G-EBNA DH.66 Hercules 240 G-EBNA Imperial Airways Ltd 'City of Teheran' 11.12.25 Crashed in forced landing Gaza 14.2.30
G-EBNB Bristol 83B Lucifer 6922 G-EBNB Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 14.12.25 Sold Hungarian Govt 25.2.26
G-EBNC Bristol 83B Lucifer 6923 G-EBNC Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 14.12.25 Sold Hungarian Govt 25.2.26


Kings Cup 1928

Avro 566 >567 Avenger II 5109 G-EBND A.V Roe & Co Ltd 24.12.25

Wfu 28.6.29 to inst/af .31

G-EBNE Avro 504R Gosport 5110 G-EBNE K-6 A.V Roe & Co Ltd 24.12.25 Canc 2.33 to inst/af
G-EBNF Avro 504R Gosport 5111 G-EBNF A.V Roe & Co Ltd -donated to Lancashire Aero Club >A.V Roe & Co Ltd 24.12.25

504K with Gnome Monosoupape engine.Blue fuselage, white letters, silver wings.

Crashed Cheadle Hulme 2.10.28

G-EBNG Beardmore Inflexible/Rohrbach Ro VIII G-EBNG J7557 The Air Council 29.12.25 Canc 12.7.27 Scrapped Martlesham Heath .30
G-EBNH Avro 504K   G-EBNH TJ Carslake/Hooton >Mssrs Thomas Griffiths & Rimmer (South Wales Airways Ltd) 00.01.26 Crashed Bridgend 7.5.28
G-EBNI Armstrong Whitworth Atlas I AW142 G-EBNI J9129 Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd 11.01.26 To Air Ministry .28


speed-with-load records 1928

DH.65 Hound > DH.65A 250 G-EBNJ J9127 de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 15.01.26

To Air Ministry 1.28 To AAEE as static test rig 11.9.28

G-EBNK DH.65 Hound 251 G-EBNK AS Butler 15.01.26 Construction abandoned
G-EBNL RAE Sirocco 3 G-EBNL RAE Aero Club 26.01.26 Built for Grosvenor Trophy Race 18.9.26 Not flown
G-EBNM DH.60 Moth 249 G-EBNM T-DMOL OY-DOF OY-DYK Sir J Rhodes/ Stag Lane 19.02.26 Sold Denmark 1.28 Seized by Germans 12.43
G-EBNN DH.60 Moth 260 G-EBNN Yorkshire Aeroplane Club >London Aeroplane Club>Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne 19.02.26 Crashed Lympne 27.3.29


Kings Cup 1926

DH.60 Moth 261 G-EBNO S-AABS SE-ABS de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >BBF Russell /Stag Lane>GAR Malcolm/Stag Lane 19.02.26

Sold Sweden 26.7.28 Svedinos Bil Och Flygmuseum as 'Fv5555'

G-EBNP DH.60X Moth 280 G-EBNP London Aeroplane Club 19.02.26 Written off Stag Lane 22.11.26


Kings Cup 1929

Vickers 123 >141 1 G-EBNQ Vickers Ltd 25.02.26

Scrapped 1.30

 aka 'Fleet Fighter'
G-EBNR Avro 504K F8864 F8864 G-EBNR Cornwall Aviation Co Ltd 01.03.26 Wfu 13.2.30  
G-EBNS Handley Page HP.32 Hamlet 1 G-EBNS The Air Council 15.03.26

Canc 1.30

G-EBNT Gloster G.17 Gamecock I 95/12877 G-EBNT Gloucestershire Aircraft Co Ltd 17.03.26 Canc 27.4.27  
G-EBNU Avro 504K E448 E448 G-EBNU Finnish AF AV-57 ADC Aircraft Ltd 19.03.26 Sold Finnish AF 5.1.27
G-EBNV English Electric Wren 4 G-EBNV A Smith/Sherburn 09.04.26

Canc 1.29 rebuilt with parts of c/n 3 restored 29.10.81 The Shuttleworth Collection


G-EBNW Avro 571 Buffalo II >572 Buffalo II R3/BTC/30021 G-EBNW N239 A.V Roe & Co Ltd 19.04.26

To MAEE Felixstowe 1.29


G-EBNX DH.60 Moth 262 G-EBNX NC1686 HE Hamer/Stag Lane 22.04.26 Sold USA 22.9.27
G-EBNY DH.60 Moth 263 G-EBNY London Aeroplane Club >AF Burns /Edgeware>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley 22.04.26 Crashed 11.29  
G-EBNZ Bristol 89 Trainer 6963 G-EBNZ Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd/Renfrew 26.04.26 Wfu 21.10.29  
G-EBOA Bristol 89 Trainer 6964 G-EBOA Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd/Renfrew 26.04.26 Canc 15.3.27  
G-EBOB Avro 504K F8865 F8865 G-EBOB FJV Holmes (Berkshire Aviation Tours Ltd) 10.05.26 Wfu 3.3.29  
G-EBOC Bristol 89A Trainer 6965 G-EBOC Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 14.05.26

Destroyed in collision with G-AAWJ over Filton 7.7.31


G-EBOD Bristol 89A Trainer 6966 G-EBOD Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd >Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd 14.05.26 Crashed nr Polloshaws Station 26.5.27
G-EBOE Gloster G.27 Gamecock J9248 G-EBOE Gloucestershire Aircraft Co Ltd 20.05.26 Construction abandoned Canc 19.3.28
G-EBOF Avro 536   G-EBOF Surrey Flying Services Ltd 31.05.26

Fuselage 9" wider, so that four passengers could be carried in the rear cockpit. 130 hp Clerget engine.

Royal blue fuselages with white letters and silver wings with blue letters.

Wfu 5.3.29

G-EBOG RAF SE5A   G-EBOG DAN Watt 05.06.26 Rebuilt as Dudley Watt DW.1 Burned Whitchurch .32
G-EBOH DH.60 Moth 269 G-EBOH Hampshire Aeroplane Club 08.06.26 Crashed Ewshott 15.5.30


Kings Cup 1930

DH.60 Moth 270 G-EBOI 2061M Hampshire Aeroplane Club>PA Wills /Stag Lane>JAH Parker/ Brooklands >H Vallance>JS Machin >RSL Boots /Brooklands >Cotswold Aero Club Ltd >Airwork Ltd 08.06.26 Impressed 2.3.40


Kings Cup 1926

Kings Cup 1928

Martinsyde Nimbus >Boreas K1001 G-EBOJ ADC Aircraft Ltd 09.06.26

Wfu 18.7.29 burnt Croydon .30

G-EBOK Avro 548 R/R3/RE/70022 G-EBOK Light Planes (Lancashire) Ltd >Lancashire School of Aviation >Williams & Co/Blackpool 12.06.26 Wfu 20.3.35  


Kings Cup 1926

Martinsyde Nimbus K1002 G-EBOL ADC Aircraft Ltd >Air Taxis Ltd 'Gugnunc' 09.06.26 Dbr 7.10.27 burnt Croydon .30
G-EBOM Blackburn RT.1 Kangaroo WO 8839 B8889 G-EBOM North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd 'Pip' 18.06.26 Crashed Brough 25.9.28


Kings Cup 1926

Parnall Plover N9705 N9705 G-EBON George Parnall Ltd/Yate 19.06.26

Crashed. Canc 1.29


Kings Cup 1927

Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

Halton HAC.I Mayfly >HAC.II Minus 1 G-EBOO Halton Aero Club 23.06.26

Wfu 26.9.29 Broken up Halton

G-EBOP DH.50J 281 G-EBOP North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd 'Pelican' 05.07.26 Dbr landing Kisumu Egypt 17.10.27
G-EBOQ Airco DH.9J 282 G-EBOQ Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd 05.07.26 Written off 9.7.29
G-EBOR Airco DH.9J 283 G-EBOR Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd 05.07.26 Hit trees 27.6.29 Canc 10.29
G-EBOS DH.60 Moth 268 G-EBOS de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Miss S O'Brien/Stag Lane 05.07.26 Crashed Mill Hill Golfcourse 20.10.28


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1930

DH.60 Moth 272 G-EBOT de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Miss WE Spooner >Phillips & Powis >ALF Hill /Shoreham >DE Swann /Reading >CR Shoults/ Broxbourne 05.07.26 Crashed Havering 13.12.31


Grosvenor Challenge Cup 1926

Kings Cup 1928

DH.60 Moth 271 G-EBOU D-1651 de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Flt Lt FO Soden >Malcolm Campbell (London) Ltd 05.07.26

Sold Ernst Udet Germany 7.6.29 Destroyed 2.33

G-EBOV Avro 581 Avian >581A >581E 5116 G-EBOV A.V Roe & Co Ltd >HJ Hinkler /Hamble 07.07.26

Sold Australia 14.1.30 Preserved


Kings Cup 1928

Bristol 101 7019 G-EBOW Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 17.07.26

Broke up in mid air speed tests 29.11.29

G-EBOX Avro 504R Gosport R3/G/80086 G-EBOX A.V Roe & Co Ltd 20.07.26 Sold abroad 16.8.26
G-EBOY Avro 536 P8 G-EAKL G-EBOY Surrey Flying Services Ltd 23.07.26

Fuselage 9" wider, so that four passengers could be carried in the rear cockpit. 130 hp Clerget engine.

