FC/Renfrew >JP Wakefield/Brooklands >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne >JE Coxon ta Southern Aircraft/Gatwick >International Air Freight/Croydon >Hon Mrs V Bruce /Cardiff | 00.06.30 | Impressed 23.7.40 Hit tarsprayer Swindon 18.6.41 |
G-AAZP Kings Cup 1930 |
DH.80A Puss Moth | 2047 | G-AAZP SU-AAC G-AAZP HL537 G-AAZP | Miss DC Guest/Hanworth >JL Shand/ Heston >MM Singh/Croydon >JP Reidy /Broxbourne>Southern Motor & Aircraft Co /Hamsey Green >HG Everitt /Elmdon | 04.06.30 |
Sold Egypt 6.32 restored 12.36 Impressed 27.9.41 restored 20.11.46 Old Warden 2016 |
G-AAZR | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1275 | G-AAZR | The Royal Geographical Society >Rollason Aviation Co /Croydon >London Transport Central Omnibus (Sports Association) Flying Club/ Broxbourne >Yorkshire Aviation Services Ltd /Leeming | 00.05.30 |
Seaplane. Written off 10.10.37 Used as target York air display 16.6.51 British Arctic Air Route Expedition 1930-1 |
G-AAZS | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2061 | (G-AAZS) VP-KAH G-ABNV I-BIGA | 00.06.30 | Ntu -sold Kenya 8.30 restored 10.31 as G-ABNV | |
G-AAZT | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2063 | G-AAZT 2063M | Dr KE Bury/Woodley >JWStJ Whitehead/Heston >HL Wilson/ Seaton Carew > Hon Brian Lewis >Capt AEH Campbell /Leeming>Capt AEH Campbell & Sqdn Ldr HB Collins/Denham | 00.07.30 | Impressed as inst/af 2.3.40 |
G-AAZU | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2076 | G-AAZU VR-TAI VP-KAY | Brian Lewis & CD Barnard Ltd/Heston >P Malcolm Earl of Lovelace/Heston | 00.07.30 | Sold Tanganyika 2.33 |
G-AAZV | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2077 | G-AAZV X9402 | Miss Amy Johnson/Hull 'Jason II'>Leicestershire Aero Club Ltd/Desford >WT Young /Brooklands>CGM Alington/Gatwick >Surrey Flying Services Ltd | 00.08.30 | Impressed 10.5.40 SOC 12.4.44 scrapped Kemble |
G-AAZW | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2090 | G-AAZW ES916 | de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >GW Garnett/ Leeds | 00.07.30 | Impressed 31.5.41 Dbr landing Wick 5.7.45 |
G-AAZX | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2101 | G-AAZX X9401 2304M | unknown >Vickers (Aviation) Ltd/Brooklands >Brooklands Aviation Ltd >Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd >GJ Dawson/Redhill >CSJ Collier/ Hanworth | 00.07.30 | Impressed 10.5.40 to inst/af |
G-AAZY | DH.80A Puss Moth | 2025 | G-AAZY | G Thornton-Morris/Stag Lane | 10.06.30 | Crashed Petit Clamart France 5.7.30 |
G-AAZZ | DH.60G Gipsy Moth | 1255 | G-AAZZ ZS-ADA SAAF1490 | HE Evans/Hanworth | 27.05.30 | Sold South Africa 5.32 |