Royal blue fuselages with white letters and silver wings with blue letters.

Wfu 11.4.29

G-EBOZ Armstrong Whitworth Argosy I >II AW156 G-EBOZ The Air Council >Imperial Airways Ltd 'City of Wellington' later 'City of Arundel' 00.07.26 Wfu Almaza Egypt 2.6.34
G-EBPA RAF SE5A D7016 D7016 G-EBPA Mrs SC Elliott-Lynn >FG Miles/Shoreham 30.07.26 Wfu 11.4.28 Scrapped (ex E7016 in ICAN: not an SE5A)
G-EBPB Cranwell CLA4A >CLA4 CLA4/1 G-EBPB Cranwell Light Aeroplane Club (Felixstowe Club) >Comper Aircraft Co Ltd>2nd Lt IHT Baldwin 17.08.26 Scrapped Heston .33


Lympne Open Handicap 1926

Cranwell CLA4A CLA4 G-EBPC Cranwell Light Aeroplane Club 18.08.26

Written off 4.3.27

G-EBPD RAF SE5A 7022 D7022 G-EBPD FO HRD Waghorn/RAF Upavon 31.08.26 Written off 27.4.27
G-EBPE DH.9 Seaplane 284 G-EBPE Aircraft Operating Co Ltd /Rhodesia 02.09.26 Wfu Rhodesia 20.12.27
G-EBPF DH.9 Seaplane 285 G-EBPF Aircraft Operating Co Ltd /Rhodesia 02.09.26 Wfu Rhodesia 20.12.27
G-EBPG DH.60 Moth 359 G-EBPG de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 02.09.26 Crashed Worthy Down 4.6.27 dbf
G-EBPH Avro 504R Gosport >585 R3/R/70000 G-EBPH A.V Roe & Co Ltd 23.09.26 Wfu Hamble 25.11.29


Kings Cup 1928

ANEC IV Missel Thrush 1 G-EBPI Air Navigation & Engineering Co Ltd >GN Warwick 08.09.26

Crashed during Kings Cup Race Peebles 20.7.28

Guy Warwick was killed.

G-EBPI ANEC IV Missel Thrush Guy Warwick

Guy Warwick

G-EBPJ Avro 548 E9337 E9337 G-EBPJ N Norman >Norfolk and Norwich AC >Inland FS /Edgeware >British Flying & Motor Services Ltd/Romford 25.10.26 Crashed Romford 31.7.28
G-EBPK Blackburn RT.1 Kangaroo WO 8840 G-EBPK North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd 'Squeak' 29.10.26 Wfu 2.7.29 Scrapped Sherburn
G-EBPL Fokker F.VIIa 4938 H-NADH G-EBPL Hon FE Guest 30.10.26 Crashed in France on delivery 11.26 Sold Holland for spares
G-EBPM DH.60 Moth 353 G-EBPM Hon G Cunliffe >AF Wallace /Edgeware >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne 18.11.26 Crashed nr Lympne 27.2.30
G-EBPN Airco DH.6 C7823 C7823 G-EBPN FJV Holmes >British Flying & Motor Services Ltd/Romford 00.11.26 Wfu 6.7.28 scrapped (ICAN quotes pi C2823)
G-EBPO Avro 548 PL6134 E3387 G-EBPO Newcastle upon Tyne Light Aeroplane Club >JJS Robertson /Cramlington>Pleasure Flying Services >Cramlington Aircraft Ltd 23.11.26 Canc 9.31  
G-EBPP DH.60 Moth 355 G-EBPP G-AUPP VH-UPP de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 01.12.26 Sold Australia 5.27 Crashed Geelong Vic 27.1.31


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

Kings Cup 1930

DH.60 Moth 357 G-EBPQ de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Lt LG Richardson /Edgeware>BB Wickstead/ Brooklands 01.12.26 Crashed Newhaven 20.6.32
G-EBPR DH.60 Moth 358 G-EBPR de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying >AC Pollock /Sherburn>National FS/Hanworth 01.12.26 Crashed Halton 22.10.30
G-EBPS DH.60 Moth 360 G-EBPS de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >PA Wills/Stag Lane 01.12.26 Crashed Duxford 20.1.29
G-EBPT DH.60 Moth 361 G-EBPT Rt Hon Lord Viscount Ossulston >Newcastle upon Tyne Aero Club 01.12.26 Crashed Cramlington 1.12.29


Kings Cup 1927

DH.60 Moth 373 G-EBPU Hon Lady M Bailey >Capt G de Havilland> Hon Lady M Bailey /Edgeware >Nottingham Aero Club Ltd 01.12.26 Wfu 24.3.30  
G-EBPV Fokker F.VIIa-3m 4982 H-NADS G-EBPV I-BBEC Hon FE Guest 01.12.26 Sold Italy 18.3.27
G-EBPW Westland Widgeon III WA1677 G-EBPW Westland Aircraft Works >RA Bruce/Yeovil  

 G-EBPW Westland Widgeon III Lady Heath and schoolgirls

Lady Heath and lots of schoolgirls

G-EBPX Vickers 133 Vendace II >157 2 G-EBPX Vickers Ltd >Aircraft Operating Co /Rio de Janeiro 00.01.27 Sold Brasil 6.6.28 (c/n 1 per official record)


record-breaking flights in 1931, flown by Neville Stack and JR Chaplin

Vickers 130 Vivid >142 1 G-EBPY Vickers Ltd>JR Chaplin/ Brooklands 00.01.27

Dbf Broomfield Strip 17.9.32

G-EBPZ Fairey IIID Seaplane F814 S1076 G-EBPZ The Air Council lsd North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd 18.01.27 Crashed on takeoff Lake Victoria 13.3.27 (or 13.5.27?)
G-EBQA RAF SE5A   G-EBQA Maj JC Savage 'Virgini' 18.01.27 Wfu 18.1.29 Scrapped Hounslow
G-EBQB RAF SE5A   G-EBQB Maj JC Savage 18.01.27 Wfu 10.6.30 Scrapped Hendon
G-EBQC RAF SE5A   G-EBQC D-2081? Maj JC Savage 18.01.27 Sold Germany 6.31
G-EBQD Airco DH.9 H9205 H9205 G-EBQD ADC Aircraft Ltd >Aircraft Operating Co Ltd/Bulawayo 00.01.27 Wfu 10.5.29 Scrapped .30
G-EBQE DH.60 Moth 370 G-EBQE Shell Mex Ltd 'Arom'>C Hammersley /Heston>WRD Perkins /Heston >Cinque Ports FC>Kensington-Moir & Straker Ltd/ Croydon 26.01.27

Sold France 7.31

G-EBQE DH Moth Shell Mex Ltd 'Arom'

G-EBQF Bristol 93A Beaver 7123 G-EBQF Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 02.02.27 Canc 3.2.28  
G-EBQG Parnall Gyroplane (Cierva C11) P1/5281 G-EBQG Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd 04.02.27 Written off Yate .28


Kings Cup 1927

Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

DH.60X Moth 276 G-EBQH de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >AS Butler >FAI Muntz /Heston >Henlys Ltd>RS Gleadow/ Heston >Phillips & Powis >HL Armstrong >PG Illingworth /Redhill>E Goddard/Churchdown 16.02.27 Wfu 3.9.37  
G-EBQI DH.50A 136 G-EBQI Air Taxis Ltd >Sir P Richardson /Brooklands >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd >Northern Air Transport Ltd/Barton 'The Lancastrian' 00.02.27 Written off 2.8.31 Scrapped Brooklands 4.33
G-EBQJ DH.60 Moth 371 G-EBQJ de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >DMM Rooke/ Edgeware 'Marjorie' 22.02.27 Seaplane. Crashed Aurabgabad India 14.8.27 Canc 12.3.38
G-EBQK RAF SE5A F9130 F9130 G-EBQK K Hunter /Brooklands >Maj JC Savage /Hendon 00.02.27 Wfu 31.7.29  


Kings Cup 1927

Avro 594 Avian I >IV R3/AV/117 G-EBQL A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Mrs SC Elliot-Lynn (Lady S Heath) /Croydon >Light Planes (Lancashire) Ltd 00.02.27 Crashed Barton 18.11.33


Kings Cup 1929

RAF SE5A D7020 D7020 G-EBQM FO AH Wheeler >KG Murray /Brooklands 22.03.27 Wfu 4.11.30  


Kings Cup 19228

Kings Cup 1929

Kings Cup 1930

Avro 594 Avian I >II R3/AV/100 G-EBQN 2081M A.V Roe & Co Ltd >RAE Aero Club 00.04.27 Impressed 4.1.40
G-EBQO Dornier Do J Wal 37 N-25 G-EBQO D-1422 FT Courtney /Calshott 02.04.27

Sold Germany 10.28 (c/n Wal 25 in register)

G-EBQP DH.53 Humming Bird 114 J7326 G-EBQP RAE Aero Club >FO AF Scroggs /Henlow >RH Somerset/Plymouth 04.04.27 Crashed Hamble 21.7.34 restored 23.8.77
G-EBQQ RAF SE5A C1091 C1091 G-EBQQ Lt GHB Maddocks /Brooklands 04.04.27

Crashed Brooklands 9.11.28


G-EBQQ crash

'Spectators helping mechanics to release Lieutenant G. H. B. Madocks, of the Coldstream Guards, from the wreckage of the aeroplane in which he crashed at Brooklands Aerodrome yesterday. He was conscious when rescued and was taken to Weybridge Cottage Hospital, where he died.

He was the only surviving son of Brigadier-General Madocks, whose other son was killed eight months ago in the motor smash in France in which Viscount Trematon, the Queen's nephew, was fatally injured." - Daily Mirror

G-EBQR Avro 504K   G-EBQR Western Aviation Co Ltd /Cheltenham >Aviation Tours Ltd/ Ford 14.04.27 Wfu 26.6.31  
G-EBQS Bristol 89A Trainer 6967 G-EBQS unknown >Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd 00.04.27 Wfu 17.6.29  
G-EBQT Bristol 89A Trainer 7124 G-EBQT unknown >Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 00.04.27 Written off 23.8.28


speed over 100km (186.47mph) and altitude (19,197ft) records 1927

DH.71 Tiger Moth 323 G-EBQU VH-UNH de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 05.04.27

Sold Australia 12.30 Crashed Mascot NSW 17.9.30

G-EBQV DH.60 Moth 375 G-EBQV Newcastle upon Tyne Light Aeroplane Club>MC Harley /Reading >Lt Cmdr PD Oliver/Plymouth >Ms MK Wilberforce /Rochford >CDC Boulton/Portsmouth 13.04.27 Wfu 28.4.36  


Kings Cup 1930

DH.60 Moth 378 G-EBQW Capt E Hayes /Edgeware >Nottingham AC >Lt CRV Pugh & JB Buckley/Gosport 12.04.27 Canc 12.30  
G-EBQX DH.60 Moth 385 G-EBQX DMM Rooke >Norfolk & Norwich AC>EC Wilson /Castle Bromwich >DL Lloyd & GFM Wright/ Castle Bromwich >DL Lloyd >HS Griffiths /Walsall >EJ Brighton (Air Views Ltd)/Castle Bromwich 12.04.27 Wfu 6.10.37 Scrapped 10.6.51
G-EBQY DH.60 Moth 376 G-EBQY Capt WR Bailey/Stag Lane >de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 00.04.27 Wfu 2.6.28  
G-EBQZ DH.60 Moth 386 G-EBQZ Dr G Merton/ Stag Lane > National FS/Hanworth >MDL Scott/Skegness 00.04.27 Wfu 31.7.35  
G-EBRA DH.53 Humming Bird 109 J7270 G-EBRA RP Cooper >de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 26.04.27 Sold abroad 1.30
G-EBRB Avro 536   G-EBRB Surrey Flying Services Ltd 27.04.27

Fuselage 9" wider, so that four passengers could be carried in the rear cockpit. 130 hp Clerget engine.

Royal blue fuselages with white letters and silver wings with blue letters.

Rebuilt from stored airframe. Crashed Barry 28.5.28 Canc 12.6.28

G-EBRC Avro 594 Avian II R3/AV/118 G-EBRC A.V Roe & Co Ltd 30.04.27 Crashed into sea off Ventnor 6.9.27
G-EBRD Avro 548   G-EBRD Henderson Flying School Ltd 01.06.27

Standard 504, but with Renault, RAF 1A or Airdisco V8 engines and fuel tanks under each upper wing.

Wartime camouflage.

Wfu 2.6.28 scrapped in South Africa
G-EBRE Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/2 G-EBRE Suffolk & Eastern Counties Aeroplane Club Ltd 11.05.27

Destroyed Hadleigh 6.1.30

G-EBRE or F Blackburn Bluebird

or possibly G-EBRF...


Kings Cup 1927

Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/3 G-EBRF Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd >LJC Mitchell /Chard>Fl Off B Paddon/ Henlow >RH Henderson /Hanworth>Hon AB Mildmay /Gravesend 11.05.27 Destroyed Gravesend .37
G-EBRG Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/4 G-EBRG Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd 11.05.27 Crashed Sherburn-in-Elmet 5.2.28
G-EBRH DH.60X Moth Seaplane 404 G-EBRH MGW Burton/Southampton 18.05.27 Seaplane. Crashed Kastrup Denmark 4.9.27
G-EBRI DH.60X Moth 405 G-EBRI X5128 Duchess of Bedford >TA Gladstone /Brough>Cinque Ports Flying Club>HM Pauer/ Hooton Park >Northern AT >N Edgar (Western Airways ) Ltd >Cotswold Aero Club 18.05.27 Impressed 19.12.39 Used as decoy and scrapped SOC 1.1.41
G-EBRJ DH.53 Humming Bird 108 J7269 G-EBRJ ER Wilson >Tellus Super Vacuum Cleaner Ltd/Brooklands 20.05.27 Wfu 27.11.28 Scrapped Woodley .30 (c/n 67 in ICAN)
G-EBRK DH.53 Humming Bird 112 J7273 G-EBRK RN Thompson >RWH Knight/Duxford 23.05.27 Written off 3.32


Kings Cup 1927

Westland Widgeon III WA1679 G-EBRL RA Bruce/Yeovil 11.05.27 Crashed Yeovil 3.6.31


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

Kings Cup 1930

Westland Widgeon IIIa WA1680 G-EBRM RG Cazalet /Castle Bromwich >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd 07.09.27

Canc 12.31 Scrapped Brooklands .31


Kings Cup 1929

Kings Cup 1931

Westland Widgeon III WA1724 G-EBRN Wing Cmdr ER Manning /Northolt >HR Law /Croydon >Flt Lt AH Wheeler/Northolt 00.05.27 Burnt Stranraer .51 (originally allotted c/n WA1681:this aircraft to Australia as G-AUGI. WA1781 quoted in official register)


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1931

Westland Widgeon III WA1682 G-EBRO Westland Aircraft Works>Sqdn Ldr The Hon R Cochrane /Andover >JG Ormston/ Broxbourne >MC Wilks >SF Youles >SG Stevens & AG Head >IP Tidman >W Partington >AO Humble Smith/Portsmouth 00.05.27

Wfu 23.3.38 scrapped

G-EBRP Westland Widgeon III WA1694 G-EBRP G-IAAW VT-AAM Westland Aircraft Works 00.05.27 Sold India 1.28 (originally allocated c/n WA1683)


Kings Cup 1927

Air League Challenge Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

Kings Cup 1930

Kings Cup 1931

Westland Widgeon III WA1684 G-EBRQ Sqdn Ldr HM Probyn /Old Sarum>Flt Lt GL Gandy/ Croydon >Wng Cdr ELH Williams/Hinaidi 11.07.27

Wfu 2.1.36

G-EBRR Avro 594 Avian II R3/AV/119 G-EBRR unknown >Light Planes (Lancashire) Ltd 00.05.27

Written off 14.7.28

G-EBRS Avro 594 Avian II R3/AV/120 G-EBRS CH-202 unknown >Mrs SC Elliott-Lynn/Stag Lane 00.05.27 Sold Switzerland 8.27


Kings Cup 1927

Kings Cup 1928

DH.60X Moth 410 G-EBRT ACM Jackaman 'Peridot I'>WD MacPherson /Heston>PQ Reiss/ Heston>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >Scottish Eastern Aircraft Services Ltd> JHA Wells & WRL Beaumont /Penshurst 31.05.27 Crashed Ashington 20.6.36
G-EBRU DH.60 Moth 387 G-EBRU IH McClure/Stag Lane 08.06.27 Dbr in forced landing Rakos Hungary 6.8.27


Kings Cup 1927

DH.71 Tiger Moth 324 G-EBRV de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 01.06.27 Wfu 7.8.28 Destroyed by enemy action Hatfield 3.10.40
G-EBRW DH.53 Humming Bird 107 J7268 G-EBRW Flt Lt DV Carnegie>F Gough /Norwich >RAE Aero Club >JS Tanner/RAF Gosport >unknown >RL Burnett/Broxbourne 08.06.27 Wfu 6.34 Scrapped .37
G-EBRX DH.60 Moth 388 G-EBRX PH-KLG de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd> Northampton AC >Sub Lt RD King /Leuchars >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd>DZ de Ferranti & Baslow & JM Greaves/ Manchester >Miss CR Leathart/ Cramlington 10.06.27 Sold Holland 6.33
G-EBRY DH.60 Moth 389 G-EBRY AW147 4076M de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Miss MS Dashwood Wilson /Edgeware>The Isle of Wight Flying Club Ltd 00.06.27 Impressed 23.6.40 To 1803Sqdn ATC Scrapped 24.7.45
G-EBRZ DH.60X Moth 413 G-EBRZ Capt A Milburn/Sherburn 30.06.27 Crashed nr Sherburn 23.9.27
G-EBSA DH.60X Moth 414 G-EBSA Maj GC Maxwell >G Linnell /Edgeware>Miss EI Slade /Heston> Cinque Ports FC 28.06.27 Crashed Crockerwell 8.4.31
G-EBSB Bristol 89A Trainer 7156 G-EBSB Wm Beardmore Ltd 13.06.27 Wfu 30.7.29  
G-EBSC Avro 548   G-EBSC Henderson Flying School Ltd /Brooklands 23.06.27 Built from spares. Crashed in South Africa 5.28
G-EBSD Avro 594A Avian II R3/AV/121 G-EBSD A.V Roe & Co Ltd>Taxiplanes Ltd>A.V Roe & Co Ltd >FS Lee/Little Malden>LMJ Balfour /Hanworth>JCH Frost/Wallingford >National FS /London Air Park 28.07.27 Crashed .32 Canc 12.32 scrapped Hanworth 3.33
G-EBSE Avro 504K H2234 H2234 G-EBSE Cornwall Aviation Co Ltd 04.07.27 Wfu 11.4.32 (Crashed Margate 27.7.29?)
G-EBSF DH.60X Moth 415 G-EBSF Capt G de Havilland >Hon Lady M Bailey /Edgeware 07.07.27 Crashed Tabora Tanganyika 8.4.28
G-EBSG Avro 504K H257 H257 G-EBSG RH Thomas & DW Griffiths (South Wales Airways) 11.07.27 Wfu 28.7.28 Canc 11.34
G-EBSH Bristol 89A Trainer 7157 G-EBSH Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 08.07.27 Wfu 28.11.33  
G-EBSI DH.60X Moth 416 G-EBSI T-DALF (OY-DEF) de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 14.07.27 Sold Denmark 28.10.27 Crashed Vejle 21.5.29
G-EBSJ Avro 504K H2365 H2365 G-EBSJ AH Matthews/Maylands >North British Aviation Co Ltd /Hooton >GH Lloyd/Newcastle 14.07.27 Canc 2.5.35  


Kings Cup 1927

DH.60X Moth 417 G-EBSK unknown >Sir H Bowden /Hucknall >Nottingham AC 14.07.27 Crashed Hucknall 22.8.28 two killed
G-EBSL Avro 504K D6330 D6330 G-EBSL FJV Holmes (Berkshire Aviation Tours)/Witney >Northern Air Transport Ltd/Barton 00.07.27 Crashed. Canc 9.5.32
G-EBSM Avro 504K H9859 H9859 G-EBSM FJV Holmes (Berkshire Aviation Tours)/Witney >James Bunning Ltd/Newport 00.07.27 Wfu 17.5.29  
G-EBSN DH.60X Moth 418 G-EBSN Bristol & Wessex Aeroplane Club Ltd 23.07.27 Crashed nr Filton 6.5.28 two killed
G-EBSO DH.60X Moth 419 G-EBSO Lt RR Bentley 'Dorys' /Edgeware>JH Wybrants/Eastbourne >Surrey Flying Services /Croydon 25.07.27 Crashed Brooklands 28.5.32
G-EBSP DH.60X Moth 420 G-EBSP TH Worth /Waddington>HCGH Stilsted /Reading >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley 00.07.27 Crashed Woodley 3.8.33
G-EBSQ DH.60X Moth 421 G-EBSQ FL Mill >Mrs Maia Carberry/ Nyeri Kenya 28.07.27 Crashed Nairobi Kenya 12.3.28
G-EBSR DH.60X Moth 422 G-EBSR G-UAAO ZS-AAO Johannesburg Light Plane Club 11.08.27 To South Africa Crashed Baragwanath 1.2.29
G-EBSS DH.60X Moth 423 G-EBSS William Whiteley Ltd /Edgeware (sold Viscomte de Sibour 'Jeunesse' but not regd) >Cinque Ports FC 02.08.27 Crashed nr Lympne 13.10.28
G-EBST DH.60X Moth 427 G-EBST AX793 AH Downes Shaw /Bristol>WG Andrews /Heston>GW Ferguson /Hanworth >Northern AT>unknown >Hon B Lewis>RJ Bunning >Airwork Ltd >Worcestershire Flying Club Ltd 08.08.27 Impressed 9.7.40 SOC 30.10.40 Scrapped St.Athan .41
G-EBSU DH.60X Moth 428 G-EBSU N-38 Marquis of Douglas & Clydesdale 08.08.27 Crashed nr lighthouse Calais en route Norway 19.3.29
G-EBSV Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/5 G-EBSV Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd>FGR Spikens/Teddington 00.08.27 Wfu 11.12.31 Scrapped Twickenham
G-EBSW Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/6 G-EBSW Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd>Flt Lt GEG Lywood /HMS Glorious >Flt Lt TG Bird 16 Squadron/RAF Old Sarum > N Edgar/Whitchurch 00.08.27

Wfu 26.1.34

G-EBSX Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/7 G-EBSX Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd 17.08.27 Sold to Brasil 11.11.27
G-EBSY Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/8 G-EBSY Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd 06.10.27 Sold to Brasil 17.10.27


Kings Cup 1928

Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/9 G-EBSZ Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Suffolk Aeroplane Club>CN Prentice/Kelvedon >RD Gerrans/Broxbourne 13.10.27 Wfu 15.3.32 scrapped
G-EBTA Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/10 G-EBTA Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >North Sea Aerial and General Transport Co Ltd 00.10.27 Crashed Brough. Canc 12.30
G-EBTB Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/11 G-EBTB Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Yorkshire Aeroplane Club Ltd 00.10.27 Written off 3.29
G-EBTC Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/12 G-EBTC unknown >Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >North Sea Aerial and General Transport Co Ltd 00.10.27 Crashed. Canc 3.30
G-EBTD DH.60X Moth 430 G-EBTD AW153 de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne 00.09.27

Impressed 24.6.40 SOC 30.10.40 Scrapped St Athan .41


During the 'Sealed Gypsy' tests in 1928-9; it ran for 600 hrs, over a period of 9 months, with only routine maintenance.


Kings Cup 1928

Parnall Imp   G-EBTE George Parnall & Co>Fl Off AT Orchard/Winchester 00.10.27

Scrapped 12.33

G-EBTF Avro 536   G-EBTF Surrey Flying Services Ltd 01.09.27

Fuselage 9" wider, so that four passengers could be carried in the rear cockpit. 130 hp Clerget engine.

Royal blue fuselages with white letters and silver wings with blue letters.

Wfu 31.8.28 Canc 12.30

G-EBTG DH.60X Moth 469 G-EBTG WR Carr /Nairobi>Lady M Bailey >EN Watt/ Ford >TH Chamberlain /Croydon >HL Wilson /Seaton Carew >Brian Lewis >RBP Dowsby >Southend on Sea FS Ltd>Southend on Sea FC Ltd>Canute Air Park Co>NM Browning> Premier Aircraft Constructions Ltd >Romford Flying Club 16.11.27 Hit furniture van landing Maylands 24.8.38 dbf


Kings Cup 1929

DH.60X Moth 429 G-EBTH D Kittel 'Silvry 3'>Sir PGJ Mostyn /Edgeware >Aero Hire Ltd >J Rowley/ Castle Bromwich >HJ Willis /Castle Bromwich >PHI Jones/Elmdon 08.08.27 Donated to ATC .40 Burned Sheldon .51
G-EBTI DH.60X Moth 431 G-EBTI (VR-SAD) VR-RAB FL Mill /Edgeware>Capt S Burt /Edgeware>Lt Col GLP Henderson>Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>SP Jackson /Castle Bromwich>AL Birch/Woodley 10.08.27 Sold Singapore 9.34 Wfu 9.38
G-EBTJ DH.60X Moth 432 G-EBTJ G-UAAD ZS-AAD JH Veasey /Johannesburg 13.09.27 Sold South Africa 2.28
G-EBTK RAF SE5A   G-EBTK LR Oldmeadows >H Winch >Kent Aircraft Services >CB Field/Kingswood Knoll 09.08.27 Scrapped Kingswood Knoll 11.34
G-EBTL DH.61 Giant Moth 325 G-EBTL G-AUTL VH-UTL de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 12.08.27

Sold Australia 2.28 'Canberra' then 'Old Gold'. Canc in NG 18.9.36

G-EBTM RAF SE5A   G-EBTM D-1634 Maj JC Savage /Hendon 20.08.27 Sold Germany 16.5.29
G-EBTN Airco DH.9J 326 G-EBTN de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 29.08.27 Wfu 1.4.33 scrapped


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

RAF SE5A   G-EBTO WT Hay/Sherburn >WL Handley/Castle Bromwich 22.09.27 Wfu 12.29  
G-EBTP Avro 594 Avian II R3/AV/124 G-EBTP G-UAAN ZS-AAN H Hollingdrake /Woodford 17.08.27 Sold South Africa 2.29
G-EBTQ Fokker F.VIIa 5023 H-NEAC G-EBTQ Princess Alice of Lowenstein-Wertheim 'St Raphael' 22.08.27 Lost over Atlantic 31.8.27
G-EBTR Airco DH.9 H9369 G-EBTR ADC Aircraft Ltd /Waddon 26.08.27 Sold abroad 9.30
G-EBTS Fokker F.VIIa 4953 H-NADK G-EBTS RH McIntosh 'Princess Xenia' >Air Communications Ltd 'The Spider' >Duchess of Bedford>CD Barnard /Bristol >India Air Pageants Ltd/Bombay >Sir DH Bhiwandiwalla/Bombay 02.09.27

Scrapped 3.37 

G-EBTT DH.53 Humming Bird 111 J7272 G-EBTT (G-ABPS) WB Ellis/Cramlington 05.09.27 Not converted  


England-Australia 1927

Avro 594 Avian III R3/AV/125 G-EBTU G-AUTU VH-UTU A.V Roe & Co Ltd >WN Lancaster/Croydon 'Red Rose' 00.09.27

Sold Australia 5.28

G-EBTV DH.60X Moth 436 G-EBTV de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Bristol & Wessex AC >Norman Edgar/Bristol Air Port >The Doncaster Aviation Co Ltd >EC Peacock/Silk Willoughby 12.09.27 Crashed into sea off Skegness 23.4.33
G-EBTW Cierva C.6D (Avro 575) >C.8R (Avro 587) 5114 J8068 G-EBTW Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd 09.09.27

Scrapped 9.1.29

G-EBTX Avro 552A >Cierva C.8V (Avro 586) > 552A 5113 H2323 G-EAPR G-EBTX G-ABGO Cierva Autogiro Co Ltd 09.09.27 Wfu .30 cv Avro 552A as G-ABGO Crashed Coal Aston 25.10.33
G-EBTY Avro 594 Avian III >IV R3/AV/128 G-EBTY 2077M JP Drew/Renfrew >unknown >The Scottish FC Ltd>DK Fairweather >RE Horrox/ Netherthorpe >Light Planes (Lancashire) Ltd >HV Armstrong/Hooton Park 12.09.27 Impressed 20.12.29
G-EBTZ DH.60X Moth 437 G-EBTZ AW146 2833M Air Taxis Ltd >GFE Storey /Lympne>unknown >CE Berrens /Studland >unknown >RJ Bunning/Tilesford >Worcestershire Flying Club Ltd 12.09.27 Impressed 11.6.40 to 1092Sqdn ATC
G-EBUA DH.60X Moth 438 G-EBUA T-DALP S-AABR SE-ABR de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 12.09.27 Sold Denmark 10.27
G-EBUB Westland Widgeon III WA1695 G-EBUB G-AUHU VH-UHU Westland Aircraft Works 00.09.27 Sold Australia 25.8.28
G-EBUC Westland Widgeon III WA1696 (G-EBUC) Westland Aircraft Works 00.09.27 ntu - Sold abroad
G-EBUD Westland Widgeon III WA1697 (G-EBUD) G-AUIN Westland Aircraft Works 01.09.27 ntu - Sold Australia 1.8.28
G-EBUE Westland Widgeon III WA1698 (G-EBUE) Westland Aircraft Works 00.09.27 ntu - Sold abroad


Kings Cup 1928

DH.60X Moth 441 G-EBUF F-ANHN ADC Aircraft Ltd>S Smith & Sons /Heston>Tom de Breton Carling/ Brooklands>WHA Perry/Heston 19.09.27 Sold France 27.6.33
G-EBUG Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/101 G-EBUG NC7083 unknown >Lady Mary Heath /Manchester (use of Miss A Earhart) 00.09.27 Sold USA 29.6.28 (c/n in register is AV/412)
G-EBUH Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/13 G-EBUH Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd >Suffolk & Eastern Counties AC 00.09.27 Wfu 26.6.31  
G-EBUI Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/14 G-EBUI Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd 30.09.27 Written off 3.29
G-EBUJ DH.60X Moth Seaplane 450 G-EBUJ VR-SAE Malayan VAF Royal Singapore Flying Club 27.09.27 Seaplane. Sold Singapore 1.9.34 Destroyed 2.42
G-EBUK DH.60X Moth Seaplane 451 G-EBUK VR-SAF VR-SBH Malayan VAF Royal Singapore Flying Club 27.09.27 Seaplane. Sold Singapore 1.9.34 Destroyed 2.42
G-EBUL DH.60X Moth 443 G-EBUL Cmdr LM Robinson/ Nairobi 29.09.27 Wfu Nairobi 6.31
G-EBUM Airco DH.9C '8370' O-BATA G-EBUM VT-AAK JS Newall & N Vincent /Edgeware 29.09.27 Sold India 1.29  
G-EBUN Airco DH.9C F1223 F1223 O-BELG G-EBUN VT-AAL JS Newall & N Vincent /Edgeware 29.09.27 Sold India 1.29  
G-EBUO DH.60X Moth 452 G-EBUO VP-YAB Rhodesian Aviation Syndicate /Bulawayo 29.09.27 To Rhodesia 11.30 Crashed Bulawayo 20.11.31
G-EBUP Short S.5 Singapore S.677 N179 G-EBUP N179 The Air Council (for Alan Cobham African survey) 06.10.27

To RAF 10.28

G-EBUQ           Letter Q no longer allotted
G-EBUR DH.60X Moth 446 G-EBUR IH McClure/Stag Lane 18.10.27 Crashed Detling 20.7.30
G-EBUS DH.60X Moth 444 G-EBUS (NC9706?) Hon FE Guest /Hendon>JR Ashwell-Cooke /Lympne>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Yapton Aero Club 19.10.27 Canc 5.11.45  
G-EBUT Fokker F.XI 422 NC3199 G-EBUT VP-KAB G-EBUT VH-UTO Mrs M Carberry 'Miss Africa'>Air Taxis Ltd >DF Shepherd/ Croydon >Staffordshire Airplanes Ltd /Meir 19.10.27 To Kenya 12.28 restored 3.29 Sold Australia 12.35
G-EBUU DH.60X Moth 471 G-EBUU Scottish Flying Club /Renfrew 27.10.27 Crashed Renfrew 1.5.28
G-EBUV DH.60X Moth Seaplane 474 G-EBUV Rt Hon FE Guest /Southampton 03.11.27 Seaplane. Crashed Grand Bahamas 8.28
G-EBUW DH.60X Moth 475 G-EBUW HE Hamer/Letchworth 03.11.27 Crashed Odsey 18.5.29 two killed


Kings Cup 1928

DH.60X Moth 476 G-EBUX Air Taxis Ltd>AS Butler /Edgeware >Scottish FC>Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>TH Dastur/Brooklands 03.11.27

Crashed Brooklands 22.3.31

G-EBUX DH Moth Capt de Havilland G-EBYV DH Moth SW Smith G-EBXJ Bernard Martin Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1928, flown by Capt de Havilland

G-EBUY Avro 504R Gosport R3/CN/100 G-EBUY J9175 A.V Roe & Co Ltd 03.11.27 To RAF 1.28 Canc 1.29
G-EBUZ DH.60X Moth 478 G-EBUZ VT-AEE GE Pitman /Filton>Rt Hon FE Guest >GLP Henderson & Max C Wall /Croydon >JHA Chapman /Brooklands >Newcastle upon Tyne AC Ltd>Iain O'Brian MacGregor/Shaftesbury 12.11.27 Sold India .33  
G-EBVA Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/104 G-EBVA A.V Roe & Co Ltd >LER Bellairs /Shoreham >DJ Hamilton-Lister >Surrey Flying Services >P Cruttendon /Reading >Fl Off G Shaw - 608 (B) Squadron/Thornaby-on-Tees >RC Pick & W Mason>W Mason /Leeming 00.11.27 Dbf in hangar fire Brooklands 24.10.36
G-EBVB RAF SE5A   G-EBVB Maj JC Savage /Hendon 12.11.27 Wfu 14.4.34 Scrapped Hendon
G-EBVC DH.60X Moth 483 G-EBVC Maudes Motor Mart /Edgeware >Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd/Woodley 16.11.27 Crashed Woodley 14.6.30


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1930

DH.60X Moth 247 J8031 G-EBVD Hampshire Aeroplane Club>HM Yeatman >AOC Flying Club /Stag Lane >JT de Fraine /Reading >DE Swann/Reading >GRM Burr >CMC Turner/Lympne >RK Dundas Ltd (7.6.45) 30.11.27

Scrapped Coulsdon .49

G-EBVE Avro 548   G-EBVE Henderson Flying School Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd 00.12.27 Dbr Brooklands 11.28
G-EBVF Henderson HSF1 HSF1 G-EBVF unknown >Lt Col GLP Henderson 00.12.27 Scrapped 12.30
G-EBVG Short S.8 Calcutta S.712 (N214) G-EBVG The Air Council > Imperial Airways Ltd 'City of Alexandria' /Alexandria>Air Pilots Training Ltd/Hamble >Imperial Airways Ltd/Alexandria 00.12.27

Capsized in storm Mirabella Crete 28.12.36

G-EBVH Short S.8 Calcutta S.713 (N215) G-EBVH The Air Council > Imperial Airways Ltd 'City of Athens' later 'City of Stonehaven' /Alexandria>Air Pilots Training Ltd /Southampton 00.12.27 Wfu 29.9.37 reduced to spares Hamble
G-EBVI Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/107 G-EBVI Hampshire Aeroplane Club >JWG James/Croydon >G Pollard/Broxbourne 00.12.27 Written off 7.34
G-EBVJ DH.60X Moth 501 G-EBVJ VP-YAE VP-RAB Lt Cdr G Kidson /Edgeware>Sqd Ldr Wynne Eaton /Rhodesia>CS Meikle/ Salisbury S. Rhodesia 03.12.27 Sold Rhodesia 12.30


Kings Cup 1929

DH.60X Moth 467 G-EBVK Mrs HI Jackaman >Lt Cdr G Kidson >GLP Henderson & Loel Guinness >G MacKinnon & Surrey Flying Services >R Frogley /Hoddesdon>The Herts & Essex Aero Club Ltd/Broxbourne 13.12.27 Crashed Broxbourne 6.7.37
G-EBVL Avro 504K   G-EBVL LER Bellairs/Shoreham >Southern Aircraft Ltd> FC Fisher/Burton-on-Trent 00.12.27 Wfu 13.3.37 Scrapped
G-EBVM Vickers 131 Valiant 1 G-EBVM Vickers Ltd /Brooklands 15.12.27 Sold Chilean AF 12.12.28
G-EBVN DH.60 Genet Moth J88.. G-EBVN Grp Capt MG Christie 00.12.27 ntu  


Kings Cup 1928

Blackburn F.2 Lincock I WO 9906 G-EBVO Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd/Brough >RLR Atcherley /Brough >Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd 06.01.28

Wfu 2.9.31 dismantled Brough

G-EBVP Blackburn F.1 Turcock WO 9725 G-EBVP Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd/Brough 06.01.28 Dbf after hitting tree Martlesham Heath 13.2.28
G-EBVR Bristol 89A Trainer 7234 G-EBVR Wm Beardmore Ltd 11.01.28 Wfu 9.3.29  
G-EBVS Airco DH.6 4443 F3444 G-EBVS unknown >British Flying & Motor Services Ltd/Maylands 00.01.28 Wfu 26.4.29 scrapped (pi also given as 3443 - none are valid but c/n 4442 applied to EAWT suggests possibly ex F3438)
G-EBVT DH.60X Moth 537 G-EBVT Scottish Flying Club Ltd 16.01.28 Crashed nr Lenzie Dumbarton 10.2.29
G-EBVU Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/111 G-EBVU A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Capt HD Wolff 'John' /Croydon 00.01.28 Crashed into trees Elizabethville Belgian Congo 18.10.28
G-EBVV DH.75 Hawk Moth 327 G-EBVV de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 18.01.28 Scrapped .30  
G-EBVW Avro 504K   G-EBVW FJV Holmes (Berkshire Aviation Tours) >Northern Air Transport Ltd/Barton 00.01.28 Dismantled Hooton 12.31
G-EBVX DH.60X Moth 538 G-EBVX Lt Cdr HC MacDonald /Edgeware 23.01.28 Crashed on beach Sollum Egypt 17.5.28
G-EBVY Avro 504N R3/CN/126 G-EBVY A.V Roe & Co Ltd >LG Anderson/ Hanworth 00.01.28 Crashed Tooting 30.1.35


Kings Cup 1930

Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/112 G-EBVZ A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Miss WS Brown /Woodford>WM Wood & RS Smith/ Hawkwell >Norma Wiltshire /Hawkwell>Sir RL Hare 26.01.28 Crashed Scarcliffe Derby 19.5.34
G-EBWA DH.60X Moth 539 G-EBWA Capt OS Baker >KG Murray /Edinburgh>Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>CFP Lowe/ Manchester >HE Bradley /Barton>Northern AT>Hon Brian Lewis /Hooton>A Collinge /Barton>CGM Alington/Broxbourne 23.01.28 Crashed nr Buxton 11.10.34
G-EBWB Blackburn T.3A Velos WO 9593/1 G-EBWB North Sea Aerial & General Transport Ltd 26.01.28 Wfu 31.3.32 Scrapped Leeds 12.33
G-EBWC DH.60X Moth 553 G-EBWC (G-EBZN) de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne 02.03.28 Crashed Lympne 7.7.28
G-EBWD DH.60X Moth 552 G-EBWD H Murray-Philipson /Renfrew>DL de Villiers /Heston>RO Shuttleworth /Brooklands 02.03.28

The Shuttleworth Collection

G-EBWE Blackburn L.1A Bluebird II WO 9803/15 G-EBWE Blackburn Aeroplane & Motor Co Ltd 'The Friend Ship'>TA Gladstone /Darlington>North Sea Aerial and General Transport Co Ltd >KV Wright/Farnborough 17.03.28 Crashed Nivelles Belgium 8.9.31 (c/n originally 629/1)
G-EBWF Avro 504K   G-EBWF LJ Sky-Trips Ltd /Wokingham >Alliston Aviation Co Ltd/Brooklands 21.03.28 Wfu 10.7.31 Scrapped Hornchurch 12.32
G-EBWG Airco DH.6 B2791 B2791 G-EBWG RJ Bunning /Newport>Giro Aviation Co 'Silver Wings' /Hesketh 06.02.28 Wfu 15.4.31 scrapped
G-EBWH Avro 548   G-EBWH Henderson Flying School Ltd 07.02.28 Dbr Canvey Is 22.7.28


Kings Cup 1928

DH.60X Moth 557 G-EBWI NH Jones 'Camberwell Beauty'>Scottish FC >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd >Newcastle upon Tyne AC >Phillips &Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >JWN Coles /High Post >GB Pollard/ Broxbourne >Herts & Essex AC 15.02.28 Wfu 9.5.36  
G-EBWJ Avro 548   G-EBWJ Henderson Flying School Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>CBH Crawshaw/ Hooton 00.02.28 Wfu 4.5.32 Scrapped
G-EBWK Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/114 G-EBWK J Tattersall >Merseyside Aero & Sports Co Ltd>Capt WF Anderson /Croydon >Capt SD Scott/Cowes >L Hawthorn /Farnborough >Bedford School of Flying Ltd 07.03.28 Wfu 30.6.39 Sold in parts 18.12.40
G-EBWL DH.60X Moth 556 G-EBWL Lord Ossulston /Cramlington >Flt Lt HM King /Leuchars>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley 02.03.28 Crashed Hanworth 16.7.31
G-EBWM Avro 608 Hawk > 627 5125 (G-EBWM) G-ABJM A.V Roe & Co Ltd 29.02.28 Can 3.33 Completed as Avro 527 c/n 502 G-ABJM Wfu 5.35
G-EBWN Bristol 89A Trainer R58 G-EBWN Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd/Renfrew 01.03.28 Built from remains of EBOA and EBOD Wfu 30.7.29
G-EBWO Avro 504K   G-EBWO Dr MC Wall (Henderson Flying School Ltd ) /Brooklands >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd 'Bluey' 00.03.28 Crashed Reading 1.4.29
G-EBWP Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/113 G-EBWP G-UAAR ZS-AAR A.V Roe & Co Ltd 07.03.28 Sold South Africa 7.28
G-EBWR Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/116 G-EBWR A.V Roe & Co Ltd>JG Crammond /Penshurst>EK Rayson/ Croydon 07.03.28 Sold Argentina 12.30 (c/n CN/104 in register)
G-EBWS DH.60X Moth 558 G-EBWS de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 07.03.28 Sold Spain 1.29


Kings Cup 1930

DH.60X Moth 590 G-EBWT FAI Muntz /Edgeware>WL Runciman /Cramlington>The Herts & Essex Aero Club Ltd/Broxbourne 10.03.28

Crashed Nazeing 24.3.34


Kings Cup 1930

Kings Cup 1931

Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/117 G-EBWU Lancashire School of Aviation Ltd >British Airships Ltd >AGH Bond >British AL >Lt C John /Gosport >Henlys Ltd /Heston >Lt Sir RA Clayton /Reading >SWA Scott /Hooton >unknown >Gravesend Aviation Ltd >FW Humphrey >Cinque Ports Flying Club >K Lingford/Lympne 10.03.28 Wfu 8.44 used as film prop by National Studios Ltd Elstree
G-EBWV DH.60X Moth >DH.60G 566 G-EBWV de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 28.03.28

Lost over Atlantic 18.10.28


with Cmdr H C McDonald, who was lost attempting to cross the Atlantic from Newfoundland

G-EBWW Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/118 G-EBWW VT-AAW FP Raynham/Croydon 07.03.28

Sold India 20.3.29


G-EBWW Avro Avian (2)


Kings Cup 1929

DH.60X Moth 583 G-EBWX Capt HH Balfour >Lt Col GLP Henderson/Croydon >RB Walters/ Croydon 10.03.28 Wfu 16.4.31  
G-EBWY DH.60X Moth 584 G-EBWY N Norman /Edgeware>TE Rose-Richards /Edgeware>London Aeroplane Club Ltd >RC Presland/ Stag Lane 10.03.28 Wfu 6.10.32  
G-EBWZ DH.60X Moth 509 G-EBWZ Henry Petre >Mrs MH Stevens/Brooklands 13.03.28

Crashed Addlestone 18.1.30


In 1928

G-EBXA Avro 504K   G-EBXA Wm Beardmore & Co Ltd>North British Aviation Co Ltd /Hooton 00.03.28 Wfu 18.12.33  
G-EBXB DH.60X Moth 592 G-EBXB de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 22.03.28 Sold Argentina 29.3.28 (possibly R-112)
G-EBXC RAF SE5A   G-EBXC D-1635 Maj JC Savage /Hendon 29.03.28 Sold Germany 16.5.29
G-EBXD Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/121 G-EBXD A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Light Planes (Lancs) Ltd >RG Davies/Woodford 00.03.28 Canc 12.37  
G-EBXE Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/123 G-EBXE Norfolk & Norwich AC >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Universal Aircraft Services Ltd >FR Wilson/Sywell 00.03.28 Dbf in hangar fire Brooklands 24.10.36
G-EBXF DH.60X Moth 609 G-EBXF de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Bristol & Wessex AC >N Edgar/Bristol Air Port 31.03.28 Sold abroad 12.34 (ICAN quotes c/n 612)


Kings Cup 1930

DH.60X Moth 615 G-EBXG de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Handley Page Ltd (slot trials)>MDL Scott /Reading>National Flying Services Ltd/ Hanworth >Nottingham FC 04.04.28 Crashed Chilwell 3.11.34
G-EBXH Supermarine Seagull III N9653 G-EBXH Coastal Flying Boat Services (J Tyllyer & F Wim)/Shoreham 03.04.28 Wfu 15.7.29 Scrapped .30
G-EBXI Supermarine Seagull III N9654 G-EBXI Coastal Flying Boat Services (J Tyllyer & F Wim)/Shoreham 03.04.28 Canc 15.6.28 to spares


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1929

Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/133 G-EBXJ SE-AEM unknown >unknown >HJV Ashworth/Tollerton >HH Selvey /Belper >DSF Hurt/Tollerton 00.04.28 Sold Sweden 10.35
G-EBXK Westland IV >Wessex WA1771 G-EBXK Westland Aircraft Works >National Aviation Day Displays Ltd/Ford 00.04.28 Wfu 3.5.36  
G-EBXL RAF SE5A   G-EBXL D-1632 PH-IMI D-EIMI Maj JC Savage /Hendon 17.04.28 Sold Germany 16.5.29
G-EBXM DH.53 Humming Bird 113 J7325 G-EBXM VK Wright/Farnborough >Capt AVC Douglas/Lympne 19.04.28 Wfu 8.31  
G-EBXN DH.53 Humming Bird 110 J7271 G-EBXN RAE Aero Club >RW Harker/ Cramlington >unknown >V Redwood /Bristol>J Gillet /Blackpool >ED Ward/Speke 00.04.28 Destroyed in hangar fire Hooton Park 8.7.40
G-EBXO Avro 594 Avian III R3/CN/124 G-EBXO Agra Engineering Co Ltd>WA Dawson/ Tollerton >Henlys Ltd >SH Holland/Gatwick 27.04.28 Wfu 6.2.35  
G-EBXP DH.60X Moth 626 G-EBXP G-CAXP NC9305 John Carberry & Trench /Nyeri Kenya 07.05.28 Sold Canada 7.28 Sold US .30
G-EBXR Airco DH.9 H9276 H9276 G-EBXR G-AUJA ADC Aircraft Ltd /Croydon 24.04.28 Sold Australia 11.28
G-EBXS DH.60X Moth 593 G-EBXS CWG Wood /Edgeware>London Aeroplane Club Ltd>L Lipton/ Stag Lane >J Stark /Broxbourne>A Senior /Sherburn >York County Aviation Club 27.04.28 Crashed Bramham Tadcaster 7.6.36 (c/n 345 in ICAN)
G-EBXT DH.60X Moth >DH.60G 548 G-EBXT AW157 The Midland Aero Club Ltd/Castle Bromwich 'Wulfrun'>Yapton Aero Club Ltd /Ford 30.04.28 Impressed 28.6.40 SOC 30.10.40 scrapped St Athan .41
G-EBXU DH.60X Moth Seaplane 627 G-EBXU Aircraft Operating Co Ltd /Rio de Janeiro 02.05.28 Seaplane. To Brasil .28 restored 31.12.92
G-EBXV Avro 504K   G-EBXV Western Aviation Co Ltd /Witney>Aviation Tours Ltd/ Ford 00.05.28

Wfu 22.3.33 Canc 4.37


Used for pleasure flights 1927-31

G-EBXW DH.60X Moth 594 G-EBXW C-PAAB CS-AAB RP Cooper/Stag Lane 02.05.28 Sold Portugal 14.6.28
G-EBXX Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/233 G-EBXX unknown >Liverpool & District AC >Merseyside Aero & Sports Co Ltd /Hooton >The Blackpool & West Coast Air Services Ltd/Squires Gate 00.05.28 Wfu 29.3.34  
G-EBXY Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/234 G-EBXY 2078M unknown >Liverpool & District AC >Merseyside Aero & Sports Co Ltd /Hooton >The Blackpool & West Coast Air Services Ltd/Squires Gate >J Proctor /Squires Gate>Avian Purchase Syndicate/ Middleton Sands >Blackpool & Fylde Aero Club Ltd 00.05.28 Impressed 20.12.39
G-EBXZ Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/235 G-EBXZ G-AUHX VH-UHX A.V Roe & Co Ltd 11.05.28 Sold Australia 12.6.28
G-EBYA Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/134 G-EBYA unknown >A.V Roe & Co Ltd >EG Hayes/Shrewsbury 00.05.28 Wfu 4.7.29  
G-EBYB Avro 504K   G-EBYB Gnat Aero Co Ltd >Southern Aircraft Ltd >Southern Aero Club /Shoreham 00.05.28 Wfu 2.10.31 scrapped 2.33
G-EBYC Hawker Heron II 1B J6989 G-EBYC HG Hawker Engineering Co Ltd 15.05.28 Hit car Hendon 20.7.28 Canc 1.30
G-EBYD DH.60X Moth 672 G-EBYD London Aeroplane Club Ltd 17.05.28 Broke up in air nr Stag Lane 3.8.28 two killed
G-EBYE Avro 504K   G-EBYE Henderson Flying School Ltd >Midland Aero Flights Ltd /Studley >RH Jackson /Charlecote>Brooklands School of Flying Ltd 00.05.28 Crashed Brixton 2.2.31
G-EBYF Armstrong Whitworth Atlas I AW346 G-EBYF G-ACAI VR-HCD Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd 23.05.28 Canc 11.32 rebuilt with c/n AW.830 and sold Hong Kong 12.35
G-EBYG DH.60X Moth 337 G-EBYG Scottish Flying Club Ltd>WHB deM Leathes/ Brooklands 29.05.28 Dbf Kenya .30  
G-EBYH DH.60X Moth 338 G-EBYH Bristol & Wessex AC >George Baillie/ Heston 29.05.28 Crashed Theydon Bois 25.1.37 two killed
G-EBYI Fokker F.VIIa-3m 5063 H-NAEK G-EBYI DH Drew (pilot for A Lowenstein) 30.05.28 Dbr in forced landing Tombe Channel Sudan 11.28


Kings Cup 1929

DH.60X Moth 647 G-EBYJ Maj JC Savage >HR Law/Hendon 04.06.28 Crashed nr Lyons France en route India 24.9.29


Kings Cup 1928

DH.60G Gipsy Moth 825 G-EBYK de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd >Mrs V Baring /Heston>PE Noble/ Heston 00.06.28

Crashed Arborfield 18.7.31

G-EBYL Bristol 89A Trainer 7265 G-EBYL Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 04.06.28 Wfu 3.10.33  
G-EBYM Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/151 G-EBYM M-CAAE EC-AAE A.V Roe & Co Ltd 11.06.28 Sold Spain 4.7.28
G-EBYN Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/152 G-EBYN M-CDDD EC-DDD A.V Roe & Co Ltd 11.06.28 Sold Spain 5.7.28
G-EBYO Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/153 G-EBYO A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Mrs E May Scott /Brooklands>Mrs Vera Brailey/ Wenvoe 11.06.28 Crashed St.Lythams 13.12.31


Kings Cup 1928

Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/154 G-EBYP A.V Roe & Co Ltd >F Gough /Mousehold>unknown >JG Crammond/ Heston >WF Jennings/Croydon 11.06.28 Wfu 28.9.32  


Kings Cup 1928

Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/155 G-EBYR G-AUJY VH-UJY A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Edgar Percival /Sydney Australia 11.06.28 Sold Australia 5.7.28
G-EBYS DH.60G Gipsy Moth 829 G-EBYS ZS-ABO Capt SS Halse/ Plymouth 28.07.28 Sold South Africa 9.28 Crashed Isipingo 25.5.33


Kings Cup 1928

Bristol 83E 7266 G-EBYT Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 15.06.28 Scrapped 12.29


Kings Cup 1928

Simmonds Spartan 1 G-EBYU OE Simmonds /Woolston >Simmonds Aircraft Ltd 23.06.28

Dbr in forced landing Bury St.Edmunds 10.3.29


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1930

DH.60X Moth Seaplane > DH.60G 648 G-EBYV EI-AAG G-EBYV Maj AA Nathan /Edgeware>Fl Off KE & J Parker/ Gosport >Iona National AW /Dublin >Newcastle upon Tyne Light AC 23.06.28 Sold Ireland 7.6.31 restored 16.9.32 Crashed Medomsley 30.6.36
G-EBYW Avro 504K   G-EBYW Surrey Flying Services Ltd >Aviation Tours Ltd /Croydon>EG Clark/ Kinmel Bay N. Wales 00.06.28 Wfu 11.6.35 Canc 3.38
G-EBYX Vickers 134 Vellore I >166 1 J8906 G-EBYX The Air Council 31.07.28

Crashed Cape Don NT 26.5.29


Kings Cup 1928

Cierva C.8L II (Avro 611) G-EBYY Air Cmdr JG Weir /Hamble 21.06.28

To France 18.9.28 Canc 4.30 Preserved Musee de l'Air Paris

G-EBYY Cierva Autogyro Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1928


Kings Cup 1928

Kings Cup 1930

DH.60G Gipsy Moth 801 G-EBYZ Air Taxis Ltd >Marshalls Automobile Engineers Ltd /Cambridge 18.07.28

Crashed nr Cambridge 20.9.32

G-EBZA Avro 504K   G-EBZA LJ Sky Trips Ltd >DW School of Flying Ltd/Yapton 13.07.28 Wfu 10.4.31  
G-EBZB Avro 504K H2262 H2262 G-EBZB Surrey Flying Services Ltd >MW Allenby/Wilmington 00.07.28 Wfu 11.33  
G-EBZC DH.60X Moth 678 G-EBZC AW158 Lady Mary Heath >London Aeroplane Club Ltd>Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd/Woodley >Yapton Aero Club 03.07.28 Wfu 24.8.39 Impressed 28.6.40 SOC 30.10.40 scrapped St Athan .41


Kings Cup 1928

Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/161 G-EBZD Airways Publication Ltd/Croydon >CM Brown/Croydon 17.07.28 Crashed Carshalton 2.4.31
G-EBZE DH.60X Moth 643 G-EBZE de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd>EH Freshfield/ Brooklands >J Cattley /Brooklands>J Stark/ Broxbourne 06.07.28 Wfu 9.5.33  
G-EBZF DH.60X Moth 644 G-EBZF M-CAAK EC-AAK de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 06.07.28 Sold Spain 27.7.28
G-EBZG DH.60X Moth 676 G-EBZG JS Oliver /Edgeware>Ms MFMF Thomas/ Shoreham >AEJ Lytton (Viscount Knebworth) /Hendon > R Graham/ Heston >Flt Lt HMA Day /Abu Sueir 06.07.28 Wfu Abu Sueir 24.5.38
G-EBZH DH.60X Moth 679 G-EBZH D-2298 D-E? LJP Fowler /Edgeware >Brooklands School of Flying Ltd 09.07.28 Sold Germany 7.32 Crashed landing Berlin 4.3.34
G-EBZI DH.60X Moth 650 G-EBZI EH Thierry /Edgeware>GW Harben /Hanworth >Scottish Eastern Aircraft Services Ltd/Earlston >Witney & Oxford AC 06.07.28 Crashed nr Witney 12.8.37
G-EBZJ Fokker F.VIIb-3m 5087 H-NAEL G-EBZJ Maj AP Holt 04.07.28 Lost over the sea 4.9.29


originally intended for an attempt on the world long-distance record

Bristol 109 7268 G-EBZK R-2 The Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd 04.07.28

Canc 12.31 scrapped

G-EBZL DH.60X Moth 682 G-EBZL AW159 2704M Handley Page Ltd >PW Hoare >GR Boyd Carpenter/ Kano Nigeria >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >CA Nepean Bishop & ptnrs >HC Paul Ltd /Brooklands >Yapton AC 09.07.28 Impressed 28.6.40 Scrapped RAF Halton 29.4.44
G-EBZM Avro 594 Avian IIIA R3/CN/160 G-EBZM A.V Roe & Co Ltd >Merseyside Aero & Sports Co Ltd >JE Lascelles /Wittering >CM Norman - AST Club/Hamble >Giro Aviation Co Ltd/Hesketh Park 00.07.28 Wfu 20.1.38 Preserved Northern Aircraft Preservation Society
G-EBZN DH.60X Moth 553 G-EBWC (G-EBZN) Cinque Ports Flying Club Ltd/Lympne 09.07.28 ntu-Destroyed Lympne 7.7.28
G-EBZO DH.60X Moth 683 G-EBZO JD Roberts /Edgeware 14.07.28 Crashed landing Auchterarder 16.7.29
G-EBZP DH.60X Moth 681 G-EBZP Hon DF Tennant /Edgeware>N Holden/ Chichester >Lt Cmdr CE Lambe /Hamble >GS Thirsk /Hanton >Witney & Oxford AC 14.07.28 Destroyed in hangar fire Witney 27.10.36
G-EBZR DH.60G Gipsy Moth 844 G-EBZR VP-YAM ZS-AEY SAAF1499 William Whiteley Ltd 'Safari II'>Auto Distributors Ltd /Stag Lane >G Thornton Norris /Heston>PM Goghari/ Croydon >CT Berry /Stag Lane >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd 00.07.28 Sold Rhodesia 6.33
G-EBZS DH.60X Moth 684 G-EBZS de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 23.07.28 Crashed nr Radlett 18.7.29
G-EBZT DH.60X Moth 685 G-EBZT OY-DUD Aircraft Operating Co Ltd /Edgeware >Aerofilms Ltd/Stag Lane 23.07.28 Sold Denmark 22.5.31 Seized by Germans 12.43
G-EBZU DH.60X Moth 686 G-EBZU de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd >Northern Air Transport Ltd 23.07.28 Crashed Irlam 9.10.32
G-EBZV Junkers F13 fe 2024 G-EBZV SE-AFW Rt Hon FE Guest >GLP Henderson /Croydon >Lissant Beardmore/ Feltham >Lord Semphill /London Air Park 12.07.28 Sold Sweden 4.37
G-EBZW DH.60X Moth 687 G-EBZW Norfolk & Norwich Aero Club Ltd 23.07.28 Crashed Mousehold 19.5.32
G-EBZX DH.60X Moth 649 G-EBZX Polish AF as 6 SP-ALH de Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd 26.07.28 Sold Poland 31.8.28 Canc 7.11.35
G-EBZY DH.60G Gipsy Moth 806 G-EBZY ZK-ABV PW Hoare /Stag Lane 28.07.28 Sold Fiji 15.9.29 Crashed Miramar Golf Course 3.12.37
G-EBZZ DH.60X Moth 691 G-EBZZ Capt RS Rattray 'Ashanti' /Gold Coast>JR Ashwell-Cooke/ Lympne >JC Place >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >VN Dickinson >Phillips & Powis Aircraft (Reading) Ltd >AR Frogley /Broxbourne 01.08.28 Crashed Stansted Abbots 23.6.34
G-EDCA DH.60 Moth 379 J8818 G-EDCA J8818 The Air Council /Hendon (Directorate of Civil Aviation) 13.10.27 Returned to RAF 2.28
G-EDCA DH.60X Moth 529 G-EDCA The Air Council /Hendon (Directorate of Civil Aviation) 22.02.28 Returned to RAF 12.2.30
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